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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Rys. #G2b)

Img.064 (aus St. A. Bobola (#G2b)

(Sequence G2abc): Img.063/Img.064/ Img.065 Wooden figurines made by New Zealand Maoris using a primitive technique that knows no metals. All these figurines clearly reveal that these horrible and scary "supernatural creatures" which in old times visited and persecuted Maoris from New Zealand, had 3 fingers with claws on each hand and on each leg, and a strange "snake-like pattern" on their skin - exactly as it is visible on the more precise sculpture of the "female devil" shown in Img.060/ Img.061 (#G1ab) from the der website St. A. Bobola. So although these figurines originate from a different culture than Poland, in fact they illustrate exactly the same four-fingered "devils" with "chicken legs and sparrow-like nails" which also persecuted Poles and which were recorded, among others, in the poem "Pani Twardowska" by Adam Mickiewicz.

From the above figurines it is quite possible to get an idea of what actually was the anatomy of these "supernatural beings" which in the past showed themselves to the Maori, and also what that "snake pattern" on their skin looked like, which became the prototype for the Maori moko. It is consistently shown on all Maori figurines that these creatures had 3 clawed fingers and toes. In Europe these mischievous and hostile creatures used to be called "devils" most often, while now they are called "UFOnauts". However, Maoris called them by a whole range of other names, which usually have no Polish or English equivalents. An example of these names was the Maori idol "Uenuku" (described in item #D1. from the website Newzealand-Visit) and a bunch of his tribal compatriots and helpers.

The most commonly used of these names, however, is "Taniwha." Under it, however, are hidden as many as two different types of monsters, both of which the warrior Maori are panically afraid of. (Some Maoris claim that even now they see these Taniwha.) I used to be intrigued by what actually this name "Taniwha" means. So I conducted research on what exactly Maori originally understood by this mystical name. This research revealed that with the name "Taniwha" Maoris bestowed on both (1) flying vehicles which presently we call "UFO vehicles", and (2) evil beings coming to Earth in these vehicles (i.e. beings which today we call "UFOnauts"). More information about the Maori "Taniwha" can be found on the page Newzealandabout New Zealand. Another name frequently used by Maoris for these malicious, vindictive, and immoral creatures, are Patupaiarehe (i.e. creatures of the mist) and "Turehu" - i.e. the equivalents of the English "fairies" and "elves". These names can be roughly translated into Polish as "devils". However, they also include a whole range of other creatures hostile to humans, which our ancestors knew, and which we are slowly forgetting. Examples of these are "goblins", "lichs", "jinn (e.g. the one from "Aladdin's Lamp")", and just those "sorcerers" flying like huge bats. These creatures come to Earth constantly and to this day. Only that they almost don't show themselves to people anymore. Only occasionally in some victims of nocturnal UFO abductions are left on the hands or legs four bluish imprints left by their 3+1 finger paws, arranged in this characteristic pattern (3 + 1) and sometimes even having in their center punctures of the skin caused by their sharp sparrowhawk claws. Here's what the individual photos above represent:

Img.064 (#G2b) A wooden figurine of the Maori "Taniwha" that frightens passersby visiting the geysers in Rotorua. Under this name "Taniwha", New Zealand Maoris understood, among other things, the scurrilous three-fingered creatures, which originally belonged to a band of helpers of a supernatural being called "Uenuku" which in the Maori equivalent to the European "Eden" taught Maoris what is "evil" and how "evil" works on people. More extensive descriptions of the educational role of "Uenuku" (i.e. the Maori equivalent to the European "Satan") and the educational role of the band of his "Taniwha'rów" (i.e. the Maori equivalent to our "devils") are provided in items #D1. to #D3. of my web page named Newzealand-Visit and in item #C2. from my website God exists. I also took the above photograph in March 2006, at the Rotorua Geyser Museum in the North Island of New Zealand. On the hand of this "Taniwha'ry" ("devil") 3 clawed fingers can be clearly noted. In turn, although it is not very clear from this direction, from the special toe holes on the front of her shoes also protrude only 3 claws on each of her legs. In Maori culture, these Taniwha are always shown in a way that is supposed to inspire fear. After all, they were very devilish and scary creatures. So in their figurines, the Maori emphasize all those features of them that inspire fear. In this case, this includes the inhumanly long tongue - with which these fiendish creatures were able to lick their own breasts, the three-plus-one-fingered hands and feet with menacing, sparrowhawk-like claws, that terrible "Moko" pattern on their skin, and their fiendish mascot-lizard (lizard) called "moko-moko" which hung from their chest.

From my own inquiries, it appears that the "Moko-moko" was indeed a type of some kind of murderous weapon that these creatures used against the Maori. After all, this weapon was always carried by the Taniwha - hanging on their chests, that is, just like some people today carry their machine guns in readiness to shoot. In turn, because this weapon during use seemed to come to life and began to obediently carry out the orders of its owners, the Maoris who did not know technical devices explained it to themselves as a kind of mascot-lizard (lizard) which normally sleeps motionless, but on the command of its master suddenly comes to life and "bites to death" the indicated victim. Copies of this weapon are to this day made by Maoris from a brittle green stone called "jade," believing that even they have "magical powers" similar to the power to kill at a distance that these original "moko-moko" had.

This green lizard (lizard) hanging from the tongue of this "Taniwha" is actually "Moko-moko". Notice that its snout is pointed toward the entrails of its ruler, as if the lizzard was wondering whether to gnaw those entrails and only fear kept it from sinking its teeth into them. Moko-moko is a name also used by the Maori to describe a particular kind of fear-inducing creature. For the Maori, it was the second god of death. The first god of death in Maori is a giant woman called "Hine-nui-o-Te-Po." She was the bigin of the ordinary passing away into the afterlife. Meanwhile, this lisard "Moko-moko" was the god of a particular (terrifying) way of dying, which today we would describe with the name "radiation sickness." The Maoris believed that this terrible disease is caused by such an invisible lizzard eating out the entrails of a given victim. In turn, this terrible lizzard was, among other things, the mascot of Taniwha (and the idol "Uenuku") obeying the orders of these terrifying creatures. On the subject of "Moko-moko" is explained quite a lot in subsection C1 der Monographie [5/4]. Here I should disclose that UFOnauts have some kind of high-energy beam generating weapon (laser or ion beam). Its effects are similar to those described by Maori folklore as the result of being "bitten by the Moko-moko." On Thursday night on March 15, 2007, around 4 am, I myself was abducted aboard a UFO, where I was shot in the abdomen with just this horrible weapon. I provided a more detailed description of this shooting in item #D3. (3) from the website Karma. As a result of that shooting, my body on the abdomen disintegrated, leaving a hole about the diameter of a pencil. I even took a photo of that shooting, but it is too horrible to show it publicly. That shooting of me in the abdomen was committed by vindictive UFOnauts as part of a whole string of various mischiefs with which they troubled me for reasons described in item #A4. from the website about the Wszewilki tomorrow.

The reader is probably wondering how it is possible that an inanimate object such as a type of weapon used by aliens could be interpreted by the Maori as a particularly fiendishly biting lizard. However, if one carefully considers the situation the Maori were in at the time, and the knowledge the Maori had at the time, then this interpretation of the weapon immediately ceases to be surprising. After all, this weapon was able to "come to life" in the hand of aliens and "bite" the person indicated to it. And after all, the Maoris of those times did not know machines or the fact that machines are able to "work" like living creatures. So they divided everything that surrounded them into only two categories, namely inanimate objects, such as, for example, stones, and living creatures, such as, for example, fish or lizards. Since weapons sometimes "came to life" in the hands of aliens, so they could not be inanimate objects, but had to be living creatures. By the way, primitive Europeans of the old days also reasoned in a similar way, who considered UFO vehicles to be living creatures of the species of flying snakes and called them "dragons" or "serpents" - which I try to make readers aware of, among other things, on the page about evidence of UFO activity on Earth. (By the way, in cultures of countries which paint "dragons" on practically every object, e.g. China, Korea, or Mongolia, "dragons" are most often depicted just as kinds of flying lizards whose legs and hands each have 3+1 clawed fingers of a structure identical to the fingers shown above in the photograph from Img.063 (#G1a)).

The only problem the Maori had with the alien weapon was categorizing it into some kind of living creature known to them. Their choice fell on the fiendishly biting "lizard" probably for as many as several reasons. First, probably because any weapon, even a laser or ion weapon, must have a kind of barrel from which it emits its deadly dispatches. In turn, looking at such a barrel from the position of its future victim, one sees quite well its resemblance precisely to a lizard with an open mouth. After all, even our present kinds of weapons viewed from the side of the shot look like lizards - as an example see the photograph of the "pepesha" PPSh-41 shown in Img.053 (#E2) from the website Battle of Milicz. Not to mention that in countries of the Far East, e.g. in Malaysia, China, Korea, or Japan, in olden times e.g. small cannons were cast in such a manner that in appearance they resembled sculptures of lizards or crocodiles, from the mouth of which bullets flew out (click on this green link to see a museum example of such an ancient cannon imitating the shape of a young crocodile). Another reason why the alien weapons Maoris considered to be fiendishly biting lizards was the fact that most of the time these weapons were inanimate, that is, as if "sleeping." In contrast, in New Zealand, a kind of like lizards called tuatara can last for hours just in complete stillness, acting as if they were inanimate objects. After all, every weapon emits some kind of sound when fired. It is highly likely that the satanic alien weapon described here emitted a sound similar to a lizard's mewling (chirping) when firing.

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