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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Technically controlled hurricanes, tornadoes, winds, weather, climate, etc.


As time progresses our civilisation is increasingly dependent on weather. After all, the increasingly more tense production of food, transport, communication, health, industry, and frequently also energy generation, are weakened by each deviation from a "normal" weather. Simultaneously, as time progresses, this weather becomes increasingly more destabilised. Hurricanes, tornados, draughts, floods, and all other weather anomalies trouble practically every corner of our globe. For this reason increasingly more urgent becomes the requirement that our civilisation masters the skills of controlling the weather. The problem, however, is that all attempts at the control of weather to-date, were based on empirical findings concerning only local consequences of some actions. But so-far there was a lack of a scientific theory which would explain the entire global mechanism which rules the weather, or which would indicate manners that would allow to control the weather or climate. Fortunately for us, such a theory was developed in 1985. Since then it is disseminated in the world under the name of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.

Together with the Totalizm - which originates from it, this relatively new scientific theory NOT only that describes the mechanism which rules over the weather, but also provides scientific and philosophical foundations to a completely new science described under the name "totaliztic science". This web page explains the global mechanism which rules the weather, and which due to being detected by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, is one amongst phenomena researched by the new "totaliztic science". On examples of detecting and controlling hurricanes and Tornado, it explains how this mechanism can be utilised practically, amongst others, for taking the control over the Earth's weather.

The content of this web page is authorized by Jan Pajak, means by a researcher of New Zealand and Poland, and WorldCat Identity (see the web page http://worldcat.org/identities/), who in the early part of 21st century stand out from the crowd of still-living discoverers and inventors of these two countries and he became among them the most widely known in the world, most variously interpreted, and at that time the most productive - in spite of conducting his research without funding and on the principles of a scientific "hobby" forced by official disapproval of his research area, although, unfortunately, about his existence and results of research almost no-one wants to know in New Zealand, while to annul, deny and mute down his discoveries and inventions many inhabitants of Poland conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting the truth and trying to leave for future generations only lies, trash, poisoned water, polluted air, destroyed fertility of soil, and devastated nature.
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