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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan PajÄ…k

Shocking history of revolutionary boilers which bit all records

#E: The second stage of suppressing the production of the "sonic boiler" starting from 2008 - this time probably implemented through the method of a "Trojan Horse":

#E1. Strange "coincidents" which accompanied my meeting with Mr Davey at the beginning of February 2008 - means after over 15 years from mysterious termination of our previous contacts:

By some strange "coincidence" in the second half of 2007 I was honoured of being invited at the wedding of a daughter of friends who live in Christchurch. The wedding was planed at first days of February 2008. Thus already around a half of January I had purchased tickets and paid a hotel room in Christchurch. In evening, on Wednesday 30 January 2008 for some reasons I did NOT went to sleep as usual around 10 pm, but something stopped me over an hour longer. So I took this opportunity to have a look at evening television news which that day the channel 1 of television New Zealand broadcasted from 10:30 pm until 11:00 pm. (Typically I almost never watch these news because they are too late for my daily routine and I am already sleeping.) The last position of these news, broadcasted as a kind of curiosity almost exactly at 11:00 pm, was a report which shook me immensely. Namely in this report they show my old acquaintance, Mr Peter Daysh Davey, as he demonstrated the extraordinary heater which this time he called the "sonic heater" - while his previous heaters he used to call "immersion heaters". This "sonic heater" was slightly similar to the "immersion heater") which Mr Davey show me and described in 1990. Only that from the outside its buffering bowl was in the form of a completely closed sphere that looked as if made of aluminium.

Out of things that attracted my attention in this television report, the most thoughts provoking were words of the opinion provider whom authors of the report invited to express opinion about the heater. In spite that this opinion giver was a retired scientist, and thus he should complete some research on the heater about which he was to give opinion, in fact his opinion did NOT contain any information that would be based on research, nor provided even a single quantitative parameter which would be measured on the heater. Thus in the program this opinion-giver expressed himself almost in a manner as this is done by film commentators, not by scientists. Means he expressed exclusively his own believes, views, and feelings - instead of facts that would result from research. In addition his entire opinion was "anti" and boiled down to mainly contradicting words of the inventor. Another matter that hit my eyes in this report, was that everything was in it "polite" and deprived facts. Means the program said nothing about 60 years of continuous blocking the factory production of this heater, nor about the breakthrough character of the invention itself. Furthermore in this report I was hit by the different design of the heater that was demonstrated in it. I explained to myself this different design that probably Mr Davey not long ago managed to break in himself the impasse, the giving up, the discouragement, and the depression which I noticed in him in years 1990 to 1992 in the matter of constructing experimental prototypes of these heaters, and that he again started to improve his invention solving this problem of electrocuting - which previously was the reason for an official blocking of the factory production of this heater. The useful for me information of this report was that it implied that Mr Davey most probably still lives in Christchurch. Because soon I was about to go to Christchurch for the wedding of daughter of an acquaintance, I immediately decided that the next day I am going to find the address of Mr Davey in order to be able to see him during my stay in Christchurch. This is because already for a long time I had the web page Free energy - about telekinetic generators of free energy, in which, amongst others, I also described his heater. Thus a possible meeting with Mr Davey could provide me further findings and data about this extraordinary heater. These in turn could help me prepare this web page entirely devoted to this outstanding invention and its extraordinary fate. So the next day I went to the post office in order to find the address of Mr Davey from a telephone book of Christchurch. But it turned out that he was unlisted in the telephone book, similarly as he was NOT listed in 1998 - when for the last time I tried to contact this genius inventor. (Later I learned that he has a telephone, but he has reserved that his number is unlisted in the telephone book.) Then I recalled that in New Zealand address of every citizen of the country is also provided on a special list of people entitled to voting, which is called the "Parliamentary Electoral Roll". This list can be found in practically every larger public library. So from the post office I went to a library and I searched through lists from all the "Parliamentary Electoral Districts" for the Christchurch city. The name and address of Mr Davey I found on page 47 of such a roll published in 2007 and prepared for the Parliamentary Electoral District called "Christchurch East". I also noticed with a surprise that his address remain unchanged and still is exactly the same as I remembered it from years 1990 to 1992. Because in 1998 just at this address I saw the demolition of the house of Mr Davey, I come to the conclusion that probably in the meantime he build himself there another house on the place of the previous one and now he lives in this new house.

After the arrival to Christchurch at the beginning of February 2008, I firstly intended to visit Mr Davey, and only then drive to my friends - for the wedding of the daughter of which I arrived to Christchurch. The point was that during my stay in Christchurch I intended to complete scientific research and measurements of the heater of Mr Davey. I described these measurements in item #E3 below on this web page. The intention of completing such measurements I had since 1990. But never before a working prototype of this heater was available which I could measure. Of course, in order to be able to effectively carry out such research, I firstly needed to accumulate some initial data about the behaviour and attributes of the heater, and only then I could think about manners of effective carrying out its major research.

The house of Mr Davey I found without any difficulty. After all, I still remembered where this house is located from the period of my visits in years 1990 to 1992 - when I kept contacts with Mr Davey, and from the period of these memorable visits in 1998 - when I saw a gradual demolition of this house. I arrived to the house just before evening. The first thing that hit me over there was the house looked almost exactly the same as it looked in years 1990 to 1992. This in turn means, that in order it could look like that, after I saw it demolished in 1998, it needed to be shifted back in time, while its demolition needed to be intentionally eliminated in the new elapse of time. So knowing that people are unable to carry out such a shifting time back, because people still do NOT have time-altering devices described in item #C3. from the web page named Immortality, and in items #C6. to #C6.1. from the web page named Timevehicle, this almost original appearance of the house become for me a first warning sign that the matter of the "sonic heater" was for probably very vital reasons reopened by intelligence discussed in part #F. of this web page.

Mr Davey shared his flat with around 50 years old son also named Peter Davey (not present that day). After entering the flat I discovered that it only roughly looked similarly to as it looked in 1990 to 1992. But in fact it was changed in several vital details. For example, completely was lacking in it this separate room in which in years 1990 to 1992 Mr Davey stored (and show to me) materials which he previously accumulated for undertaking the factory production of his heater. In the building was also NO space for this room. I personally had a feeling in this flat, as if it was just a simplified copy, or a model, of the original home of Mr Davey, prepared by film makers just for satisfying needs of making a film. At the moment when Mr Davey come out from his bedroom to see me, I asked him whether he recognises me. He denied. So I reminded him that in years 1990 to 1992 we kept in touch in connection with his invention of the heater. He again was unable to recall anything on this topic. I had a fast though whether this lack of memory and inability to recognise me is the result of his age, of the fact of automatic erasure of the entire previous memory which takes place in every case of a technical shifting back time of some other person - as this is described in more details in subsection #B1.1., while illustrated on the example of the film "Groundhog Day" in item #C8.1., of the web page Timevehicle - about time, travel in time, and time vehicles.

After the initial polite conversation and documenting to Mr Davey that I know a lot about his life and invention, and after explaining him that in past I promised to promote his invention with all means that are available to me, I asked him to show me the "sonic boiler". I wanted to carry out some initial identification research about its attributes and behaviours. After all, when I later processed this in my mind, I could work out and plan the programme of basic scientific research on this heater. Mr Davey enthusiastically show me the heater, demonstrated to me the operation of it, allow me to have a good look at it, pose to photographs which I am showing on this web page, and also willingly answered on my questions which I asked him. Results of these initial identification research of his heater I presented in item #E2 and on Img.075 (#E2) below.

Until that meeting with Mr Davey I explained to myself that the working heater which he had and just demonstrated in TV was a relatively new prototype which he build relatively recent in order to introduce further improvements to his invention. However, at the moment of this our meeting I have learned one more secret of this "sonic heater" - namely that a model of it was "returned" to him by some acquaintance to whom this model was given by Mr Davey in old times when the inventor was still producing prototypes of his heaters. This information shock me. After all it reassured me about the correctness of my suspicions, that in the matter of that heater is interfering the intelligence described in item #F of this web page. As I already knew well, Mr Davey ceased completely the production of research prototypes of his heaters as long ago as before 1990. So if someone had such a working prototype - then he must got it from Davey a long time before the year 1990. But in years that preceded 1990, the design and material of heaters of Mr Davey were completely different - as this is shown on the photograph from Img.070 (#B1). So how it is possible that "returned" to him was the heater of a different design and materials from heaters which he used to give away in past. I am NOT going to comment here the fact, how highly altruistic would need to be this acquaintance, since he "returned" a heater in a perfect working order which (the heater) was serving him probably for NOT shorter than 20 years, which displayed all these wonderful user valour that I described in item #E5 below, and which was so unique design at the world's scale that to have it in possession many people and companies would be prepared to pay a fortune.

Because it was already an evening, while I was in a hurry to meet my friends for the wedding of the daughter of which I arrived to Christchurch, the initial identification of attributes and behaviours of the heater described above was very brief - just lasting several minutes. In order to do later main part of research and scientific measurements of this heater - which I described in item #E3 below, I make an appointment with Mr Davey two days later on afternoon. Mr Davey enthusiastically agreed for this our future meeting. At the good bye he gave me a copy of the issue of newspaper "The Press", which contained the article published about his invention. I accepted this gift, because Mr Davey show me that he has several copies of this particular issue of the newspaper.

After the rushed return to the hotel I left the newspaper in my room, intending to have a look at it only after my return from the home of my friends. Then I locked my room and went for the meeting. But when in the evening I again reached to this newspaper, it turned out that the entire part A of it is missing, while the article about Mr Davey's invention was in that part A. Strangely, I had an impression that Mr Davey gave me a complete newspaper (although, unfortunately, I did NOT check earlier whether it is really complete). (In order to still be able to read this article, a next day I was forced to go to the public library in Christchurch.) When, after reviewing this newspaper I went on the corridor of the hotel, not far from my room I noticed a male dressed exactly the same as I was dressed. This male completely without moving his legs floated across the corridor and disappeared int he wall. During my examination of the area of the wall in which I saw this man disappearing, I discovered in there a small (locked) compartment with miniature doors that reached just to my belt. The hotel was almost a new one, so it is difficult to suspect that I saw a ghost in it. So I rather come to a conclusion that the male was one amongst these temporary "simulations" to which creation is capable the intelligence described in item #F of this web page. Probably being dressed exactly as I was somehow needed in that situation. Seeing this man, and also the probably disappearance of a vital part of the newspaper from a locked hotel room, additionally reinforced my suspicion that the matter of the heater that I examined that day is extremely important.

Two days later I rang to Mr Davey to make sure that still is on our previously agreed meeting for carrying out the main part of research and scientific measurements of the "sonic boiler". But Mr Davey make me worried by informing that just while before he had a slight heart attack and that he still feels no so well, so that he is unable to participate in this meeting. He also informed me by the telephone that in the meantime he had the opportunity to read thoroughly my web page free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy, the full copy of which was provided to him by the author of that article in "The Press". (On this web page I promote his heater and describe extraordinary fate of it since 25 May 2003 - as I earlier promised him to do.) He also tried to convince me, that probably in 1998 I saw the demolition of a different house than his one. I did NOT argue with him on this subject. This is because i know from the experience that one needs to have a significant luggage of own sightings about the possibility of shifting time back with the use of time vehicles, to be able to accept a shocking fact, that events from the past that already took place still can be reversed if one has an access to time vehicles. Because I was unable to meet Mr Davey that day, I explained to him that after staying in Christchurch for three days, I am going for a week long trip around the entire South Island of New Zealand. I also proposed that I will return to Christchurch in a week of time. So we agreed to carry out the main research and scientific measurements of his heater in a week of time when I am again in Christchurch. When I was talking with him through telephone, I heard this characteristic clicking noise which typically sounds when to a given telephone line someone third connects to listen to the conversation. It it looked as that someone was highly interested to either learn the content of my private conversation with Mr Davey, or also let me know that every my word is listened to and probably even recorded on a tape.

For the next week I travelled around the South Island of New Zealand. Amongst others I had a look at the Tapanui crater, and also visited other places and acquaintances that I know from my previous research on the mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand. When after a week of time I returned to Christchurch, from the motel I rang in evening to Mr Davey to make an appointment for our meeting a next day for carrying out the main research and scientific measurements of his heater. When I talked to him, again I heard these characteristic clicking noises - as if someone third joined to listen to our conversation. Mr Davey this time was already healthy. But in the meantime he developed strong doubts about the need for carrying out scientific research and measurements of his heater. Because he was seemingly convinced that there is no need for such exact research and measurements of his heater, he cancelled during the conversation our meeting planned earlier. Making most from this conversation, and suspecting that probably this is the last contact that I had with him, I asked him several questions to which he replied with a visible reservations and only partially. In his replies he make an impression that in fact he is NOT sure what is the correct reply to these questions. Amongst others I asked him about details of the person who "returned" to him the present model of the "sonic boiler", and I asked whether he remembers exactly when and in what circumstances he build the present model of the "sonic boiler" and gave this model to that person. I also asked how he explains the fact that the "sonic boiler" according to my understanding is constructed of aluminium, while he always stressed to me that the only material that is suitable for the construction of bowls of this heater is the stainless steel. Finally I asked him whether he had any feedback from the article that appeared in "The Press". To this last question he replied that several people rang him in this matter - some of these even from as far as the USA. This again make me wonder. After all, I knew that the article did NOT provide his telephone number, and that his number was restricted and unlisted in the telephone book of Christchurch. I also know from the experience that the reporter who wrote the article would NEVER gave to anyone the unlisted telephone number of Mr Davey. After all, the disclosing this number would run against the "Privacy Act", which in New Zealand is pedantically obeyed. Furthermore, the finding of this reporter in order to ask about the telephone number, would NOT be so simple and easy for someone who lives e.g. in the USA (means who do not know the live of New Zealand), even if the reporter would be prepared to disclose the unlisted and restricted number. So is it possible that all this ringing to him was just "simulated" in order to cause the effect of "abandoning his own search for interest", by making an impression of a world-wide interest - as I described this in item #E4.1 below.

A next day I continued my return trip home, without any further contacting Mr Davey. Also, as I am explaining this in item #I1. below, Mr Davey died several months later and still in that 2008 - what on me make an impression that the shifting his time back, rebuilding his previously destroyed house, and probably also returning him to life, was only to enable me to meet him in the way described above.

Img.074 (#E1)

Img.074 (#E1) Another photograph of Mr Davey who demonstrates to me the operation of the "sonic boiler". This photo complements the photo from Img.069 (#A1).

The boiler shown above clearly differs from the immersion heater shown before in Img.070 (#B1). For example, in my opinion the external sphere is made of aluminium, and this sphere has the form of a completely closed ball. In turn such a closure of this sphere on one hand eliminates the drawbacks of the design of previous "immersion heaters" of this inventor - which (the drawback) depended on the danger of electrocuting of users of these devices. On the other hand this completely closed sphere disallows seeing what hides inside of the boiler (and thus also checking the principle of operation of these devices), and makes highly difficult the required sonic tuning of this boiler. In turn without appropriate sonic tuning this boiler refuses to work.

It is also worth to take notice of the age of Mr Davey that holds this boiler. On the day of taking the above photograph he was already after his 92nd birthday. All facts seem to indicate, that such long life was the outcome of drinking the telekinetised water produced by the boiler discussed here during boiling this water on principles of telekinesis. More about the water of life produced by the boiler discussed here is explained in item #E6 below.

#E2. What I noticed during this brief (several minutes long) preliminary examination in which Mr Davey demonstrated to me the operation of the "sonic boiler":

When I contacted Mr Davey in 1990 to 1992, he did NOT have a working prototype of his immersion heater. (The last such a prototype that he produced was spoiled some time before my contacting him.) So I was unable to examine this heater at work. But in our meeting at the beginning of 2008, the inventor just had a working "sonic boiler". So he demonstrated to me how it works. In this way he allowed me to notice several interesting features and behaviours of that device. I am describing below the most vital of these features, and interpreting their meaning and significance.

(1) The "sonic boiler" boils water immediately after it is submerged in this water. In case of using any other water heater, the water receives heat from the heater on principles of the "conduction of heat". This in turn means, that no matter what is the energy yield of the heater, in these other methods of heating always some period of time must pass, before the thermal energy shifts from the heater to the water. In the result, in every other kind of heater, water boiled with a clear time delay. However, in case of the "sonic boiler" the entire volume of water began to boil almost instantly after the boiler was inserted into the glass with water. The time that elapsed between submerging this boiler in the water, and the moment when the water reached the state of a full-blown boiling, was at the level of seconds. Thus, the boiling looked almost like the phenomenon of forming gas bubbles during the production of so-called "soda water" that I used to carry out in my childhood, and which depended on pouring a bit of vinegar to a glass of water and then putting a bit of kitchen soda powder. Means, after the "sonic boiler" was inserted in water, the entire volume instantly began to form miniature bubbles of steam, which (the bubbles) in the first stage after floating to the surface formed a "layer of transparent foam" above the surface of water. (This "layer of transparent foam" is visible on the photograph from Img.076 (#E2b).)

(2) The "sonic boiler" boils water simultaneously in the entire volume of this water. Means, after this boiler is submerged into the boiled water, immediately the entire volume of this water generates miniature bubbles and the entire water begins to boil.

(3) Practically all phenomena which we get to know during the use of classical electrical heaters of water, for the "sonic boiler" have a completely different course. Thus e.g. research of this boiler must apply a different technique and principles than research of classical electrical heaters of water.

(4) The "sonic boiler" is exceptionally safe in use. Namely, to its external (spherical) buffering bowl - see (2) on Img.071 (#B2), always connected is zero (ground) wire of the electricity supply. Therefore voltage that supplies this boiler does NOT electrify the water that is boiled. So the user can freely touch both the surface of the boiler plagued to the electricity, as well as the water boiled, without being electrocuted.

For a curiosity I touched both the boiler plagued to the power means, as well as the water which this boiler was heating. During this touching I felt NO electricity-induced sensations. Interesting in this experiment was, that in spite of being connected to electricity and ready to boil water, the "sonic boiler" was NOT hot at all (as it would be the resistance heater connected to electricity). The heating of the boiler only takes place when it boils water - and thus it takes on itself a part of heat from the water. But immediately after it is taken out of the water, the boiler cools down.

In fact, when the safety is concerned, the "sonic boiler" is much more safe from all other heaters known on the Earth. For example, as it is explained in item #E5 of this web page, it is unable to cause a fire even if one leaves it without a supervision and allows the entire water to boil out (evaporate). This is because when this boiler is NOT submerged in water it ceases to generate heat.

(5) The "sonic boiler" boils any amount of any liquid that is based on water. Otherwise than this is the case with all other boilers which have their limits for the smallest amount of water that they are able to boil, the "sonic boiler" boils every amount of water. In fact it is able to boil even water from a spoon. As such it promotes saving of electricity, as it allows to boil only that amount of water which is just needed. Furthermore, this boiler is able to boil any liquid, not just a pure water. In this way it allows e.g. instant boiling cold cacao, or coffee after the powder is dissolved in a glass of cold water or milk.

(6) The "sonic boiler" changes physical attributes of water that it boils. This telekinetic change of physical properties of water is described more comprehensively in item #E6 of this web page. The change of attributes of water manifests itself, amongst others, in this that bubbles formed during boiling with this boiler are permanent and do NOT disappear as fast as in boiling with other methods. Furthermore, the sound of water boiled with this boiler is completely different than in boiling with normal methods. I suspect also that the longevity of the inventor, highlighted in the caption under Img.074 (#E1), is also the outcome of this change of attributes of the water being boiled.

(7) The "sonic boiler" in the technical version shown here has a similar consumption of energy as every other heater of water (in spite that in the version shown in Img.070 (#B1) it apparently consumed almost zero electricity). As I illustrate and explain this in Img.075 (#E2) below, the "sonic boiler" in the technical version described here in my estimates does NOT show any lesser consumption of power than other (classical) kinds of heaters for water. This in turn stands in a clear disagreement with outcomes of official research of the "immersion heater" shown on the photograph from Img.070 (#B1). After all, the "immersion heater" supposedly was researched by "experts" and supposedly clearly demonstrated then the lack of electricity consumption while it generated heat. It is just because of this "normal" consumption of energy by the "sonic boiler", in connection with the mysterious circumstances in which this boiler was "returned" to Mr Davey, I personally believe that it is a kind of the Trojan Horse which via a trick very similar to the trick described on the web page memorial.htm - about methods of cunning undermining of evidential value of objective photographs is aimed at the discouragement of possible people interested in this heater for the undertaking a factory mass production of it. My reasoning about the principles on which this trick can be based is described in item #E4.1 below.

Img.075 (#E2a)

Img.076 (#E2b)

Img.077 from Sonic Boiler (#E2c)

Sequence Img.075/ Img.076/ Img.077 The operation and consumption of electrical energy by the "sonic boiler". Here are three photographs of the "sonic boiler" photographed in various phases of boiling two different amounts of water in a glass of a typical size (i.e. capacity of around 0.25 litre). Please notice that the power supply to this boiler is carried out through an Amperometer. Thus each photograph shows the power consumption in the phase of boiling that a given photo registered. As it can be seen on the above photographs, the energy consumption by the "sonic boiler" shown here is rather similar to energy consumption conventional heaters made of resistor wires.

I should explain here that such a "normal" consumption of electrical energy, which is agreeable with laws of classical physics, supposedly was not revealed during research of the original boilers of Mr Davey shown in photograph from Img.070 (#B1) above. This fact, in connection with mysterious circumstances in which the "sonic boiler" was "returned" to Mr Davey, suggest that the boiler shown here probably is a kind of Trojan Horse developed especially to support other methods of suppression of the factory production of this boiler - as this is described in item #E4 of this web page. After all, the intelligence described in part #F of this web page, is known to use various "tricks" and "fabrications" to spread confusion amongst people. One such a "trick", which also boils down to the principle of "Trojan Horse, is described comprehensively on separate web page Memorial - about methods of cunning undermining of evidential value of objective photographs.

Img.075 (#E2a) A photograph taken in the first phase of boiling a small amount of water in a standard-size glass. This photograph documents, amongst others, that the boiler described here is able to boil any amount of water in any dish, in this also the amount so small, that it just allows to submerge a section of the boiler, while the remaining section sticks out above the surface of water. In case of the use of heaters made of resistance wires, the boiling of such a small amount of water would finish with the overheating of the boiler, and thus with burning it out.

The energy supplied to water in this first phase of boiling must satisfy the consumption of energy for raising the temperature of water that results from "specific heat" of this liquid, and also must satisfy the consumption of energy for a simultaneous evaporation of this water resulting from the "specific evaporation heat". Amperometer captured on this photograph indicates the consumption of the current amounting to around 5 Amperes. For a typical voltage of electricity supply this means that the "sonic boiler" just consumes around 1100 Watt of electrical energy.

Img.076 (#E2b) A photograph taken in the first phase of boiling in a glass around twice more water that in Img.075 (#E2a). The interesting fact captured on this photograph is that the "sonic boiler" boils water instantly in the entire volume, and also that immediately after the boiler is placed in water the entire volume of water begins to form miniature bubbles of transparent vapours.

The interesting aspect which is revealed by the above photograph relatively well, is that water boiled with the use of this boiler changes its physical parameters. Namely, bubbles of water vapour formed during the boiling do NOT break after emerging at the surface - as this takes place in normal water heaters. In the boiler shown here these bubbles become more permanent and form a thick layer of transparent foam above the boiled water. This foam looks similarly like foam above beer poured to a tankard. Only that it is transparent. The thick layer of this foam is visible relatively well above the surface of water from the above photograph. I personally believe that this change in physical attributes of water boiled by the "sonic boiler" results from the telekinetic principles of operation of this boiler. Namely this boiler not only boils water instantly in the entire volume, but it simultaneously telekinetises this water in the entire volume - as this is described in item #E6 below.

The energy supplied to water in this phase of boiling must satisfy the consumption of energy for raising the temperature of water that results from "specific heat" of this liquid, and it also must satisfy the consumption of energy for a simultaneous evaporation of this water resulting from the "specific evaporation heat". Amperometer captured on this photograph indicates the consumption of the current amounting to around 8 Amperes. For a typical voltage of electricity supply this means that the "sonic boiler" just consumes around 1800 Watts of electrical energy.

Img.077 (#E2c) The photograph taken in the second phase of evaporation from the glass the same amount of water as in photo Img.076 (#E2b) - means around twice as much as the amount of water from the photograph Img.075 (#E2a).

On the above photograph it is worth to take notice of the large transparent like "bubbles" formed permanently above the surface of the rapidly boiling water. On this photographs the bubbles look like above the water were large pieces of ice. These permanent bubbles prove that boiled water changes its physical properties. In turn the only change that the boiler working on principles of telekinesis is able to introduce, is the telekinetisation of this water. Thus the bubbles captured on the above photograph are another illustrative evidence (next to the longevity of the inventor of this boiler) for the correctness of the conclusion discussed in item #E6 of this web page, namely that the boiler produces the telekinetised water of life.

The actual change of properties of water boiled by the boiler discussed here indicates also a different sound produced during boiling with this boiler. Namely, water does NOT gurgle in the same way as it does when boiled in a traditional manner, but produces a sharp sounds similar to shooting or to blowing the air through a straw to a mixture of water and soap used for generation of large soap bubbles. This different sound of boiling with the boiler described here, in February 2008 could be heard after one clicked onto the link to video showing this boiler, which link entitled "Watch audio slideshow of Peter Davey" existed on the web page http://www.stuff.co.nz/thepress/4379593a6530.html which contained the article about Mr Davey and his boiler.

The energy supplied to water in this phase of boiling must satisfy only the consumption of energy for evaporation of the boiling water - i.e. satisfy the consumption that result just from the "specific evaporation heat". After all, the temperature of water in this phase probably stabilises at 100 degrees Celsius - means water should NOT consume energy for its "specific heat". The Amperometer captured on this photograph indicates the consumption of the current amounting to around 3 Amperes. For a typical voltage of electricity supply this means that the "sonic boiler" just consumes around 700 Watts of electrical energy.

#E3. Research and measurements which I planned to complete on the "sonic boiler":

The most important goal for which I tried to research thoroughly the "sonic heater" was to determine whether this heater is so-called "free energy device", means whether its energy efficiency is exceeding 100% (or - as in all classic electrical heaters, this efficiency is below 100%). After the initial identification research I determined, that the most easy and the most exactly this energy efficiency can be determined through making the so-called "energy balance" for a small (known) amount of water being evaporated by this heater. This is because if we know how many water was evaporated, in what time, at what consumption of the power, and at what temperature, then it verdunstet, zu welchem Zeitpunkt, bei welcher Aufnahme is possible to determine relatively well the amount of electrical energy consumed by this heater for the evaporation of the water, and the amount of thermal energy that escapes with the steam (or the stream of supplied electrical energy and the stream of escaping thermal energy).

In turn making an energy balance and the determination of the energy efficiency of this heater during the process of water boiling - as normally this is done with conventional heaters, turns in this case very difficult. The reason is very short time of boiling (just a few seconds) - which is very difficult to measure accurately, and the instability of the entire process of heating. After all, in the heater discussed here all parameters of work of this heater continually change during the boiling of water.

In order to be able to measure exactly the efficiency of this heater through the measurements of the evaporated water, one needs to measure: (a) the intake of electrical power by the heater (i.e. Volts and Amperes) that takes place in the stable state of full boiling of the water, (b) temperature of the steam that escapes from the boiling water, (c) amount of water that was boiled out (turned into the steam), (d) time of boiling a given amount of water that caused a measured amount of steam to escape. In order to make such measurements a minimal number of measuring equipment is needed, namely just: a Voltmeter and Ampere-meter, thermometer, stop watch, and a measure for volume of water.

A possible error in making the energy balance for this heater could take place if the "sonic heater" through appropriate selection of materials and resonance frequencies was so designed that instead just do a work of boiling and evaporation of water, it also additionally carry out the dissociation of water into oxygen and hydrogen. Therefore independently from measurements of the energy consumption by this heater, it is necessary to carry out experiments which are to check whether the heater causes the escape of just steam from water, or also emits hydrogen and oxygen. This checking can be carried out e.g. by bringing a burning match to the vapours (or gases) that escape from water boiled by this heater. If in this vapour a significant percentage of hydrogen and oxygen is contained, such a burning match should initiate their burning (means create a noise of the "puff" type). Otherwise the match should be simply extinguished by the wet blow of the steam. Of course, the experiment with the burning match is just a simplest experiment possible for carrying out. Other experiments can include, e.g. accumulation of these gases above the surface of a glass turned upside-down and initially filled with water, to check whether after cooling down these gases simply disappear (i.e. whether the condensing steam is going to suck water back into this glass on the same principles as this was done in past by "placing suctions"). People with advanced knowledge of chemistry can also catch gases that escape from the boiling water and subject these gases to chemical analysis that determined their composition.

#E4. For what reasons I personally believe that the "sonic boiler" is a kind of "Trojan Horse" which with the aid of a trick is to further suppress an industrial implementation of the invention of Mr Davey to a mass production:

With the "sonic boiler" described here is linked a whole array of extraordinary circumstances. Some amongst these circumstances are on the border of "supernatural". Let us list here the most vital out of such circumstances:

(1) The publishing of information about the "sonic heater" was carried out in such a clever manner that later can be claimed that the knowledge about this boiler is NOT kept secret from the society, but simultaneously there is a minimal number of people who learn about this boiler. For example, the article about this boiler appeared hidden deeply on page A13 of the local newspaper from Christchurch, named The Press, issue dated on Wednesday, January 30, 2008. This newspaper has a limited circulation and is read mainly by people living in the city Christchurch and in vicinity of that city. In turn the report from television news TVNZ 1, on 30 January 2008, was broadcasted only one day (Wednesday) at 11:00 p.m., means at the time when the majority of working people typically sleeps. So even myself, in spite that I do NOT work, also almost missed it because at the time when it was broadcasted I usually sleep.

(2) The "sonic boiler" was "returned" to Mr Davey in quite mysterious circumstances. Mr Davey definitively ceased the production of his heaters a long time before 1990. So we must hypothetically assume that this someone received a model of his heater when it still was produced for research. Why then such someone "returned" to Mr Davey this heater after over 20 years? And in spite that the heater displays all these wonderful advantages that are described in item #E5 below, as well as in spite that Mr Davey quite clearly does NOT remember now the circumstances when he build this particular heater and gave it to this someone. I should NOT even deliberate here the fact that the boiler which is so useful and so intensely exploited (as this is indicated by its worn paint and its used appearance), similarly as everything else in our physical world, also is subjected to accidents and wrong treatment. Thus until today it should be accidentally broken or burned out. After all, in spite of its "indestructibility", every other original heater of Mr Davey was burned or accidentally destroyed after just several years of use. Thus it is difficult to agree with the level of the use of this heater that is documented on photographs, with its still perfect operation until the present day. Unless we assume, that this level of use was somehow fabricated intentionally (i.e. that the heater was especially produced by someone that it looked as if it is old and used.)

(3) The "sonic boiler" uses a different design and materials that heaters produced by Mr Davey. For example, according to my understanding bowls of the "sonic boiler" are produced from some aluminium alloy - although I had no possibility to conclusively research this matter. This is because the bowls look like they are made of an aluminium alloy, when I knocked them with my finger they produced a sound of an aluminium alloy, and they caused that the entire heater was surprisingly light - just as if it is made of aluminium. On the other hand all original heaters of Mr Davey I know of, and also all parts which in 1990 Mr Davey demonstrated to me accumulated for undertaking the mass production of that heater, had bowls made of stainless steel. Also when our telephone conversations I directly asked Mr Davey about the material from which this heater is made, he claimed that the bowls were made of stainless steel.

(4) The "sonic boiler" has solved the problem of electrocuting the user, which was a major excuse on the basis of which bureaucrats blocked in past the permit to undertake a factory production of this heater. Until the year 1992, the major reason for which the permit for undertaking the factory production of that heater was blocked, was that the heater in the version shown on Img.070 (#B1) and Img.071 (#B2) allowed the user to touch the resonating bowl that is supplied with electricity, and thus it allows the electrocuting the user. But when the heater shown in this part #E was "returned" to Mr Davey, it contained already the solution for this electrocuting problem. However, I personally believe, that Mr Davey did NOT solved this problem. After all, he ceased the production of his heaters completely still before the year 1990. In turn until that year 1990 his heaters were constructed to the model shown in Img.070 (#B1) and Img.071 (#B2).

(5) A few months before the program about the heater of Mr Davey was broadcasted, several anonymous persons were contacting me claiming that they build this heater. Highly intriguing in these contacts turned out one detail. Namely, a person asked me whether there is any reason that would result from principle of operation of this heater, for which (the reason) Mr Davey did NOT use in his heater the spherical and completely closed buffering bowl. Then in the television report I saw just such a closed completely buffering bowl present in the model of the heater that someone "returned" to Mr Davey.

(6) The "sonic boiler" documents the use of technology of manufacturing which was so advanced that it could NOT be available to Mr Davey in times when he produced these heaters. For example, this heater has a spherical and completely closed buffering bowl - see the bowl (2) in Img.071 (#B2), which (the bowl) makes more difficult, if not completely impossible, the sonic fine tuning of that bowl. Furthermore, this bowl was welded in quite a highly professional manner. In turn such a professional welding lied beyond technical capabilities of the "cottage" production of Mr Davey - especially if this bowl is actually made of aluminium. (As some readers probably know, aluminium and its alloys are extremely difficult for welding.)

(7) During my attempts to research and scientifically measure this "sonic boiler" events took place which can also be interpreted as someone's hidden actions aimed at making this research impossible for me. These events could easily be induced by someone's hidden activities. For example, before the first date when I make an appointment with Mr Davey for researching and measuring his heater, he experienced some form of a "heart attack" that make impossible the completion of research on this heater. In turn when I contacted him again a week later, he was clearly convinced by someone that there is NO need for measurements and for research of this heater. This conviction that research are unnecessary Mr Davey demonstrated in spite that during the television report about his heater some outside opinion giver repetitively contradicted claims of the inventor, without basing this contradicting on any specific research of this heater.

(8) When I talked with Mr Davey via telephone about the "sonic boiler", I repetitively heard characteristic "clicks" which typically are sign that someone third joined the connection in order to listen to it. From these "clicks" I gather that the telephone of Mr Davey was then under someone's discreet surveillance. This in turn means that a mysterious someone has some interest to know everything in the matter of this heater, and that the matter of this heater is NOT subjected just to a random course of events.

(9) On my own eyes in 1998 I saw the destruction of the building in which Mr Davey lives, but this building again existed in almost the original appearance in 2008. This in turn means that there was a vital reason for shifting time back and returning this building to the existence.

(10) The intelligence described in part #F of this web page, have a long tradition in blocking our civilisation from implementing technologies that are based on the phenomenon of technical telekinesis. For example, as described in subsection K2.3.1 from volume 10 of monograph [1/4], this intelligence blocked also the dissemination of the technology of telekinetic "thesta-distatica" which already produces free energy, but which is closed to the outside world by the Swiss religious community named Methernitha.

The above circumstances are extremely meaningful. It is difficult to suspect that these are just "coincidents". Furthermore, these are "complemented" by several highly significant events that took place before. For example, these are complemented by events described on the separate web page memorial.htm - about method of cunning undermining of evidential value of authentic photographs of UFOs. These meaningful circumstances are also complemented by events described in part #C of this web page - when were used all possible methods of administrative pressure to prevent the factory production of the invention of Mr Davey.

While having in mind these meaningful circumstances that accompanied the reappearance of the "sonic boiler", and also considering other events which complement these, I personally believe that the "sonic boiler" described here is in fact a kind of the "Trojan Horse" which was intentionally introduced to our civilisation in order to additionally extend the blocking of Mr Davey invention from the factory production. According to my opinion, the model of the "sonic boiler" shown on photographs from Img.069 (#A1), and also Img.075 (#E1) to Img.077 (#E3), was NOT produced by Mr Davey. Expressing the above in other words, in my personal view the "sonic boiler" shown here in fact represents a technology that was intentionally fabricated to discourage all interested people to the factory implementation of this invention and so designed that in every aspect it forms a wrong opinion about the real invention of Mr Davey.

I can only speculate what could be this plan of action or a "trick" with the use of which this time someone tries to accomplish a further delay in the putting this invention to a mass production. (Outcomes of my speculations on this subject are provided in item #E4.1 below.) Therefore people who wish to implement this heater to a serial factory production should be prepared mentally to the avalanche of unexpected obstacles and problems. In turn the remaining readers of this web page I encourage to realise on the example of fate of this heater that the "curse of inventors" is not just a myth, but it actually operates on the Earth. In turn, one amongst countless evidence of the secretive operation of this curse on the Earth, is the fact that in spite that already is available for the examination a working model of this heater, and that I am willing to provide consultations as to how to build and research it, and also in spite that already so much is known about its design, operation, attributes and history, this heater for a very long time we are not going to have in our shops. Probably also we will hear many times that someone wishes to implement it for the factory production, but for some mysterious reasons he still is unable to accomplish this.

Img.078 (#E3)

Img.078 (#E3) An example of highly refined technology used for the production of the above "sonic boiler". In this case illustrated is the technically almost perfect welding of the cap to the bottom of the "buffering hemispherical bowl". Such a welding in "cottage industry" conditions which were in the disposal of Mr Davey is almost impossible - especially if the bowl was made of aluminium. (Click on the above photograph in order to see it enlarged.) Such a refined technology was NOT in technical capabilities of Mr Davey in times when I kept in touch with him. After all the professional welding of a complete sphere is one amongst most difficult technical tasks. Especially when this sphere is erroneously welded from alloy of aluminium. This is why I personally believe that the above heater represents a technology that was purposely thrown as a kind of the "Trojan Horse". In turn the "trick" of the use of this "Trojan Horse" allows probably to continue the blockade of the industrial implementation of this heater to a mass production - only that this time with the use of a different methods than the previous application of bureaucratic obstacles described in part #C of this web page.

#E4.1. Let us speculate how possibly the "curse of inventors" may use the "sonic boiler" as a kind of "Trojan Horse" to further suppress and delay the industrial implementation of this boiler to a mass production:

All circumstances suggest that the "sonic boiler" described here was in fact intentionally thrown at us in order to work as a kind of a "Trojan Horse" that delays and blocks the factory mass production of the advanced technology that this heater represents. Thus in our vital interest lies to identify manners on which this heater is to work just as such a "Trojan Horse". After all, if we manage to identify these manners, then it become much easier for us to overcome them and to build the heater. Here is my reasoning as to what could be possible manners in which this heater is to act as a "Trojan Horse". (I call it reasoning, although in reality it is difficult to predict how the intelligence described in part #F of this web page is going to use the "sonic boiler" for further blocking the factory production of it. After all, the way of thinking of it is drastically different than our way of thinking.)

(1) The existence of the "sonic boiler" probably is to discourage other hobbyists to replicate the invention of Mr Davey. The human nature is such, that the awareness that someone already has a working device, always discourages the reinventing of the same device. After all, such reinventing of something that already exists is a proverbial "forcing the open doors". Therefore inventors who without the existence of a working prototype of this heater would probably initiate efforts to invent it again, this time will put aside attempts towards such a reinvention until the time when they are able to see it or to buy it in shops - while such a time is to never come.

(2) The existence of this boiler allows to generate an "apparent interest" which is to discourage the effort of seeking a true interest. Means someone could repetitively ring to Mr Davey and make an impression on him that there is a progress in the implementation of this boiler. However in reality NOTHING was going to be done, but just a hidden delay was carried out. In turn this "apparent interest" neutralised possible attempts to find someone who would really wish to implement this heater to a mass factory production.

(3) The having this boiler, and the "apparent interest" which it induces, psychologically discouraged the inventor from assisting other researchers in the constructing it. After all, if the inventor did NOT have any working model of the heater, then he would have a true motivation to support efforts of other researchers to build such a working prototype. But when the inventor had himself such a working prototype, then his psychological attitude was directed towards finding a producer for it, than towards assisting other researchers in reconstructing it and in learning the technology of making it. In turn the searches of the producer can be easily lengthen to infinity. Simultaneously, for as long as a potential producer does NOT manage the technology of making this boiler, the heater in fact is blocked from attempts to undertake its mass production.

(4) The heater that is especially constructed to perform the function of a "Trojan Horse", independently from the useful boiling of water can also implement several further actions which are to be detrimental to its usefulness. If someone build the "sonic boiler" to make it a kind of a "Trojan Horse", then for sure independently from giving to it capability to boil water, he gave to it also several other capabilities which are to turn detrimental to its applications as a heater. For example, he could give to it the capability to additionally implement the useless for heating the dissociation of water, thus effectively decreasing the energy efficiency of the heater. (Whether the boiler does such a dissociation of water to hydrogen and oxygen, it can be checked with the use of experiments described above in item #E3.) After all, according to other experiments carried out with the telekinetic dissociation of water and described in subsection K3.2 from volume 10 of monograph [1/4], a difference between the telekinetic dissociation of water and a telekinetic boiling and evaporation of water, depends just on the use of different resonance frequencies. The heater described here can also work as a "Trojan Horse" through the telekinetisation of the water with other oscillations than the ones that generate the "water of life" described in item #E6 below. After all, according to what was explained in subsection H8.1. from volume 4 of monograph [1/5] and [1/4], kinds of oscillations which cause the permanent telekinetisation of water also depends on resonance frequencies. In turn the telekinetisation of water e.g. with "transverse oscillations" (i.e. with the "negative green" of radiesthesia) may turn out to be rather unhealthy for people drinking this water. (The excess of the "negative green" in the telekinetised water can be detected with methods of radiesthesia. In turn the health value of the water which is heated by the telekinetic boiler can be checked through giving this water for drinking by animals sensitive to the quality of water - e.g. horses or dogs, or through watering vegetation with it, as this is described for the "telekinetic farming" in subsection NB2 from volume 11 of monograph [1/4].)

(5) The complete closing of the resonance bowl in a spherical buffering bowl makes impossible the checking what is inside of it without the destruction of it. In turn the inability to learn the design and operation of it without destroying it, makes impossible implementing it to a mass factory production even if someone have the only working prototype of it. This is because after it is cut through it stops to work - similarly as this happened with the "amphora from Pakistan" described below in item #E4.2 of this web page.

The unique situation in which this "return" of the heater placed the humanity, depends on the fact that now we have the heater, but simultaneously we still do NOT have it and still there is no visible point in time when it is going to be implemented to a factory production. In this matter the situation which is created with this telekinetic heater is already identical to the situation that exists with the telekinetic generator of free energy called the thesta-distatica. The "thesta-distatica" also exists well guarded by the Swiss religious community Methernitha, but is still inaccessible for the humanity. What even more interesting, in both cases of these telekinetic devices of free energy, the actual control over what happens to these devices perform the intelligence described in part #F. of this web page.

#E4.2. The "amphora from Pakistan", and its meaningful destruction:

At this point I should remind, that the situation created by the heater described here already existed once on the Earth. During my professorship in Cyprus told me this story my student from Pakistan, in whose family town this situation took place. Namely, since unknown times until 1950s in Pakistan a metal amphora did exist. It lied for several centuries in a stream that flowed through one of palaces in that country. This amphora continually boiled water which washed it, without consuming any energy. Unfortunately it was destroyed by an English scientist in 1950s, who in the name of science convinced the local landlord to see what is inside of it. The scientist cut it apart. It turned out to be empty inside. However, later he was unable to put it back together to make it work. The description of this "amphora from Pakistan" is provided in item #B2. of the web page Newzealand - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand, and also in item #E7. of the web page Free energy - about telekinetic generators of free energy. In turn the principle of operation of this amphora from Pakistan is explained by phenomena described in subsection H6.1.3. from volume 4 of monograph [1/5]. According to my estimates, this principle was almost identical to the principle of operation of the telekinetic heater described on this web page. Only that surfaces of it washed up by hot and cool water were additionally looped through the oscillatory circuit with the resonating electrodes of it. Therefore the hot and cold water which washed these surfaces released the action of so-called Seebeck Effect, thus generating on these surfaces electric charges which were needed to supply this amphora in energy required to its operation.

#E5. Advantages of the "sonic boiler" - means why I personally believe that even if this boiler is a kind of "Trojan Horse", it still is worth of an immediate implementation to an industrial production:

In spite that I personally believe that the "sonic boiler" described here is probably a kind of "Trojan Horse" produced by the "alien technology", I am still deeply convinced that this boiler deserves to be implemented immediately into an industrial mass production. This my deep conviction results from the knowledge of numerous useful advantages and hidden potentials of the "sonic boiler". In turn these useful advantages and hidden potentials cause, that in case of undertaking the industrial (mass) production of this boiler, it becomes a kind of commercial "bestseller", bringing high benefits both, to the person who will implement its factory production, as well as to the entire society that is going to use it. Let us list now briefly the most vital application advantages and hidden potentials of the "sonic boiler". Here these are:

(1) The "sonic boiler" bits with its advantages and specifications all other water heaters in existence. For example, it boils water almost instantly. It is able to boil any amount of water - even as small as that which fits onto a spoon. During boiling of water the boiler utilises phenomena which do NOT cause the burning of substances dissolved in given water. Therefore it can boil e.g. cold cacao, milk, or coffee. It is so small that it is suitable for submerging into a practically every dish etc.

(2) From the safety point of view the "sonic boiler" also bits all other boilers and heaters of water in existence. This boiler is absolutely safe. For example, due to placement of the "resonating bowl" - see (1) on Img.071 (#B2) - to which the life wire of the energy supply is connected, inside of the spherical and closed "buffering bowl" - see (2) on Img.071 (#B2) - to which the zero (ground) wire of the electricity supply is connected, this boiler does NOT threats with an electrocution. (But, as we realise, users typically can be electrocuted by many other already existing kinds of electric heaters of water). Thus the user can safely touch both the boiler itself, as the liquid that this boiler is just boiling.

Additional level of safety introduces in the sonic boiler the attribute, that in order to carry out heating, it must be submerged in some water-based liquid. It is known that other water heaters can cause a fire if after leaving them without a supervision their liquid boils out completely while their safety switch does NOT work. In turn, for the boiler discussed here, when the liquid boils out completely, the boiler simply ceases to heat and cools down all by itself.

(3) The "sonic boiler" implements the method of heating liquids that was previously unknown on the Earth - as such it has a huge scientific potential. According to my deductions, this boiler releases in the boiled liquid the phenomenon of technical telekinesis - which (the telekinesis) is a reversal of friction. (For more details about this principle of operation see separate web pages of totalizm, e.g. pages free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy, telekinesis.htm - about the phenomenon of telekinesis, or dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.) Therefore, after the mass implementation of this boiler on the Earth, orthodox scientists who presently refuse to research telekinesis will have no other option but to undertake the rational research of this phenomenon. This in turn will allow humanity to learn about the phenomenon of technically released telekinesis, and thus begin to utilise this phenomenon in a whole range of beneficial applications. Some amongst numerous applications of technical telekinesis include: the propelling of space vehicles of the Magnocraft type, remote shifting of objects, healing and telekinetic farming (as this is described in item #E6 below), and many more.

(4) The "sonic boiler" does NOT have moving parts, thus in practice it is "indestructible". So if someone does NOT burn it out or physically break by accident, this heater can effectively work and fulfil its functions practically infinitively long - as this happened with the "amphora from Pakistan" described in item #E4.2 above.

(5) The "sonic boiler" can be designed to be very simple in production - as this is explained in technical description from this web page. Thus practically everyone who can break through the artificially imposed discouragement to undertake the research of this boiler, and who wishes to implement this boiler into an industrial production, is able to accomplish this just on the basis of descriptions from this web page and even with methods of a "cottage industry". The implementation of this boiler to the mass production does NOT require production of expensive or technically difficult components.

(6) There is a working model of this boiler, while I am ready to advice how to build it and how to introduce it to a commercial production. Everyone who undertakes the production of the boiler discussed here can see how this boiler looks like and how it works. This sighting of the boiler can be accomplished on many different manners, e.g. through ordering from channel 1 of the New Zealand television a DVD disc with a copy of news item about this boiler that was broadcasted on Wednesday, 30 January 2008, around 11:00 pm, or through viewing video-links entitled "Watch audio slideshow of Peter Davey" which in February 2008 were accessible through the web site http://www.stuff.co.nz/thepress/4379593a6530.html, that contained the text of the article about Mr Davey and about his boiler. (I should remind here that this article appeared in the local newspaper from Christchurch, named The Press, issue dated on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, page A13.) People who undertake the production of the sonic boiler can also count on my consultations.

(7) During heating liquids the boiler discussed here most probably also telekinetises these liquids semi-permanently, giving to them attributes of the "water of life". In turn what is this "water of life", and what attributes characterise it, this is described in item #E6 below.

(8) During the boiling of water this heater also purifies it from trace impurities that the water contains. Thus the water boiled by this heater is extremely pure and healthy. (The ability of the boiler to purify the water was noticed by the hobbyist from Belgium who completed prototypes described in item #G2. of this web page.)

(9) The breaking through suppression that is imposed on the commercial production of the "sonic boiler" is discreetly supported by God Himself. For example, it cannot be just a coincidence that the broadcasting of the news item about this boiler and about the inventor of it (in TVNZ 1 at around 11:00 pm on 30 January 2008), took place shortly before my trip to Christchurch for a wedding of the daughter of friends, planned long in advance. Thus, the broadcasting of this news item on that particular night allowed me to find a next day the address of Mr Davey - in spite that Mr Davey does NOT appear in the telephone book of Christchurch. This in turn allowed me to meet the inventor and preliminarily research the "sonic boiler" so fast, that the "curse of inventors" which suppress this invention, had no time to make this meeting and my preliminary examination of the boiler impossible for me. It is also NOT a coincidence that on the day of broadcasting this news items I did NOT go to bed in my "normal" time, thus enabling myself to accidentally view this report. After all, typically at 11:00 pm I am already asleep. It is also no coincident that at the time when I wrote this item #E5 of the web page, unexpectedly failed the thermostat in my electric jug thus illustratively realizing to me another safety feature and advantage of the boiler discussed here - i.e. that it ceases to work and becomes cold at the moment when the water that it boils evaporates completely. In connection to events described on this web page several further rather extraordinary "coincidents" took place, the nature of which does not allow me to describe these here, but which clearly indicate that in name of the "universal justice" some positive supernatural power (i.e. God) make it possible for me to "mess up a bit the act" of the "curse of inventors" which with the use of some tricks tries to extend the length of time when the invention of the boiler described here is suppressed and blocked from the factory production.


Because of the immense significance which the undertaking of the factory production of this boiler is going to have for the entire our civilisation, I personally confirm it again, that I am going to continue the implementation of the promise that once I gave to Mr Davey. According to this promise I will do my best to promote the boiler described here and to assist in the implementation of the industrial production of this extremely needed invention. I would also like to remind here, that at present is solved the previous problem of electrocuting of a user - because of which originally this boiler was disallowed to enter a factory production. Furthermore, a prototype of this boiler is available for an examination - and, if necessary, also available are consultations and assistance regarding this invention. Finally this web page contains a sufficient amount of information and photographs that not only a potential producer, but also a devoted hobbyist, should be able to build this extraordinary boiler just on the basis of these descriptions.

#E6. The boiler described here most probably produces "water of life":

Old mythological stories described extraordinary life-giving water, the drinking of which brings to the drinker an excellent health and long life. Most frequently this water is called the "water of life". The scientific "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity determined that just such "water of life" is every water which was appropriately telekinetised. A part of this concept explains even how to accomplish the so-called telekinetic farming which depends on the increase of productivity and health valour of the food being produced through watering plants with telekinetised water and through giving this water to animals to drink. Descriptions of the telekinetic farming are provided in subsection NB2 from volume 11 of monograph [1/4].

The telekinetisation of water can be accomplished on many different ways. In a natural manner water is telekinetised when it originates from melting of ice and snow. This is why inhabitants of high mountains, who continually drink water originating from melting of ice and snow that is deposited on picks of these mountains, are so healthy and live so incredibly long. It is also to expose people to the action of such telekinetised water that in Poland exists a folklore tradition of so-called dyngus - described in item #L1. of the web page Wszewilki - about the village of Wszewilki. (This "dyngus" depends on water dousing on the Easter Monday with water that originates just from the spring melting of snow and ice.) A simplest manner of technical telekinetisation of water, is to pass it through the focal point of a pyramid. Technical telekinetisation of water, and all other substances, occurs also in areas where telekinetic UFO vehicles once landed. (An example of photograph of just such a telekinetic UFO that landed on the ground, is shown in part #E of the web page Interpretation UFO photographs - about scientific interpretation of authentic photographs of UFOs. In turn around 12-times larger growth of vegetation on the ring of telekinetised soil that was left in place of such a landing of telekinetic UFO, is shown on the photograph Img.451 (#I3) from the web page Newzealand - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand.)

The interesting side to the boiler described here is that if we could change the principle of operation of the heater described here, so that during its work it does NOT cause the electrolytic dissolving of metals of its spheres in water that is heated (as this is revealed in subsection #G5.3. below), then during boiling water it would probably also telekinetise this water. After all, this boiler utilises the phenomenon of technical telekinesis for the principles of operation. Furthermore, it clearly changes physical properties of water that it boils. So there is a large probability that this boiler would not only boil water, but it would also give to it attributes of that mythological "water of life". The ability of this boiler to give attributes of the "water of life" to liquids that it boils, is already confirmed by the first evidence in form of the longevity of the inventor of it. As I am stressing this in caption under Img.074 (#E1), Mr Davey had his 92nd birthday on 30 January 2008. So there is a high probability that his long life was caused by drinking of telekinetised water boiled by his boilers.

Of course, the best policy is "everything in moderation". After all, we already know perfectly well that even eating excessive amounts of such innocent substance as just ordinary kitchen salt, can also cause a death. Therefore, to these readers who purchase for themselves the boiler discussed here, or who build it by themselves in a hobby manner, I would like to remind, that the "good overdone" sometimes ceases to be "good". The most illustratively informs us about it also the mythology, or more strictly the mythological story about the king Midas who turned into gold everything that he touched. It is worth to remember about this in case of using "water of life" described here and produced (most probably) by the boiler discussed on this web page. Thus, just in case, I would advice pregnant women, males who just plan to procreate a child, and also youngsters who still are growing, to NOT drink such telekinetised water. But because the discussion of dangers introduced by excessive telekinetisation of the environment is presented on separate web pages - see the web page telekinesis free zone, item #13. of the web page Telekinesis - about telekinesis, or item #I2. from the web page Newzealand - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand), I do not elaborate this topic also on this web page.

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