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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan PajÄ…k

Evil UFOnauts and their advanced technology

Part #E: In fact UFOnauts hide much more mysteries than just a question "whether they DO exist or DON'T exist" - researching UFOs we learn more about God Himself:

#E1: Who are UFOnauts - or more strictly what scenario God gives to His simulation of UFOnauts:

Research to-date reveal conclusively that God so simulates UFOnauts as if these evil creatures were close relatives of people, who live on different planetary systems. Actually UFOnauts are simulated as if they live in a civilization that is around 600 millions years older and technically more advanced than humanity. Unfortunately, this civilization practices a philosophy of life, which in volume 7 of monograph [1/4] and in volume 3 of monograph [8] is called "evil parasitism". Adherers of this philosophy are going through their lives chronically avoiding to work, living from robbery and at the cost of others, and seeking only easy gains without putting any work into them. These morally degenerated relatives of humanity were the ones, who actually settled people on Earth, in order to be able to ruthlessly exploit us later. An alternative history of humanity, which describes the fate of our civilization that emerges from recent research on UFOs, is presented in subsection V3 from volume 16 of monograph [1/4] "Advanced Magnetic Devices", and in subsection E7.4 from volume 4 of monograph [8] "Totalizm". If someone ask us whether there is any material evidence that UFOnauts are actually our close relatives who are around 600 millions years older from us, then apart from the above subsections V3 and E7.4 in [1/4] and [8], he/she should also look at Figure O32 in monograph [1/4], or at Figure B1 in treatise [7/2], or at Figure E2 in monograph [8]. These Figures show a photograph of an imprint left rock that was made by a shoe of an UFOnaut. This imprint is around 550 millions years old. This shoe was imprinted on Earth, when ancestors of the present UFOnauts started to spread the first forms of life on our planet, in order to gradually prepare it for the arrival of people, whom they could later exploit forever.

Fig. #E1. UFOnauts shoe imprint, 550 mln years old - Fig. O32 in [1/4] and Fig. B1 in [7/2].
Img.159 (#E1)

Img.159 (#E1): It presents an imprint of UFOnaut's shoe conventionally dated at 550 millions years old. So already then UFOnauts supposed to be enough advanced to NOT only be able to fly to the Earth from distant star systems, but also were able to initiate the life on our planet.

#E2. How to recognise UFOnauts and their agents operating on Earth:

UFOnauts have this nasty habit of sending their agents, spies and saboteurs to pretend they are people from Earth. Then these agents and spies mix with people from streets and collect data about our civilization, in order to be able to exploit and occupy us more effectvely. Although as many as several different races of UFOnauts sends their agents, spies and saboteurs to Earth, the most frequently encountered ones are from the race that is the most similar to humans, because it was from their race that our Adam and Eve originated. UFOnauts from this race are almost like us - someone may talk or be friendly with one of them and may be totally unaware that is dealing with a UFOnaut, not with a person. Actually, if someone watches TV, then should not have difficulties with spotting in various TV programs several out of them. But because our civilization separated from theirs around 40 000 years ago, and also because UFOnauts in their civilization use genetic engineering for perfecting their own race, there is several vital facial features, which differ in them from similar features in people. If someone knows these details, then it is possible to identify these cosmic spies and saboteurs from UFOs. The detailed information what are these identifying features that allow to distinguish between UFOnauts and people, is provided by folk wisdom regarding devils and witches, and also by present research on UFOs. This information is thoroughly analysed in subsection V8.1 from volume 16 of monograph [1/4] "Advanced Magnetic Devices", and also in subsection E7.1 from volume 4 of monograph [8] "Totalizm". For the scientific exactitude I am going to summarise here the most important of such facial features (monographs [1/4] and [8] describe many more of them). Here they are (listed in the order depicting how easy to notice they are):

(1) Triangular eyes. Eyes in UFOnauts are slightly different than in humans, and especially interesting. Namely they are slightly larger than in people, slightly wider positioned, and they have a slightly different shape. I had a good opportunity to have a close look at eyes of an UFOnaut and noticed that they have a shape like of a hen's egg which is directed towards the front with the most sharp end. (Human eyes in the frontal part are almost spherical.) This different shape means, that they are also slightly different from the optical point of view. This in turn causes that they have also a different appearance than human eyes. The different appearance of eyes of UFOnauts, resulting from their different than in people optical properties, with a bit of awareness on our part usually becomes the first anatomic detail that catches our attention. Namely, if UFOnauts look somewhere above our head, their irises viewed under appropriate angle appear as if they have form of sharp triangles with three straight sides. The sharp apexes of these triangles are pointed downwards.
Simultaneously, in these rare cases when their eyes are of a colour other than black, so that the colour of their pupils does not blend with the colour of their irises, their pupils in such triangular irises assume then the shape of a vertical line similar to an exclamation mark. This in turn causes that their eyes then look more like eyes of a cat than eyes of a human. But when an UFOnaut looks straight at us, then his irises, as well as his or her pitch black pupils in eyes, look just as round as in all humans. So when an UFOnaut looks straight at us, it is difficult to distinguish his/her eyes from these in humans. Therefore the easiest way to notice whether someone looks like a suspected UFOnaut, is when we see him or her in TV, or look at his or her photograph. Then camera frequently captures their eyes under this special angle of viewing, for which their irises become sharp triangles. It is shocking how many such sharp triangular irises with pupils like vertical lines of exclamation marks one can notice in present television. What is even more interesting, majority of individuals who show such triangular irises, have also hair strangely standing up on ends above their forehead. After one realises what this means, one gets a shock. After all, the frequency of seeing such eyes and hair makes us aware how massive the occupation of Earth by UFOnauts is, and how complete and tight control over all our institutions UFOnauts extend presently.

This is because of that similarity of irises of UFOnauts to sharp reversed triangles, with pupils looking like vertical exclamation marks, that old Polish folklore claimed that "devils" and "witches" (means former names for present "UFOnauts") have "cat eyes". Also for the same reason, such triangular eyes even present folklore from New Zealand describes with the expression "devilish eyes" (it is believed over there that these who have such devilish eyes cannot be trusted). Examples of just such triangular (devilish) eyes one can see on quite easily available photographs of some amongst these terrorists that hijacked aeroplanes which hit WTC skyscrapers in New York. In fact these triangular eyes usually are the first anatomic detail which hits our own eyes when we are looking at a photograph or video of a UFOnaut. (A next such a detail, which usually confirms this first one, is the tendency of their hair to stand on ends above the forehead.)

(2) Standing hair. In former "devils" - means present "UFOnauts", hair above the forehead grow upwards, not downwards like in people. Thus the majority of male UFOnauts combs their hair upwards. When recently UFOnauts learned from research on future that people managed to identify anatomic details which allow to recognise them, then they started to promote on Earth a fashion which makes all males to have hair standing upwards. Many UFOnauts have also curled hair, such as visible on the photograph from "Fig. 2". Probably from this originates an old Chinese belief, which states (in Cantonese): "Lin mow, ngaw pej, tap taw, mkwat tak kow." In English this means: "curly hair, hook nose, bow head, cannot be trusted".

(3) Buttocks-like chin. See a following sculpture of a devil (i.e. a UFOnaut), which normally is presented as Figure N5/3 in monograph [1/3] and as Figure C4d in treatise [4B]

Fig. #E2a. Devil-UFOnaut - see Fig. N5 (3) in [1/4] and Rys. C4d in [4B].
Img.002 (#E2a)

Img.002 (#E2a): It presents the best known to me image of the actual appearance of a typical "devil" (UFOnaut) that was reproduced from the Journal "The Unexplained".

Notice a typical for these devils ending of a chin that sticks forward, and that has two buttock-like protrusions. They make the chin of a typical UFOnaut very similar to a miniature human bottom. Especially characteristic is this vertical groove running between both protrusions. This chin and groove are so striking for us, that in order to hide them, UFOnauts who operate on Earth frequently wear small beards. But because of this groove, even their beards look differently than human ones - they are composed like from two separate halves. Therefore many UFOnauts wears now beards shaped like a vertical stripe which covers just this vertical groove. Notice that medieval witches (means female UFOnauts) also are drawn and described with such sticking forward, buttock-like chins. Of course, this "buttock-like" chin is not the only identifying feature that allows to distinguish former devils, and current UFOnauts, from people.

(4) Pear-shaped head (looking like slightly triangular). The scull of UFOnauts slightly differs from in shape from sculls of humans. If we would describe sculls of humans, we could approximately compare them to spheres. The horizontal cross section is for them the largest at half of their height, means when it crosses through cheek bones. In turn the scull and head of UFOnauts resembles more a pear than a sphere. Their horizontal cross section is the largest for the plane that passes slightly above temples of UFOnauts. Of course, these differences in the scull cause also differences in the shape of face. A typical human face is round. In turn a typical face of an UFOnaut is like a triangle that in the lower part narrows down. This is because of this triangular shape, that the face of Satan is frequently shown as resembling the face of a goat. The above more clearly can be noted in a real life than on images (especially that for images UFOnauts always expose the angle under which they are most similar to people). Then heads of UFOnauts are clearly wider just above temples, while heads of humans are clearly widest in the horizontal plane of cheek bones.

(5) Long, narrowing, pointed nose. Nose of UFOnauts is always very long with a pointed end. For me it resembles uniformly narrowing conical carrot. On the very tip of their nose, UFOnauts usually have a tiny groove located between two cartilage plates that form the sharp tip of the nose.

Fig. #E2b. Face of a witch in a side view
Img.609 (#Eb)

Img.609 (#E2b): This photograph shows the image of a typical witch, as these creatures are remembered by the New Zealand folklore.

Witches are one of many old names used in past for describing evil creatures that presently are called "UFOnauts". The witch shown on this photograph was marching in Wellington, New Zealand, during a Christmas Parade of December 2003. It displays all facial features that are typical for faces of UFOnauts. Namely a long nose like a carrot - in this case curved like a hook, a split end of the chin with two bulges that look like a miniature human bottom, the chin itself slanted down in relationship to the neck to form a kind of hook, and a narrowing down pear-shaped skull that gives the face a triangular shape. (Click on the photo to enlarge it.)

(6) The lack of fold of skin in ears. It is the same fold of skin into which human ladies pin their earrings. UFOnauts do not have it. Therefore their ears in the lower part from their heads like ears in dogs.

Of course, while analysing the above details it is worth to remember, that similarly like individual people, UFOnauts also differ amongst themselves in specific details of their anatomy. Therefore, if any of the above details is taken out of content and considered in separation, a significant mistake can be made - e.g. a human can be taken for a UFOnaut. But the more of the above details in anatomy of a given creature coincides with the above list, the higher the chance that this creature is a UFOnaut.So let us start to take notice of the details described here. After all they may turn to be a large step forward in the difficult process of lifting the awareness of our situation.

Notice, that details of anatomy of UFOnauts, and also differences between the anatomy of people and UFOnauts, are discussed on several other totaliztic web pages, e.g. on pages Evil, Changelings, Aliens, Day 26, Malbork or Antichrist.

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