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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan PajÄ…k

Evil UFOnauts and their advanced technology

Part #B: Let us clarify one amongst the largest puzzles of our times, namely "do UFOnauts exist" and do UFO vehicles exist:

#B1: Let us define the terminology "UFOnauts" and "UFO vehicles" used in the content of this web page:

In present times the development of the language does NOT follow the development of highly specialised knowledge. Therefore every word is presently used in many different meanings. For example, even if we discuss such a simple subject like "cats", it is NOT unambiguous whether we also have in mind e.g. "lions". For this reason, every precise presentation in fact should be started from a precise defining at least the most important terms amongst the terminology discussed in it. Thus the presentation from this web page we begin from defining the word "UFOnauts". Here is the definition of this word in the understanding of it in which it is used on this web page, and also in all publications and presentations of the author of this web page.

UFOnauts are physical intelligent beings, which do NOT originate from the Earth nor were born from the Earthly parents - but which have human-like appearance and characteristics, which after appearing on the Earth induce various physical manifestations of their existence and presence, which close proximity in good conditions can be perceived with human senses of sight, hearing, smell, and touch (i.e. which in correct conditions can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, and sometimes even with which people can have sexual intercourses), with which people can communicate intelligently, and the presence and behaviour of which in especially good circumstances can even be recorded with human devices - e.g. can be photographed, filmed, detected with UFO detectors, etc.

Because these UFOnauts always arrive to the Earth in UFO vehicles which typically accompany them or are hidden somewhere near by, below is also presented the definition of the terminology "UFO vehicles" in such understanding of this terminology in which the author of this web page uses it here and in all his other publications:

UFO vehicles are advanced flying machines of UFOnauts, which were NOT produced on the earthly technology, but the design, principles of operation, and the technology of the production of which can be understand by human scientists and can be replicated or invented from the very beginning on the Earth, which operation leaves on the Earth physical marks and induces various phenomena and manifestations that can be detected with the use of earthly devices, and which nearby presence in correct conditions can be noticed with the use of human senses of sight, hearing, smell, and touch.

#B2. Whether we can prove the existence of "UFOnauts" and "UFO vehicles":

YES, the "existence of UFOnauts", and also the "existence of UFO vehicles" can be proven scientifically and empirically - and in many different ways. Several such ways of proving are presented below - as an example see the next item #B3. But before we begin the review of ways of proving the existence of UFOnauts and UFO vehicles, we first need to define what we actually understand under the expression that something do "exist". The point is, that in the imprecise human terminology we can say about something that it either "do exist" or "do NOT exist". So people do NOT know any states which may lie between these two, e.g. the state which would mean the "non-existing existence" (for more information about the "non-existing existence" see item #B8. from the web page Timevehicle, or item #F7 from the web page god.htm). Therefore, let us define now what precisely we understand under the terms "exist" and "not exist".

By the term "exist" we will describe everything that forms any manifestations that can be identified by people and perceived with the use of either (1) human physical senses (i.e. sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste), or with the use of (2) technical measuring or detection devices build by people, or else with the use of (3) logical deduction ability of the human mind. The definition of the term "exists" incorporates into itself also terms that are related to it, such as "existed" or "will exist", which locate this existence in the time continuum either in past or in the future.

By the term "not exist" we will describe everything that displays attributes which are opposite to whatever do "exist", means everything that canNOT be detected with the use of anything that people have in their disposal.

It is worth to notice that after the above defining of the term "exist", it can be proven scientifically that "UFO vehicles do exist", and also that "UFOnauts do exist". After all, e.g. "UFO vehicles" can be sensed and detected in all possible ways - i.e. with our physical senses, with our instruments, and with our logical deductions. (Appropriate body of evidence is indicated below.) In such defining the term "exist" it can also be proven scientifically and on many different ways that "God does exist" - as this is done e.g. on the totaliztic web page God proof. What even more interesting, the philosophy of Totalizm proves, that practically "everything what can be thought of and defined, actually do exist, or existed, or will exist somewhere in the huge universe". This is because if something really does NOT exist, then also would NOT exist the word in the so-called "Universal Language of Thoughts" (ULT) which would be able to describe it. More about this subject is explained in item #B4 from the totaliztic web page Telepathy.

#B3. Let us learn a method with the use of which the formal scientific proof that "UFO vehicles do exist" was formulated and proven valid:

The totaliztic web page UFO proof, and also subsection P1. from volume 14 of the newest monograph [1/5], as well as subsection J2 in older English monograph [1e], present the logic of deductions and also photographic evidence for a formal proof that "UFOs do exist and they are Magnocrafts that are already completed by some other civilization". This formal proof was accomplished with the use of extremely reliable formal scientific methodology called the "method of matching the attributes". This method is also described below, when the formal proof that "UFOnauts are modern name for beings which religions used to call devils" is presented. Since no-one managed to abolish this formal proof for the existence of UFOs, it remains in power all the time, and it should terminate the previous period of arguing about the existence or non-existence of UFOs. Now we should start the period of time when we thoroughly research these extraterrestrial vehicles and their evil crew members. After all, such researching of UFO technology may accelerate on Earth the completion of technical devices which UFOnauts already use, but which still remain unknown for our civilization. Examples of such devices include: magnetic propulsors, telepathic communication devices, time vehicles, moral energy extractors, and many more - for details see subsection W5 from volume 18 of monograph [1/4], or subsection D10 in monograph [8] - both monographs downloadable free of charge from this web site. In turn researching evil crew members of UFO vehicles will accelerate our understanding reasons why UFOnauts exploit people, and help humanity to free itself from claws of these cosmic parasites.

#B4. Find a UFO implant in your own leg to have your personal and private proof that UFOnauts and UFO vehicles do exist:

Absolutely every person on Earth, including in this number also you - the reader (aswell as all these ones whom you love the most), are fitted by UFOnauts with a special identification implant located in a shinbone. This implant is our equivalent to the "tag with a number" which dairy farmers who have large stock pin to ears of every their cow and every bull. If body of a given person does not heal easily, then after this implant is installed in a leg, the drilling through muscles and shinbone leaves a small scar, usually around 2 mm in diameter. Under this scar a cavity in the muscle can be sensed with your finger. The scar looks like this (see it in the middle of the photo shown below):

Fig. #B4. A scar left by a UFO implant in a leg
Img.611 (#B4)

Img.611 (#B4): Here is a typical appearance of a scar left on a leg after a UFO implant. This scar is just one among numerous signs that someone is systematically abducted onto decks of UFOs and exploited in there. It is also the most easily detected among signs that a given person (e.g. you) is systematically abducted to a UFO - i.e. NOT less frequently than once a month, to be exploited in there for reproductive purposes, i.e. as one of the suppliers of fetuses for either the production of so-called "biorobots" on planets of UFOnauts, or for populating newly developed planets. Such "biorobots" (i.e. our chiclren) are heavy working on UFO planets as slaves for UFOnauts, while planets newly populated by UFOnauts in the future will also be secretly exploited by UFOnauts - as presently people from Earth are secretly and destructively exploited. More about signs of exploitation of people by UFOs is explained in item #I5. from my web page Theory of everything of 1985, and also in #A2. to #A2cd. and in #E2. from this web page.

This scar you should be able to find on your own leg, and also on legs of all your close ones. (Unless your young body healed so well, that left no scar after the UFO implant. But even then you should be able to detect this scar in deflected light as a mat patch on the skin, and also feel it with your finger as a cavity in the muscle underneath of it.) The scar usually is located around 27.5 cm from the floor (with the accuracy to around 3 cm). Males typically have it on the right side of their right leg. In turn females typically have it on the left side of their left leg. But in typical cases it is not so impressive as the one on the above photo. (Typically it is only around 2 mm in diameter, while on the above photo it is over 10 mm.) This scar is formed when UFOnauts drill through the muscles in the leg, in order to install a special identification implant inside of the shinbone. This implant is fitted by UFOnauts to practically every person on Earth. So I recommend to find it on your own leg, and also on legs of your loved ones. After all, "seeing is believing". Remember that every person have it, only that not on every leg it is visible so clearly. The visibility of this scar depends on the individual healing-susceptibility of the owner at the time when the implanting was carried out by UFOnauts. Therefore, if you do not see it immediately on your own leg, this does not mean that you do not have it, but only means that on your leg it is slightly less visible than in others (still you can find it by examining your leg under the light deflected from your skin, or through pressing your leg with a finger to detect a cavity in muscles under this scar). The presence of this post-implant scar in practically every person on the Earth, the author of this web page discovered and revealed in his publications for the first time in the world. This is why exact descriptions of this scar can be found, amongst others, also in subsection U3.1. from volume 16. of the newest monograph [1/5] "Advanced magnetic devices" (in English) - which monograph raports exclusively about unique discoveries of the author of this web page (i.e. about discoveries for the first time in the world accomplished by the author of this web page).


The presence of this characteristic scar on someone's leg is a proof that this person carries a UFO implant in his or her shinbone. The basic function of this UFO implant is very similar to the function of "earrings" installed by farmers in cows, or to the function of radio-collars which are installed by scientists to wild animals in order to trace their current position. Namely this implant contains a miniature telepathic transmitter and receiver. On a telepathic command from a nearest UFO, this device emits to UFOnauts identification details of a given person. Due to this implant, UFOnauts are able to find every inhabitant of Earth at any moment of time. So it is very useful for evil UFOnauts when they intend to abduct a given person to a UFO vehicle in order to extract from this person various biological resources, such as sperm, ovule, moral energy (for the explanation what "moral energy" is, see a web page on the philosophy of Totalizm), and many more valuables that you have and are not even aware that you are robbed from them by UFOnauts. At this point I should reveal to you a rather shocking finding, namely that you are also systematically abducted to a UFO vehicle not less frequently than once per each 3 months. Almost the only noticeable by you consequence of these abductions is the migraine which in some people starts in mornings after abductions in the spot under your left temple where another of your UFO implants is positioned. (But not all people experience these migraines.) What is worse, during these UFO abductions most probably you are not only robbed, but also raped. The only thing that differentiates you from all these unfortunate individuals about which UFOlogy books write horrifying stories, that most probably you do not know yet that you are being abducted to UFOs and possibly also raped in there. Therefore this web site is to draw your attention to this bitter truth. For more details about your own abductions to UFOs see chapter U. from volume 16 of monograph [1/5]. In turn the descriptions of symptoms which allow you to identify whether you are being raped by UFOnauts (and if so - how frequently it happens) you can find in subsection U3.7.1. from volume 16 of monograph [1/5].

Unfortunately, from the research to-date regarding the purpose of this implant, it appears that independently from the operation as an active processor which identifies a given person, the same implant fulfils also several other functions. One such a function is especially devilish. Namely, the implant can be used by UFOnauts for a hidden murdering of the owner. On a signal from a nearby UFO, this implant is able to send a powerful pain signal into the person's nerve system from the leg. The pain-shock caused by this signal is so powerful, that it effectively paralyses the entire leg. On me personally this shock makes an impression that I am hit by a lightning. So if the carrier of this implant is just, e.g. swimming in a deep river, then this pain-shock causes his or her drowning. Present criminal medicine would claim that such a person drowned because his or her "leg was crump". However, in old days the folklore used to state, that such a person drowned because "devils drowned" him or her. As this becomes clear from further parts of this web page, such an old folklore statement is in fact much closer to the truth than the modern medical explanation. More information about the sensation of a paralysing pain that this implant may trigger, is provided in subsections VB4.5.1 and U3.1 of slightly older monograph [1/4].

At this point I would like to remind an old English proverb: "seeing is believing". After you see the above scar on your own leg, and also on legs of all your loved ones, it becomes easier for you to believe in a bitter truth that I stubbornly try to realize to people amongst others via this web page. Namely that our planet is secretly occupied and exploited by evil UFOnauts and we need to start defending ourselves from them otherwise UFOnauts soon will murder us all.

#B5. Let us get to know some examples amongst a huge ocean of empirical evidence which document conclusively that "UFO vehicles do exist":

An entire ocean of empirical evidence which documents the existence of UFO vehicles and UFOnauts was already accumulated on the Earth. A part of this extensive body of evidence is indicated and systematically discussed on the totaliztic web pages Interpretation UFO photographs, UFO activities on the Earth, or UFO proof.

#B6. See photographs of UFOnauts in action:

Aczkolwiek Although UFOnauts carefully avoid being photographed, during many years a lot of photographs of these evil creatures were made. In order to see the most interesting out of these photographs see the internet page Aliens or Malbork. This web page describes an underground UFO base that is located under an old castle in Malbork, Poland, showing two photographs of UFOnauts (one of these photographs was taken in the Malbork castle).

#B7. Where scientific information about UFOnauts and their devices comes from:

As it turns out, there is a huge body of evidence present on the Earth, which informs us very well about UFOnauts, and also about technical devices utilised by UFOnauts. Only that our scientists scared by news of the extremely miserable fate that persecutes all these researchers who devote their efforts into the research on the parasitic UFOnauts, are too afraid to initiate the research of this evidence. (Extraordinary persecution and disasters which affect everyone who devotes himself to the constructive research on UFOs are described under the name "curse of inventors" on several internet web pages of totalizm, e.g. on the web pages Telekinetic Cell - see item #11 in there, Sonic Boiler - see items #D1. and #F1. in there, and Newzealand visit - see item #G1. in there.) In spite of these secretive persecution of UFO researchers, recently this evidence was investigated thoroughly. Some outcomes of this research are described in monograph [1/5] available free of charge via this web page. The example of such outcomes can be the photograph of the propelling device used by UFO vehicles, which is called the Oscillatory Chamber. (Photographs of such a chamber are shown on this web page as Img.179/612 (#B7) below.) This chamber generates a powerful magnetic field, which by UFO vehicles is utilised for the formation of lifting and stabilisation forces. A simplest such an Oscillatory Chamber assumes the shape of a transparent cube filled with electric sparks. But in order to control easier the magnetic output from it, two such cubes are formed into a configuration called the "twin-chamber capsule". Such a "twin-chamber capsule" takes the shape of a smaller cube inserted inside of a larger similar cube. The dimensions of both these cubes must fulfil the unique set of mathematical relationships. On photographs shown below, left one shows a powerful magnetic stream yield from the inner Oscillatory Chamber of such a twin-chamber capsule, during a day-time flight of a UFO. In turn the right photograph shows a square burning of the grass which reflects the shape and dimensions of the outlet from such "twin-chamber capsule" of a UFO vehicle type K5 - compare the size of this scorching with the diameter of the white reference circle of 1 meter, which lies by it. (Such a square scorching of the grass can be found in the centre of rings of burned grass that appear in the areas where UFO landed.) The most interesting in this landing is that mutual relationships of dimensions of both Oscillatory Chambers (the inner and the outer one) in that UFO fulfil exactly the ratio of dimensions which must be obeyed by both chambers in every "twin-chamber capsule".
Fig. #B7a. A photograph of a UFO Oscillatory Chamber.
Img.179 (#B7a)

Fig. #B7b. Scorching of grass by the oscillatory chamber from a UFO.
Img.612 (#B7b)

Img.179/612 (#B7): Two illustrations from monograph [1/4] which document operation of UFOs.

At the top as (a) is shown Figure S5 from monograph [1/4]. It presents a photograph of the outlet from the UFO so-called "Oscillatory Chamber", taken during the flight. For more comprehensive explanations and illustrations as to how this Oscillatory Chamber looks and operates, see descriptions and illustrations from chapter C in monograph [1/4]. Notice that the Oscillatory Chmber is a device which propels UFOs, similarly as our present engine is a device which propels our cars.

The lowest (u) shows Figure S3 from [1/4] (also Figure M7 (top) from monograph [1e]. It presents a square scorched mark left on the grass by such cubical "oscillatory chamber" of a landed UFO type K5. This means that it shows the same propelling device, which during the UFO flight was captured on the other photograph shown above (note a scorched square located in the centre of the ring scorched by side propulsors of the same UFO vehicle). The material character of this capsule is clearly visible. For details of the construction and operation of such a capsule see chapter C in monograph [1/4], chapter F in monograph [2e], or chapter F in monograph [1e]. Note that the white circle visible on this photograph to the left from the square scorched in the grass, is used for visual dimensioning of UFO landings - this circle has the diameter of exactly one meter, while its arrow points towards magnetic North.


Above photographs are also shown and extensively discussed on the web pages Interpretation UFO photographs, Tapanui, and Propulsion. -= > #C.

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