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Copyright Dr. Ing. Jan Pająk

Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems for Flying Vehicles

Part #D: Powers sources and propelling devices in magnetic vehicles of the future:

#D1. The Oscillatory Chamber

The name Oscillatory Chamber is assigned to a super powerful "magnet" that can be used as a magnetic propulsor for flying vehicles of the Magnocraft type.

The Magnocraft is not going to eventuate for as long, until people learn how to build an "engine" (propulsor) for it. Such an "engine" (propulsor) is the most important device for this vehicle. After all, it is to constitute a magnetic propulsor which is to lift this space vehicle to stars. From the operational point of view, "Oscillatory Chambers" are simply extremely powerful magnets, which are so strong that they produce the output in excess of the so-called "starting flux". The value of this starting flux is around F=3.45 [Wb/kg] - if calculated for the area of Poland. Every controllable source of a powerful magnetic field, the output from which exceeds the value of this "starting flux", is able to lift into the space both itself and also the hulk of a heavy spaceship attached to it. It just simply repels itself from the Earth's magnetic field and ascends to stars. Oscillatory chambers are the first modern devices on our planet, which actually produce the output in excess of this starting flux. (Only in antiquity there was a device on Earth, called the "Ark of the Covenant", which also was producing the powerful magnetic field in excess of starting flux, therefore which was able to levitate in the air together with ancient priests called "Levites" who used to take care of it.) Therefore the Oscillatory Chambers can be used as major components of magnetic propulsors for the Magnocraft. More details about Oscillatory Chambers, including their principle of operation, design, and the advancement of research on their completion, is provided in chapter F. of monograph [1/5], in chapters F of older English monographs [1e] and [2e], and also in several other publications that are downloadable free of charge from this web site. Some of these further details are summarised on the web page "Oscillatory Chamber" which is entirely devoted to the description of the oscillatory chamber. At "" is also available video which illustrates progress of Italian hobby group in completion of this device.

It is worth to explain here that Oscillatory Chambers will be build in three different generations. The cubical Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation will produce only forces of magnetic attraction and repulsion. The octagonal Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation will produce also the so-called Telekinetic Effect. In turn the sixteen-gonal Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation will additionally be able to alter the natural elapse of time (means that they will deform the continuum of timespace).

#D2. Arrangements formed from Oscillatory Chambers

The output from a single oscillatory chamber would be quite difficult to control. Therefore, for the purpose of better controllability, the Magnocraft uses special arrangements of oscillatory chambers, combined together into appropriate configuration. Magnocrafts can use two kinds of such arrangements. The first kind is called "twin-chamber capsules", while the second one - "spider configurations".

A twin-chamber capsule is composed of a larger outer (O) oscillatory chamber, inside of which a smaller inner (I) oscillatory chamber is freely floating. Magnetic poles N/S of the inner chamber (I) are reversed in relation to magnetic poles of the outer chamber (O), so that outputs from both these chambers mutually subtract from each other. In the result, the part of the output (C) from the chamber with the larger output, is bend back and circulated as input directly to the smaller chamber, thus forming the so-called "circulating flux" (C) that never leaves the interior of the twin-chamber capsule. Only the excess of the output from the chamber with larger yield is forwarded to the environment, thus forming the so-called "resultant flux" (R) that represents the useful output from this capsule. The division of the magnetic energy contained in such a capsule into the "resultant flux" (R), and the "circulating flux" (C), allows the extremely fast and effective control over the output from such a capsule, without the need to change the amount of energy contained in such a capsule. This control depends on the simple change of mutual proportions between the flux (C) that is circulated inside of such a capsule, and the flux (R) that is directed to the environment from this capsule. Thus, there is a possibility to control the operation of this capsule, so that to the outside is directed no output at all (this happens when the entire magnetic field produced by both chambers of such a capsule is trapped in the circulating flux), or to cause that the entire magnetic energy of the capsule is directed outside. It is also possible to accomplish fluently any state between these two extremes. In turn this effective control over the output from such a capsule, allows to precisely control the flight of the vehicle that is propelled by the resultant magnetic flux (R) directed by this capsule to the environment.

Unfortunately, the twin-chamber capsule is rather resistant to accept control signals. After all, such control signals must be forwarded without any wire to the smaller oscillatory chamber that freely floats inside of a very powerful stream of magnetic energy. Therefore, the construction of this capsule requires rather advanced technology. Thus, in the first stage of constructing of Magnocraft, instead of this capsule, much simpler propelling device is going to be used, which also allows the effective control over magnetic output that is yield to the environment. This simpler device is called the spider configuration. The description of it is contained in subsection F7.2. of monograph [1/5] (also in chapter F of older monographs [2e] and [1e]). In the first period of production of Magnocraft, that is more exactly described in subsection M10. from monograph [1/5], these vehicles are going to use such much simpler for control prototype spider configuration (instead of the difficult to control, and technically very advanced twin-chamber capsule).

In the "spider configurations" the chambers are arranged so that one of them, called the main chamber (M), is surrounded by the a multiple of four side chambers indicated by the letters U, V, W, and X. Each of these side chambers possesses the same cross-section, but the volume (thus also the length) of the main one is equal to the sum of the sum of volumes of all four side ones. The magnetic poles in the main Oscillatory Chamber (M) are directed in opposition to the orientation of the poles in the side chambers (U, V, W, X).

In the design of the Magnocraft, all "twin-chamber capsules" (or "spider configurations") are assembled into spherical casings, and furnished with appropriate control devices that allow to manipulate the direction and the amount of the magnetic output (and thus also the magnetic thrust force). Such individual propelling modules of the Magnocraft, which include a twin-chamber capsule (or a spider configuration), together with the control devices and with the spherical casing that hosts them, are called magnetic propulsors.

Fig. #8a
Img.028 (#8a)
Fig. #8b
Img.581 (#8b)

Image sequence: Img.028/ Img.581 (#8ab): Two basic configurations in which for the improvement of controllability are coupled Oscillatory Chambers, namely the so-called (a) "twin-chamber capsule", and (b) "spider configuration". Because at the majority of illustrations from this web page were shown cubical Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation, the above configurations are illustrated on the example of coupling together octagonal Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation.

Img.028 (#8a): Twin-chamber capsule formed from two octagonal Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation. Twin-chamber capsule is the basic configuration of Oscillatory Chambers, combined together in order to increase their controllability. It is formed from two oppositely oriented chambers placed one inside the other. Because of the need for free floating of the inner (I) chamber suspended inside of the outer (O) one, the side edges "a" of both Oscillatory Chambers must meet the equation: ao=ai(sqrt(3)). The resultant magnetic flux (R) yield to the environment from these arrangements is obtained as a difference between outputs from chambers having opposite orientation of poles. The principles of forming this resultant flux are illustrated in Img.155 (F7 of [1/5]. The twin chamber capsule allows full control over all the attributes of the produced magnetic field. The subjects of control are the following properties of the resultant flux (R): (1) strength of the field (fluently controlled from zero to maximum), (2) Period (T) or frequency (f) of pulsations, (3) ratio of the amplitude of the field's pulsations to its constant component (dF/Fo - see Img.036 (F12) in [1/5]), (4) character of the field (i.e. constant, pulsating, alternating), (5) variation in time (i.e. linear, sinusoidal, beat type curves), (6) polarity (i.e. from whichever side of the arrangement the N and S poles prevail).

Img.581 (#8b): Standard spider configuration of the second generation. This configuration is mainly used as a propulsor for the four propulsor spacecraft - see Img.043 (#7). It is formed from 1 main and 8 side Oscillatory Chambers. The eight cubical side chambers (marked U, V, W and X) surround the oppositely oriented main chamber (marked M) which is four times longer. The total volume of all eight side chambers must be equal to the volume of the main one. This arrangement is the simplified model of the Magnocraft's propulsion system. The resultant magnetic flux (R) yield to the environment from the spider configuration is obtained as a difference between outputs from the main chamber and the oppositely oriented side chambers. The principles of forming this resultant flux are similar to those illustrated in Img.043. (#7). The spider configuration, similar to the twin chamber capsule, also allows full control over all the attributes of the produced magnetic field. But in addition, the spider configuration can spin the produced field around its magnetic axis "m" thus producing its own magnetic whirl. Its main drawback in comparison to the twin-chamber capsule is the lack of ability to complete "extinguish" the magnetic field yield to the environment (even if the entire output of this configuration is bound into the circulating flux (C), still this flux will circulate via the environment).

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