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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan PajÄ…k
Formal scientific proof for the existence of UFO starships
Part #C: Presentation of the photographic evidence with the use of which it is formally proven that UFO vehicles in fact do exists objectively:
#C1: The correspondence of shapes of individual UFOs to solo flying Magnocraft:
UFO vehicles never pose for photographs. Obtaining a clear photograph of these extraterrestrial vehicles always has an accidental character, that bases on a surprise and on a bit of someone's luck. This means that the biggest challenge of the proof carried out here, is to overcome the extreme difficulties and to obtain legible photographs of UFO vehicles. The situation is even worsen by the fact that there is a whole range of factors at work, which distort the objective picture of UFO vehicles (these distorting factors are discussed in subsection P2.1.1). However, in spite of all this, throughout the years a number of legible photos of UFOs have gradually been accumulated. If someone knowing the Magnocraft reviews these photographs, then it becomes immediately evident, that the shapes of discoidal UFOs correspond to the shape of the Magnocraft in every detail. Thus this correspondence of shapes of both vehicles is the first attribute that we are going to compare in the formal proof presented here.
Below, for the photographic documenting this identicity I am providing one UFO photograph and one drawing of the Magnocraft. Here these are:
Img.120 (#C1a)
Img.121 (#C1b)
Img.120/ Img.121 (#C1ab): The comparison of shape of a discoidal UFO type K3 with discoidal Magnocraft type K3 of the first generation. In order to facilitate this comparison, the Magnocraft shown on the web page Magnocraft is here slanted to obtain approximately the same orientation as the UFO vehicle has.
Img.120 (#C1a)):A starship type K3 popularly known as a UFO vehicle. The UFO photograph shown here was selected from a sequence of four colour pictures taken by Augusto Arranda near Yungay, Peru, in March 1967 - see the book [1Fig.P1] and [2P2] by Ronald D. Story (editor): "The Encyclopedia of UFOs", New English Library, London 1980, ISBN 0-450-04118-2, page 39. The entire sequence of Arranda photographs presents two UFOs type K3 captured in the various stages of their decoupling and flying in opposite directions (before these photographs were taken both vehicles flown coupled into a spherical flying complex shown e.g. in Img.705 (#C2c). Both vehicles fly in the throbbing mode of operation, thus their hulk and shape are clearly visible. The geometrical analysis shows the striking similarities of these K3 type UFOs to the Magnocraft type K3 - see the right part of this Figure. The outline of this UFO reminds us of an inverted saucer, the base of which is positioned perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field force lines. In the centre of this vehicle the topside convex is clearly distinguishable (in the Magnocraft this central part it houses the crew cabin and the central propulsion compartment where the main propulsor is located). The UFO also possesses a lens shaped flange that fastens around the vehicle's base. In the Magnocraft type K3 this flange houses n=8 side propulsors.
Img.121 (#C1b): The appearance of the smallest Magnocraft type K3 illustrated in the same position as the UFO from Img.120 (#C1a).
Please notice that the above illustration is also discussed on Img.179 (#11ab) and Img.120 (#12) from the totaliztic web page Tapanui
and also on Img.591 (#9ab) of the web page Propulsion, where the reader can learn further details about both vehicles illustrated here.
* * *
#C2. The identity of observable arrangements of coupled UFOs and Magnocraft:
It is confirmed on a huge body of evidence that UFOs are also able to create all the arrangements, which were theoretically deduced for the Magnocrafts and described in subsection F3 from volume 3 of monograph [1/4], while illustrated in Img.364/191/367/196/198/204 (#5abcdef) from the web page Propulsion.
The most frequently observed arrangement of UFOs is the spherical flying complex - shown below in Img.185b/186/705 (#C2abc). In numerous photographs of such complexes not only both vehicles are visible, but also the double flange which fastens the complex around its central (horizontal) plane of symmetry can be distinguished - for the appearance of this flange see also Img.154/155/123 (#C1abc) from the totaliztic web page UFO activities on the Earth (i.e. Figure P26 from monograph [1/4]).
Img.185b (#C2a)
Img.186 (#C2b)
Img.705 (#C2c)
Img.185b/186/705 (#C2abc): The comparison of spherical flyingcomplex coupled together from two UFOs type K6 and photographed over Sweden by Lars Thorn on 6 May 1971, with the appearance and configuration of a spherical flying complex of two Magnocrafts type K3.
Img.185b (#C2a): The enlargement of the section from the photograph by Lars Thorn, showing the UFO vehicle hovering on the background of a landscape. (Please ntice that the entire Thorn's photograph can be viewed at Img.185 (#D2a) from the totaliztic web page Interpretation UFO photographs.) On this enlargement the correctness of equation (F10) from [1/4] for the "K" coefficient can be verified. (For a spherical flying complexes this equation takes the form (F17): K=2D/H.) For UFOs and Magnocrafts type K6 this "K" coefficient takes the value of K=6.
Img.186 (#C2b): The reconstruction of the appearance and shape of this spherical complex of UFOs from the Thorn's photograph, prepared on the basis of a computer analysis of the photograph by the Stockholm investigating group called GICOFF. This reconstruction, together with the above photographs, is published on page 81 in the book [1P2] by Adolf Schneider and Hubert Malthaner: "Das Geheimnis der unbeakannten Flugobjekte", Hermann Bauer Verlag KG - Freiburg im Breisgau, West Germany, 1976, ISBN 3 7626 0197 6. It very clearly reveals the double flange that fastens the resultant complex half way of its height. This flange is formed through coupling together the lens-shaped side flanges of both vehicles. In the lower vehicle, the outlet from the main propulsor is visible. In the upper vehicle four so-called "black bars" are visible as they stem from side propulsors. (Such "black bars" are also illustrated in Img.625/191 (#C10ab) below.)
Img.705 (#C2c): The theoretically predicted appearance of a spherical flying complex formed from two Magnocrafts type K3 (instead from two UFOs type K6 shown on the Thorn's photo). A spherical flying complex of Magnocrafts (and UFOs) is obtained when two vehicles of the same type magnetically couple with each other by their floors. (The theoretical shape and appearance of Magnocrafts type K6 is illustrated in Figures F13 and F25 from monograph [1/4].)
In the lower part of this drawing shown is a cut-away in the spherical complex of Magnocrafts type K3 that illustrates the theoretical principle of formation of such a complex. Shown are: the orientation of magnetic poles (N, S) in the main propulsor (M) and in subsequent side propulsors (U); mutual location of crew cabins (1, 2) of both vehicles; "onion charcoal" (C) which in special circumstances settles on the (N) outlet from the main propulsor; and the so-called "angel's hair" (A) which is a kind of jelly hydraulic substance (similar to white from eggs) positioned between both vehicles in order to neutralize forces of mutual attraction between their main propulsors. The onion charcoal pills from UFOs during landing. In turn angel's chair fall down after both vehicles separate from each other. The silky strands of angel's chair can frequently be spotted when they lie on fields or hang from trees before they have the time to evaporate.
It is worth to notice that the above photograph and drawings are discussed comprehensively in caption under the illustration "Fig. 9a-d" from volume 13 of monograph [1/4], and also in subsection P2.2 of that monograph [1/4], where the reader can learn further details about vehicles illustrated above. In turn a spherical flying complex of Magnocrafts and UFOs is also discussed in Img.185 (#D2) from the totaliztic web page Interpretation UFO photographs.
#C3. The same location of propulsors in UFOs and in Magnocraft:
There is a wealth of evidence available, which documents that in UFOs the propulsors are located in exactly the same place as in the Magnocrafts. Also the number "n" and the orientation of propulsors in UFOs are identical as in Magnocrafts.
The first group of such evidence consists of photographs of UFOs in which the areas of glowing air indicate the location of propulsors. Perhaps the best known of these photographs is the one taken over Butterworth, Malaysia, and subsequently published in the 4th January 1979 edition of the newspaper "National Echo", Penang. A copy of this photograph was presented in the MUFON UFO Journal, February 1980 issue, page 8. This photograph is shown in "Fig. #C3" below (while originally it was shown in Figure P15 from monograph [1/4]). A similar photograph, only that capturing a UFO of a slightly different type from a side view (not from below), was also taken in New Zealand above a small fishing village called Motunau Beach - see in Img.201 (#C4a).
Img.613 (#C3a)
Img.614 (#C3b)
Img.613/614 (#C3ab): Comparison of the location of propulsors in a UFO type K3 and in a Magnocraft type K3.The location of propulsors is revealed due to patches of glowing air that is ionised by a powerful magnetic field which outlets from these propulsors yield to the environment. The above photograph documents that propulsors of Magnocrafts and UFOs are located identically. It is worth to notice, that if the glow on outlets from these propulsors is photographed in colours, then it has a yellow or orange colour at outlets from north "N" magnetic poles of all propulsors, and a green or blue at poles "S" from all propulsors. Just such colours are documented in Img.626/627 (#C11ab) from the further part of this web page.
Img.613 (#C3a): A UFO type K3 photographed from beneath while hovering over Butterworth, Malaysia, on 3 January, 1979. The above photograph was published in the January 4 1979 edition of the "National Echo", Penang, Malaysia, and subsequently reproduced in the February 1980 issue of the "Mufon UFO Journal", page 8. The original copy of this photograph turned out to be impossible for getting hold of, thus I am showing here only its newspaper copy. It shows the glowing areas appearing at outlets from the vehicle's propulsors. (Although the lowest of these propulsors did NOT ionise the air at the moment of taking this photograph, but that it does exist in this UFO it is indicated by an empty space which it occupied.) The photograph allows us to determine the location (and number "n") of these propulsors in the vehicle's shell. The mutual orientation of the propulsors (the main one is placed in the centre of the UFO and is surrounded by n=8 side propulsors), also their number and positioning in relation to the edges of the shell, correspond exactly to the details of the K3 type of Magnocraft shown in part "b".
It is worth to mention that there is a significant number of similar photographs which also show UFO propulsors taken from different angles and ion different modes of operation (e.g. at the moment of taking them the air is ionised only under some of these propulsors) - (Img.717).
Img.614 (#C3b): A drawing of the Magnocraft type K3 seen from underneath. It shows the location of vehicle's propulsors during special atmospheric conditions (i.e. evening, low light, moist air). The location of propulsors is then disclosed by the glow of the air ionised by a powerful magnetic field at outlets from these propulsors. When the light is subdued these layers should be visible even with the naked eyes. Blackened areas (marked U, V, W, X) indicate the outlets of the side magnetic propulsors. When the Magnocraft flies in the Southern Hemisphere, the side propulsors should emit a reddish-yellow light because their North (N) magnetic poles are oriented downwards. Crossed lines show the outlet of the main propulsor (marked M), which in the Southern Hemisphere should emit a blue green light because its South (S) magnetic pole points downwards. Note that these colours are reversed (i.e. a reddish yellow replaces a blue green and vice verse) when the Magnocraft flies in the inverted position or changes hemispheres. Also, when viewed from overhead, the outlets of the same propulsors have colours which are the reverse of those seen from below.
It is worth to notice that a photograph of a UFO similar to the above one, only that taken at night, is also presented in Img.613 (#C3a) from the totaliztic web page Interpretation UFO photographs.
#C4. The utilization of magnetic interactions for producing the propelling forces:
UFOs, similarly as Magnocraft do, utilize the principles of magnetic attraction and repulsion for producing the propelling forces. Such use of forces of magnetic interactions by the propulsion system of UFOs, induces a number of manifestations, which are now able to be clearly identified. The most important of these manifestations is the formation of magnetic circuits. The presence of these circuits in UFOs can be revealed on photographs. Amongst numerous photographs showing these magnetic circuits, the most evidential is the one taken by Enrique Hausmann over Mallorka, Spain. It is shown in Img.616 (#C4b) (originally in Figure P19 (D) from monograph [1/4]). It presents the octagonal outlet from the main propulsor of a K6 type UFO, from which spreads five spirals of the spinning field's strands. These strands are formed from the force lines of the UFO's main magnetic circuits - see the photograph from Img.616 (#C4c).
Similar spiral strands of force lines, which ionise particles of gas, are also captured on the NASA photograph of a UFO shown in Figure P29 from monograph [1/4]. The Hausmann's photograph shows the UFO's magnetic circuits in an overhead view. There are other pictures also available, which show the magnetic circuits of UFOs in a different views. Their best example is the photograph from Img.201 (#C4a) - and compare it with the upper part of Img.616 (#C4c).
Img.201 (#C4a)
Img.615 #C4b)
Img.616 (#C4c)
Img.121/615/616 (#C4abc): The comparison of glowing "magnetic circuits" of UFOs to "magnetic circuits" of Magnocrafts. Such "magnetic circuits" are theoretically predicted for the Magnocrafts. Thus in order to formally prove that "UFOs are already constructed and operational Magnocrafts", such "magnetic circuits" must be also present in UFOs. After making these circuits to spin, the force lines of their magnetic field form a kind of spinning brushes which at the moment of hovering these vehicles above the surface of the Earth sweeps thoroughly this surface. Such a "magnetic brush", amongst others, bends and directs precisely all blades of grass, thus forming the characteristic UFO landing sites known as "crop circles".
Img.121 (#C4a): A night time photograph of two UFOs type K6 coupled into a "flying cluster". It was published in the Journal [5P2] "UFO Sightings" (S.J. Publications, Inc., 1141 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10001, USA), January 1981 edition, page 15. This photo is the best presentation known to the author of the magnetic circuits of a UFO shown from the side view that is also illustrated in the upper part of "Fig. #C4c". It definitely confirms that the strands of magnetic field force lines join the outlet from the vehicle's main propulsor with the outlets from side propulsors. The course of these magnetic circuits is visible because they ionise the air with their powerful magnetic field, which (the ionised air) glows within the volume of these magnetic circuits.
Img.615 (#C4b): The photograph of the central section in a UFO type K6 flying in the "magnetic whirl" mode of operation. It was taken by Enrique Hausmann over Mallorka (Palma Island), Spain, on 24 April 1950 - see the book [1P2] by Adolf Schneider and Hubert Malthaner: "Das Geheimnis der unbeakannten Flugobjekte", Hermann Bauer Verlag KG Freiburg im Breisgau, West Germany, 1976, ISBN 3 7626 0197 6, page 218. The UFO travelled from east to west, appeared to rotate, and produced a loud buzzing sound. The photograph captures, from below, an outlet of the vehicle's main propulsor of the second generation (i.e. shaped into an octagon - see also Fig. C3b and Fig. C8(2i) in monograph [1/4]). Five strands of spinning force lines of the main "magnetic circuits" are spiralling radial from this outlet. At the edges of the photograph, each one of these five strands splits into three separate streams of the field's force lines. Notice that each middle stream engages more energy from the field than the two side streams. This results from the sinusoidal distribution of the outputs from the vehicle's side propulsors (to see why compare the above photograph with Figure F25 (c) and with the description from subsection F7.2 of monograph [1/4]).
Img.616 (#C4c): In the upper part the Magnocraft type K6 (i.e. for which K=D/H=6) is shown in a side view. It illustrates the side appearance of its whirling magnetic circuits. The polarity N, S of its propulsors is indicated. All three "magnetic circuits" are present and shown in one of their many possible positions. The location of the field's strands reflects the situation shown in the lower part (B) of the same diagram.
In the lower part of this diagram shown are whirling magnetic circuits of the Magnocraft type K6 in an overhead view. By a broken line marked is the section of the vehicle which was captured on the photograph from part Img.615 (#C4b) of this illustration. Notice that the thickness of the successive strands of the field has a sinusoidal distribution. For example, if the side propulsors "V" (with the "blackened" outlet) have their maximal output, the propulsors next to them (i.e. "U" and "W" - with "dotted" outlets) are in the mean value of their output, whereas propulsors "X" (with "unmarked" outlets) produce no output at all, while propulsors next to them repeats such a sinusoidal output cycle, etc. This sinusoidal distribution of the magnetic field reflected in the thickness of strands that link the main propulsor with side propulsors, is caused by the 90 degrees phase shift in pulsations of subsequent side propulsors. Spirals formed by such whirling strands of magnetic field that change their thickness sinusoidal, are similar to shapes of streams of water spread by a spinning garden sprinkler.
#C5. The formation of a pulsating magnetic field by propulsors of both considered vehicles:
UFOs not only utilise a strong magnetic field for producing lifting and stabilization forces, but this field also pulsates similarly to the one produced by the propulsors of the Magnocrafts.
The best photographic confirmation of the pulsating character of the magnetic output from UFOs, is provided by the night time pictures that reveal the multiple images of these vehicles - see Img.617 (#C5a). The principles used for the obtaining of such multiple images are explained for Magnocrafts in Img.618 (#C5b).
Img.617 (#C5a)
Img.618 (#C5b)
Img.617/618 (#C5ab): Pulsating magnetic field of UFOs. This is one example in the large class of UFO photographs, all of which document the pulsating character of the UFOs' magnetic field. On each picture from this large class (in monograph [1/4] several of them is reproduced), it is only possible to see the fragment of the vehicle's "magnetic circuit", which is oriented in the direction of the photographer. (The formation of "magnetic circuits" in UFOs and Magnocrafts is explained in Img.201/615/616 (#C4) and Img.130/202 (#C6). Notice that because of poor light conditions (night or evening) and the high speed of the photographed UFOs, the above pictures only capture flashes of the air ionized by the strands of the pulsating magnetic field, whereas the vehicles' shell remains invisible. The scientific analysis of flashes shown here can be a source of precious information about the control over "twin-chamber capsules" composed of UFOs' Oscillatory Chamber.
Img.617 (#C5a): A photograph of very fast moving UFO, taken by Ken Chamberlain over the southwest part of the freeway called "the outerbelt" that encircles Columbus, Ohio, USA, near a small town called Grove City, about 10 p.m. on 17 October 1973. (Description of this photograph can be found in the earlier referred book [1P2] page 205, while originally the photograph was published on the front page of "The Columbus Dispatch", issue dated on 18 October 1973.) This photograph shows a row of flashes identical to these that are explained below for part "b" of this Img.617/618 (#C5). Please notice that there is a huge number of night photographs of UFOs, which all document similar flashes of "magnetic circuits" of these UFOs. Only that on these other photographs UFO vehicles flew with a different orientation and in a different direction. Thus towards the photographer were directed different sections of their "magnetic circuits - which produced on films shapes that are different from the shape explained in the drawing from Img.618 (#C5b). For these further examples of such flashes see photographs which in my monograph [1/4] were shown in Img.137 (P18-(3) or on Figure P18-4).
Img.618 (#C5b): Explanations of principles for the formation of such multiple images from a single "magnetic circuit" on night photographs of Magnocrafts (and also UFO spaceship) taken during the "throbbing" mode of operation of these vehicles. Originally this explanation is published in Figure F29 from volume 3 of monograph [1/4]. In subsequent parts of this illustration are explained:
(a) Outline of the Magnocraft (or a UFO) with an indication of the layer of glowing air which flashes when being ionized along a side "magnetic circuit" (i.e. along the path of magnetic field force lines which join the opposite outlets of the same side propulsor). Because this layer of the air "flashes" in rhythm of pulsations of the magnetic field yield to the environment by a given side propulsor, while each "flash" lasts just a short moment of time, the fast
motion of the vehicle leaves a chain of such flashes spread along the trajectory this vehicle follows. Symbols appearing on this part of the drawing:
V - speed vector, T - period of pulsation of the magnetic flux (F) generated by side propulsors of this vehicle, t - time.
(b) An illustration which documents what would contain a photograph of this spacecraft taken at night. Only the flashes from the air ionized by the magnetic circuit of a side propulsor are visible in darkness. The spreading of these flashes indicates the movement of the propulsor during the time of film exposure.
(c) A curve F=f(t) of a variation in time (t) of the magnetic flux (F) produced by the side propulsor of the Magnocraft. This variation corresponds to the "beat type curve" that is formed in the result of mutual subtraction of two sinusoidal curves (for more comprehensive description of principles and reasons of this subtraction see the operation of so-called "twin-chamber capsule" formed from Oscillatory Chamber of Magnocraft's propulsors - presented in subsection C7.1 and in Figure C7 of my monograph [1/4]).
Such a "beat-type curve" is composed from a straight line (i.e. the constant magnetic flux of the value "Fo"), onto which every period "T" is superimposed a short "pulse" of the amplitude ΔF. The magnetic field whose intensity pulsates according to such a "beat-type curve" ionizes the air only when its value goes through a next "peak". Therefore layers of air ionized by a vehicle's magnetic circuits must appear as a chain of individual flashes visible in part (a) of this drawing (instead of a continuous glow).
#C6. The formation of magnetic circuits:
Similarly as Magnocraft do, also UFOs form numerous magnetic circuits. The documentary value of these circuits depends on their forming into loops that close through clearance of subsequent propulsors of these vehicles. Only in case when UFOs use a purely magnetic propulsion system, identical to the propulsion system of the Magnocrafts, they are going to form magnetic circuits. In case of any other propulsion system, such circuits would not be formed, while the possible distribution of a field around the vehicle would be completely different than such a distribution around the Magnocrafts.
The best documentation of the existence of magnetic circuits in UFOs, are photographs which capture these circuits. There are numerous photographs which show such circuits in UFOs. Their most spectacular examples illustrate this item #C4. They are shown in Img.201/615/616 (#C4abc).
The existence of magnetic circuits in UFOs is also excellently documented on landings of these vehicles in crops. As this is explained e.g. in subsection F11 from monograph [1/4], the so-called
"crop circles" and "pictograms" found in crop fields of England, in fact are marks formed through pushing down of crops by force lines of concentrated magnetic field from these magnetic circuits. Therefore Img.130/202 (#C6ab) below is another confirmation for the existence of magnetic circuits in UFOs.
Img.130 (#C6a)
Img.202 (#C6b)
Img.130/202 (#C6ab): Examples of UFO landing sites formed during low-level hovering of "flying clusters" of UFOs above surface of crops. Such UFO landing sites in crops are popularly called the "crop circles" or erroneously "pictograms". The above examples illustrate the existence of "magnetic circuits" in UFO vehicles. After all, these are strands of force lines of magnetic field from these magnetic circuits that work like huge "brushes" which gently bend towards the ground every blade of the crop that stand on the paths of these spinning magnetic circuits.
Img.130 (#C6a)): A photograph of a "crop circle" formed by a flying cluster of UFOs type K6. The above circles, having a total length of almost 50 meters, were photographed in 1990 at Longwood Estate, Southern England. It is worth noticing that the circles shown here include all the elements explained in the right illustration (i.e. Img.202 (#C6b)). The only difference is that this crop circle has two "tail" marks formed by the circuit of rotary stabilization (Ts) which in UFOs fulfils the same function as the "tail" propellers in present helicopters - these marks are located by both units positioned almost perpendicularly to the main axis of the landing. Furthermore, this UFO landing does NOT have marks from the "tuning" circuits (marked "3" in the right Img.202 (#C6b)) - means that the "depth" of this landing was higher from the span of these tuning circuits "3".
Img.202 (#C6b): simultaneously represents a basic link in every larger flying cluster. Illustrated is one of the simplest cases of the linear clustering together of two spherical complexes type K6. The main advantages of the resultant configuration include: ability to couple together the Magnocraft (or UFOs) of any possible arrangements and types (not only spherical complexes shown here), preserving the original configurations of vehicles that form the cluster, and flying the whole cluster with only one pilot. A flying cluster is obtained through the magnetic bonding of a number of independent vehicles which do not touch one another. Such bonding without physical contact is obtained by the formation of two opposite types of magnetic circuits: i.e. those that repel coupled vehicles (see circuits labelled (2) that are shown with a broken line) and those that simultaneously attract the vehicles (i.e. circuits (3) to (6)). The function of the links for these circuits is performed by "unstable units", i.e. vehicles whose propulsors produce only lifting and attraction forces (i.e. no stabilization forces) - see the complex on the right. Note that any other vehicles or arrangements can be attached in addition to the above cluster, with the condition that between every two stable units an unstable unit is placed to link them together.
In the upper part (a) of this drawing, a side appearance of a simplest linear cluster is shown. Illustrated are: the polarization of propulsors (N, S) in the coupled vehicles characteristic for the Northern Hemisphere; examples of magnetic circuits that provide each class of interactions required between both vehicles (i.e. separating (2), holding (4) to (6), tuning (3), and compensating (Ts)); and the penetration of the ground (G-G) by these circuits (this penetration causes the formation of very distinctive landing marks shown in part (b) from the lower part of the same drawing). Note that to keep this illustration simple it has not been shown that every side propulsor of the unstable unit is either linked with the main propulsor of the stable unit by a holding circuit (see (6)) or is involved in a tuning circuit.
In the lower part (b) an overhead view of a distinctive landing site which such a linear cluster produces if it hovers at a low height with the magnetic whirl mode of operation is illustrated. The labels link each characteristic element of this site with the appropriate class of magnetic circuits that produces this element. Note that a change in the height of the vehicles must result in a slight alteration of the site's shape and main features.
It is worth to notice that still another photographs of UFO landing sites in crops that were created in a manner similar to that illustrated above, are shown also in Img.130 (#D8c) and Img.203 (#D8d) from the totaliztic web page Interpretation UFO photographs.
#C7. The formation of a magnetic whirl:
There are also numerous photographs available, which prove that UFOs form a magnetic whirl identical to the one produced by the Magnocrafts. An excellent example of such a whirl was already presented in Img.202 (#C4b). The different photographs, which provide another type of evidence for the existence of these magnetic whirls in UFOs, are the so called "ionic pictures of a whirl" - see Img.619/620 (#C7) shown below. In such pictures of UFOs whirls, all the elements inferred theoretically for the whirl of the Magnocraft are present (compare Figure P20 to Figure F27 in monograph [1/4]). They include, amongst others: a block of the main swirling, a pillar of central swirling, upper and lower slipping points, etc. Notice that the correlating sizes of these elements depend on the type of UFO which created them and also on the manoeuvre that this UFO was actually performing.
Img.619 (#C7a)
Img.620 (#C7b)
Img.619/620 (#C7ab): A comparison of so-called "ionic picture of a magnetic whirl" in a landed UFO type K4, with the picture of the same magnetic whirl formed in a Magnocraft.
Img.619 (#C7a): A night time photograph of a landed UFO type K4 taken by an anonymous photographer in Genui, Italy, on 23 June 1963 - see page 184 in the book that in subsection P2.16 of monograph [1/4] is referred under the number [1P2]. For the first time the above photograph was published in the Journal "Domenica del Corriere", 8 September 1963. The above photograph perfectly illustrates the "ionic picture of the UFO's magnetic whirl" and its similarities to the Magnocrafts' "ionic picture of the magnetic whirl". Shown are all the elements characteristic for such an ionic picture of a whirl. The photograph also illustrates the three telescopic legs extended to support the landed vehicle, a ladder, and a set of periscopes allowing for the visual observation of the environment. Notice that the legs are located at an angle slanted towards the vehicle's base.
Img.620 (#C7b): An example of the "ionic picture of a whirl". This picture represents the apparent shape of the magnetic whirl surrounding an operational Magnocraft or UFO (illustrated above is a whirl formed by a motionless single Magnocraft type K3). The visible part of the ionic picture is formed from particles of ionized air (whose spin follows the rotation of force lines of the magnetic field around the central axis of the spacecraft). The outline of the vehicle is indicated by a broken line. Continuous lines illustrate the path of the three types of magnetic circuits formed from the output of the Magnocraft's (or UFO's) propulsors, i.e. C - central circuit looping through the main propulsor only; M - main circuits passing through the main and side propulsors; and S - side circuits looping through the side propulsors only. The force lines of these circuits are kept spinning permanently. The blackened areas indicate the shape which appears to an eye witness. The characteristic features of this shape are: 1 - the "upper slip point" of the central pillar; 2 - the pillar of central swirling; 3 - the block of main swirling; 4 - the flange of side swirling; 5 - the bulges of the lower part of the main swirling; 6 - the "lower slip point" usually concealed behind the main swirling and side swirling. Note that the motion of the Magnocraft (or UFO) may change (disperse) the visible shape of the magnetic whirl presented here. Manoeuvres of the Magnocraft (or UFO), or more strictly the change of proportion between output from the main propulsor and outputs from side propulsors, may also cause a distortion of the picture shown here.
It is worth to notice that photographs similar to the above one, that show in colours the "ionic pictures of a whirl", is presented also in Img.175 (#C5) and Img.178 (#C7) from the totaliztic web page Interpretation UFO photographs.
#C8. The induction of electric currents:
The ability of UFOs to induce electric currents is confirmed by the numerous side effects accompanying the appearance of these vehicles. Some of these effects have been discussed earlier, e.g. consider an inductive shield and the plasma whirl - see Img.619/620 (#C7ab) above. But there are also effects which directly involve the accumulation of electric charges. An example of these can be the electrical charging of non conductive materials, e.g. hair or clothing. Below is a description of the sighting that took place along Route 133 near Sagamore Hill, Ipswich, in the north east corner of Massachusetts, USA, on September 3, 1965 - see [4P2] page 143.
"As his car approached the crest of the hill overlooking Candlewood Golf Course, Dennis felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. As he reached the top of the hill and started down the other side, a feeling like static electricity coursed through his body. Simultaneously he was startled by a strange glow just off the road to his left. Moments later he was almost broadside to it. He noticed an object like an inverted saucer with a flat dome floating nearby. Surrounded by a weird grayish glow with a reddish tint, it seemed about 12 meters in diameter. Dennis continued his driving. He wanted no part of it."
Further numerous examples of inducing electric currents by propulsion system of UFOs can be found in an extensive literature on UFO subjects. This include hair standing on ends - see Img.621/209 (#C8ab) below, electrifying of the air - see descriptions from subsection U3.8 of monograph [1/4], and many further phenomena.
Img.621 (#C8a)
Img.209 (#C8b)
Img.621/209 (#C8ab): The illustration of effects of static electricity in the hair in an UFOnaut, induced by the magnetic personal propulsion of UFOnauts. Such electrified hair simply stand on ends - as this is visible in part "a" above.
Img.621 (#C8a): A UFOnaut calling himself "Ausso". This illustration presents Carl Higdon's recollection of the alien called "Ausso" who abducted him from the northern edge of the Medicine Bow National Forest (south of Rawlings), Wyoming, USA, on 25 October 1974. It is published in the book [3R1] by Joshua Strickland, "There are aliens on earth! Encounters", ISBN 0 448 15078 6, page 16. The alien was about 1.88 meters tall and weighed approximately 82 kilograms. He wore black shoes and was clad in a black, tight fitting overall that resembled a diver's wet suit, clasped by a heavy belt with a shining yellow six pointed star and an emblem below the star. "Ausso" was bow legged with a slanted head, no chin, and one long appendage in place of each hand. His hair was thin and stood straight up on his head. I believe that it was because his hair was electrified by the main propulsors in his epaulettes. This is because descriptions of that case suggest that he actually used the design of his personal propulsion system which utilised main propulsors located in epaulettes.
From the explanations by the Theory of the Magnocraft, "Ausso" wore a version of the personal propulsion garment with the main propulsors located in the epaulettes (note the reinforcing braces joining the belt with the epaulettes, and dark clouds of ionised air hovering just above his epaulettes). At the ends of his arms (i.e. in the appendages) additional enhancement propulsors were located (for aiding heavy physical work) - see Figure E4 "a" in monograph [1/4]. From the description available it can be deduced that these enhancement propulsors utilized a technological version of telekinesis.
Img.209 (#C8b): The version of "personal propulsion" with the main propulsors assembled in the epaulettes. Shown are: (1) one of the two main propulsors; (2) the eight segment belt housing the side propulsors; (3) one of the two bracelets placed on the joints of the wrists. These bracelets contain the additional enhancement propulsors (not used for flights) which multiply the user's physical strength when he or she performs heavy work. The drawing also illustrates a hood for the head - which is just to shield the hair of the user from the electrifying, and also bat-wings like pelerine sawed to the suit along the spine cord and back of sleeves - which aerodynamically increases the smoothness of flights (like a present day handglider). How such pelerines of UFOnauts do look like after they are spread for flights, it is revealed in "Fig. #4" /?/ from the web page St.Andrzej Bobola. Note that to strengthen the reliability and steadiness of this garment, sometimes two crossed braces (suspenders) can additionally join the belt with the epaulettes - visible in part "a" of the above illustration.
It is worth to notice that photographs of UFOnauts (but without hair standing on ends), are published also in Img.004 (#H2a) and Img.008 (#H4a) from the totaliztic web page Interpretation UFO photographs,
in "Fig. 1" to "Fig. 9" /?/ from the totaliztic web page Aliens, and in "Fig. #4" to "Fot. #6" /?/ from the totaliztic web page "St.Andrzej Bobola".
#C9. The ability of UFOs to operate in all three modes of the Magnocraft's operation:
There is vast body of evidence already available, which confirms that UFOs can operate in three different modes of operation in which the Magnocrafts are going to operate, namely in modes: (1) "throbbing", (2) "magnetic whirl", and (3) "magnetic lens". In each mode, the properties of UFOs correspond exactly to those of the Magnocraft when it operates in the same mode. (For details of these three modes of operation of the Magnocraft - see the descriptions from subsection F10 in monograph [1/4]). The photographic evidence documenting the operation of UFOs in a particular mode can be classified into two categories, depending on whether the particular picture was taken during daylight or at night.
In the daytime photographs of UFOs operating in the "throbbing" mode, the shapes and outlines of these vehicles are very clearly shown - see Img.120 (#C1a) or Img.185 (#C2a). But the daytime photographs of UFOs operating in the magnetic whirl mode reveal only various shapes of the "ionic picture of a magnetic whirl", behind which the real outlines of these vehicles are hidden - similar to the picture visible in Img.619 (#C7a).
With night time photography, the appearance of UFOs changes drastically and the only visible forms become the areas where the ionized air emits a registerable glow. Thus, when UFOs operate in the "magnetic whirl" mode, photographs taken with a long time of exposure show only a cloud of ionised and glowing air spinning around these spacecraft - Img.121 (#C4a) and Img. 628/629 (#C12). In turn photographs taken with a short time of exposure show only the spinning magnetic circuits - see Img.615 (#C4b). In turn photographs of motionless, "throbbing" UFOs taken with a delayed time exposure show only the single glowing outlet from the main propulsor located in the centre of the vehicle and a ring of glowing outlets from the side propulsors located along the flange - see Img.626/627 (#C11).
The "magnetic whirl" of UFO vehicles and Magnocrafts is also a source of several further effects, for example the so-called "inductive shield", and so-called "plasma saw". In turn these further effects give to UFO vehicles and to Magnocrafts rather extraordinary capabilities. For example the "plasma saw" allows to drill in rocks unique kind of long, glossy UFO tunnels, one example of which is shown below in Img.623 (#C9a).
Img.623 (#C9a)
Img.360 (#C9b)
Img.623/360 (#C9ab): Smooth, long, straight, geometrically shaped, and magnetized tunnels made during underground flights of UFOs. Principles involved in the formation of such tunnels, explained by the Theory of the Magnocraft and illustrated as if the ground were transparent, are shown in drawing from the right side (Img.360 (#C9b)). Their final shape (i.e. elliptical or triangular) results from the requirement that the base of a saucer-shaped UFO must all times remain perpendicular to the force lines of the local magnetic field.
Img.623 (#C9a): The Cocklebiddy Cave on the Nullarbor Plain in Western Australia. So far about 6 kilometers of this straight, elliptical tunnel, directed exactly south-north, have been investigated. Colour photographs are published in [2FigO6] the Australian magazine People (Weekly illustrated Magazine, 54 Park Street, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia), December 5, 1983, pages 8 to 10. Notice the cross-running grooves on walls of this tunnel, which look as if the tunnel was made by a huge drill. This particular cave has the shape of a round tunnel that corresponds exactly to the evaporation of the native rock by the floor of a disk-shaped UFO.
Img.360 (#C9b): The formation and characteristic attributes of tunnels evaporated during underground flights of the Magnocraft (or UFOs). Details are illustrated as they would be observed if the ground were transparent and thus revealing the tunnel and the vehicle which evaporates it. The final shape of the tunnel is defined by the fact that the Magnocraft (or UFO) during flights always tries to keep its floor perpendicular to the local course of Earth magnetic field. (This diagram from 8 March 1998 replaces an older and less illustrative version that tried to explain the same principle of formation of such tunnels.)
(a) Principle of evaporation of tunnels. It shows the penetration of the native rock by a "plasma saw" of the Magnocraft (or UFO) which changed the direction of flight from the initial south to north, into the final illustrated here from an east to west.
Symbols: 1 - the Magnocraft (or UFO) whose magnetic field spins and thus produces a whirling plasma saw, 2 - the spinning disk of the plasma saw which cuts into the rock and evaporates the tunnel, 3 - vapours of the rock that expand along the tunnel already evaporated, 4 - rock rubble that fell on the bottom of the tunnel behind the vehicle.
(b) The breach from the tunnel. Such a breach is a crack in the native rock caused by the pressure of compressed gasses that expand towards the surface of the ground. It can later be used as an additional entrance to the tunnel. Symbols: 5 - the spewing of the rock vapours that forms a kind of miniature volcano at the breach outlet (the presence of this vapour discloses the location of the breach, 6 - the breach canal formed by the compressed vapours expanding to the surface of the ground.
(c) An elliptical tunnel left by the Magnocraft (or UFO) that flew in a north south or south-north direction. Such a tunnel has an elliptical cross-section because its shape reflects the circular shape of the vehicle that flies with the base perpendicular to the environmental magnetic field - see also parts (b) and (d) of Figure O6 from monograph [1/4]. Symbols: 7 - glossy walls and ceiling of the tunnel (the close-up of their surface must show hardened rock bubbles), 8 - the aerodynamic, although rough and craggy "apparent floor" of the tunnel, that represents the upper surface of the "rock bridge" (in horizontal tunnels this floor is flat and relatively even and dry, while in tunnels running under angle it has a shape of hardened "dunes" and "bridges" through which flows water), 9 - a "rock bridge" formed from hardened particles of native rock which bury the lower part of the tunnel (this bridge lies on the rock rubble), 10 - rock rubble that fills up the lower half of the tunnel and covers the "real floor" of the tunnel, 11 - water that accumulates in gaps between rock rubble and that forms a stream which flows under an apparent floor of the tunnel, 12 - the "real floor" of the tunnel along which water flows, 13 - the range of magnetic, thermal, and crystallographic changes in the native rock, caused by the action on this rock of plasma and field of the vehicle.
(d) A triangular tunnel formed by the Magnocraft (or UFO) flying in an east west or west-east direction. This shape results from reflecting in the rock the side outlines of the vehicle that evaporates this tunnel - see also part (a) of Figure O6 in monograph [1/4]. Symbols: I - the angle of the vehicle's inclination reflecting the course of the force lines of the Earth's magnetic field and thus also the slanting of triangular tunnels or the degree of flattening of elliptical tunnels (or more strictly the ratio of the horizontal to the vertical axis). Symbols 7 to 13 have meaning explained in part (c) of this Figure.
The above can be complemented with the information, that photographs of several further underground tunnels evaporated in the rock by UFOs, are also published in Img.007 (#F1) and Img.128 (#F3) from the totaliztic web page Newzealand, in Img. (#O6) /? from the totaliztic web page Magnocraft,
in Img. (#3) /? from the totaliztic web page Day 26, and in Img.324/325/326 (#11) from the totaliztic web page Korea.
#C10. The interference with electromagnetic radiation:
Observations of UFOs reveal that these extraterrestrial vehicles also cause all types of interference with electromagnetic radiation, which is characteristic for the Magnocrafts' propulsion. The three basic types of this interference include: (1) TV, radio, radar, and radio telephone disturbances, (2) the so called "black bars", and (3) the "magnetic lens" - see their descriptions from item #10 in subsection F13 of monograph [1/4].
The strong correlation between the disturbances in telecommunications (especially in TV reception) and close range sightings of UFOs are often reported. A summary of such electromagnetic disturbances, as well as the descriptions of individual cases, can be found in many UFO books - e.g. see books referred to in subsection P2.16 of monograph [1/4] under numbers [2P2] page 111, or [4P2] page 47. This type of disturbances are also frequently experienced by people flatting with ovule donors, although many of them qualifies them as "natural phenomena" and forget fast.
Columns of a strong magnetic field from propulsors of UFOs frequently form the so-called "black bars" envisaged for the Magnocraft s - see their description in subsection F10.4 from monograph [1/4]. The evidence for these black bars in UFOs is illustrated below in Img.625/191 (#C10), while their extensive discussion is provided in subsection S1.1 from monograph [1/4].
Img.625 (#C10a)
Img.191 (#C10b)
Img.625/191 (#C10ab): "Black bars" in a UFO. The above diagram illustrates clearly that the "black bars" formed from a highly concentrated magnetic field yielded by the propulsors of a UFO are square in the cross-section. This in turn provides further evidence that the propulsors of UFOs utilize the so-called Oscillatory Chamber for the magnetic field production.
Img.625 (#C10a): The diagram of a "spool-shaped" UFO presented in the book which in monograph [1/4] is referred under the number [5S1.1], page 11. It illustrates a witness's recollection of the spaceship which on May 9, 1969 abducted a soldier named Jose Antonio da Silva from Victoria, Brazil. He was found 4 days later in Bebedouro, 800 kilometres away. It is worth to notice, that in spite this UFO vehicle was recreated "from the memory" of the witness, still it reflects relatively well the most vital components and the general appearance of it.
From the point of view of the "Theory of the Magnocraft", the illustrated spaceship represents the semi attached configuration shown on the right in part (b) of the above Figure. Because the "black bars" formed from the field of this UFO in fact have square cross-section, thus their outlines documented with this illustration provide further evidence that UFOs really use "Oscillatory Chambers" for the magnetic field generation.
Img.191 (#C10b): One amongst two possible principles of the formation of a so-called "semi-attached configuration" obtained through coupling together by their topside domes two vehicles type K3, mutually facing each other - see also class #2 in Figure F6 in monograph [1/4] (this Figure F6 is also shown as Img.364/191/367/196/198/204 (#5) on the web page Propulsion).
The "Theory of the Magnocraft" reveals that in the principle of forming such a configuration illustrated here, between the main propulsor of the lower spacecraft and the side propulsors of the upper vehicle there must appear columns of a highly concentrated magnetic field that traps light and therefore are visible as "black bars". These "black bars" are intentionally shown on the sides of vehicle illustrated above - they give to the configuration the appearance of an "asymmetrical spool". The cross section of these "black bars" must reflect the shape of the devices used to generate the magnetic field in the propulsors of these vehicles, i.e. if Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation are used for this purpose, the cross-section of the columns must be a square.
Independently from the shown above principle of the formation of a "semi-attached configuration" of Magnocrafts, a similar configuration can also be obtained when all propulsors in both couples vehicles have the same magnetic pole directed in the same directions. In this case the "black bars", if appaer, link outlets from side propulsors of both vehicles - thus the entire configuration looks like a "symmetrical spool". This second principle of the formation of "semi-attached configuration" of Magnocrafts is shown in Img.389/390 (#5b) from the web page Memorial - about ways UFOnauts undermine the evidential value of authentictic photographs of UFOs.
It should be added here that effects of the operation of completely different interference of the magnetic field of UFOs with the electromagnetic radiation, depending on the formation of so-called "magnetic lens", is shown and discussed on Img.179/157/180/181 (#C9) from the totaliztic web page Interpretation UFO photographs, and on Img.210 (6a) from the totaliztic web page "Memorial".
#C11. The relationship between the colour of glow of the ionised air and a magnetic pole of a given propulsor:
According to the "Theory of the Magnocraft", in the "throbbing mode of operation" of magnetic propulsors, the outlet from each opposite pole of this propulsors must glow in a different colour. At the north magnetic pole "N" (i.e. at the "inlet" of the magnetic field "I") the air glows in a yellow-orange colour. In turn at the south magnetic pole "S" (i.e. at the "outlet" of the magnetic field "O") of the propulsor the air glows in a blue-green colour. (Notice the different than in Physics notation of magnetic poles, described in subsection F5.2 from volume 3 of monograph [1/4]) On all colour photographs of glowing UFOs such visibility of different colours of air glow at outlets from vehicle's propulsors working in the "throbbing mode of operation" is confirmed - see Img.626/627 (#C11) below.
Img.626 (#C11a)
Img.627 (#C11b)
Img.626/627 (#C11ab): Two night photographs of UFOs flying in a "throbbing" mode of operation, which document two different colours in which glow the air ionised at the outlets from the vehicles' propulsors. These two colours of glow are explained in caption from Img.614 (#C3b).
Img.626 (#C11a): A single frame from a colour movie film of a UFO taken at night by Ellis E. Matthews above Alberton, South Australia, in 1967 - see the book by Bruce Cathie & P.N. Temm, "Harmonic 695" (Wellington, N.Z., 1971, ISBN 0 589 01054 9) page 134. It presents a stationary vehicle type K5 hovering in darkness in the "throbbing mode of operation". The film captured only a glow of air, ionized by the magnetic field from the vehicle's propulsors. In turn the main body of the UFO remained invisible in darkness. In the above photograph the colours of the glowing air provide perfect confirmation for the statements of the "Theory of the Magnocraft". The air at the single outlet from the main propulsor, whose axis is slanted from the centre of vehicle, glows a yellow-orange colour, whereas the ring of outlets from the side propulsors induces a blue-green glow. This means that the UFO's topside was oriented towards the photographer, so in the main propulsor a north (N) magnetic pole prevails, whereas in the side propulsors their south (S) poles are displayed - see also Img.614 (#C3b) which describes colours of the air glow at outlets from Magnocrafts' propulsors. Compare the colours from this frame of movie taken in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, with the colours in the photograph from part (a) of this illustration that was taken in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. (Notice that in the different hemispheres the polarity of the UFOs' magnetic propulsors must be reversed.)
Img.627 (#C11b): A night photo of a UFO type K3 flying in a "throbbing" mode of operation. The above photograph (originally in colour) was taken on 2 August 1965 by 14 year old Alan Smith, over Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA - see [1P2] page 241 and [2P2] page 371. In the centre of this UFO, at the outlet from its main propulsor, a layer of ionized air glowing a blue colour is visible. In turn around the vehicle's flange the air ionized by the magnetic field from the side propulsors is glowing a yellow-red colour. The non glowing main body of the UFO remains invisible in darkness. Compare the above photograph with Img.614 (#C3b) and also with part (a) of the above illustration.
#C12. The magnetic manner of flying which contradicts laws of hydromechanics:
If UFOs utilize the Magnocrafts' principles of operation, their behaviour in space should be described by the laws of magnetism, not by the laws of hydromechanics. We know that the aerodynamic flight of contemporary aeroplanes is controlled by a set of laws of hydromechanics. From these laws the main attributes of present flying machines result, such as: aerodynamic shapes, the existence of various aerodynamic protrusions (wings, rudders, stabilizers) attached to every aircraft, smooth, flowing flights, turning with large radiuses, etc.
If we now consider those vehicles whose operation is based on laws of magnetism - not on laws of aerodynamics (e.g. Magnocrafts and UFOs), their attributes must be completely different from those of aircraft. For example, the magnetic vehicles are not required to have aerodynamic shapes and thus may fly with their flat surface (e.g. with a floor) pointed towards the direction of movement. But their shells must fulfil the set of equations which results from laws of magnetism (which are listed in Figure F18 from monograph [1/4]). They will not have any controls or protrusions, as their flight and manoeuvres are achieved by appropriate changes in outputs from the magnetic propulsors hidden inside their shells. Also their behaviour in space will be drastically different from that of contemporary aircraft, because they must obey laws of magnetism.
The magnetic character of UFO flights can also be determined from an analysis of shapes that the "ionic picture of a whirl" shows on some photographs. In the photograph from "Fig. #C12a" a formation of flying UFOs is captured. These vehicles' have "ionic pictures of a whirl" which display a very unusual "shoe" shape. We know from the mechanism which forms such ionic pictures that unless special dynamic conditions occur which cause the deformation of these pictures, their shape should be symmetrical towards the vertical axis (refer to item #C7 above). The Italian investigator, Renato Vesco (see [1P2] p. 212) analyzed the dynamic conditions forming the pictures presented in Img.628 (#C12a) and he made very interesting discoveries. According to his findings, UFOs need to fly slanted in relation to the direction of their motion in order to produce such a "shoe" shaped ionic picture of their whirls - see Img. (#C12c) /?/. This means that whenever a clash occurs between the magnetic requirement of flying with the base perpendicular to the environmental field's force lines and the aerodynamic requirement of minimal resistance orientation, UFOs always fulfil the magnetic requirement and flu with their basis perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field force lines. Thus the picture in Img.628 (#C12a) presents photographic confirmation for the magnetic character of flights of UFO spaceships.
Img.628 (#C12a)
Img.629 (#C12b)
Img.628/629 (#C12ab): The magnetic character of UFO flights -
photographs and illustrations in support of proving deductions.
Img.628 (#C12a): One amongst two formations of UFOs taken by Carl R. Hart, Jr. above Lubbock, Texas, USA, on the evening of 31 August 1951 - see [1P2] page 211, [2P2] page 215, and [8P2] page 46. Five pictures were there taken of the two UFO formations flying in two different directions. The above photograph shows the V formation of UFOs flying in a magnetic whirl mode of operation. The "ionic pictures of the vehicles' whirls" take the very unusual shape of "shoes". As it is explained in Img.629 (#C12b) of the above illustration, such "shoe shapes" result from the requirement that UFOs must always fly with their base perpendicular to the local course of the force lines of the Earth's magnetic field. Thus this photograph adds significantly to the proof that UFOs obey the laws of magnetic flight.
Img.629 (#C12b): The drawings illustrating the deductions by Renato Vesco. They are published in book [1P2] page 212. In 1972, an Italian investigator named Renato Vesco proved that UFOs flying slanted from the least aerodynamic resistance orientation must produce a "shoe shaped" ionic picture of a whirl. His proof supported by the photograph presented in Img.628 (#C12a), confirms that UFOs fly in the non aerodynamic magnetic manner that contradicts the laws of hydromechanics. The most vital primary condition which UFOs always fulfil during their flights, is that these vehicles must always be oriented so that their bases (floors) are perpendicular to the force lines of the Earth's magnetic field.
#C13. Conclusions from the proving procedure and from evidence presented above:
When a variety of independent facts combined together into a logical deduction lead to one consistent conclusion, they constitute formal proof. Because the reasoning and evidence from this "part #C" of the web page in fact consistently confirms the main thesis which states that "UFOs are already operational Magnocraft", then starting from this point the truth of this thesis must be recognized as formally proven. This in turn means that the formal proof that "UFOs are already operational Magnocraft" is accomplished.
The completion of the above formal proof that "UFOs are already operational Magnocraft" introducesan entire array of vital consequences, some of which were already mentioned at the beginning of thischapter. Further most important out of them include:
(A) The proof constitutes a whole series of fractional proofs. Because the Magnocraft are material vehicles, obtained technologically, and can only be built and controlled by intelligent beings, this proof constitutes a whole series of fractional proofs, stating that:
(1) UFOs do exist (i.e. UFOs are material, thus they must exist objectively).
(2) UFOs are vehicles.
(3) UFOs need to be built and controlled by intelligent beings.
(4) The civilization(s) sending UFOs must be extraterrestrial, as mankind has not yet developed technology sufficiently sophisticated for the completion of such vehicles.
(B) This proof confirms the correctness of the Theory of the Magnocraft. From the point of view of the validity of statements of this theory, the formal proving of the existence of the vehicle, which already utilises the principle of operation that is used in the propulsion system of the Magnocraft constitutes almost an equivalent to presentation of a working prototype of this vehicle of our future. Thus now we can be absolutely certain that the Magnocraft is going to work - if we decide to build it.
(C) This proof emphasizes the importance of UFO research. The scientific analysis of UFO observations represents a most vital factor that allows the fast completion of our Magnocraft. Thus the dissemination of significance of UFO observations is a vital component of the accomplishing by our civilisation of a capability for interstellar travel.
Since formal proof that "UFOs are already operational Magnocraft" is finally formulated and published, the initial period of speculation on "what UFOs are" should be definitely closed. Now is the time to open the next stages in our continuous path to knowledge, which are going to build on the foundations of this proof. (For example one of our main aims should be the actual building of the Earth's version of this vehicle. The theoretical foundation contained in this monograph provides the starting point for such construction, whereas observation of UFOs supplies further inspiration and guidance.)