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Update: 25.01.23

Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Img.560 from Solar Energy (#N1c)

Img.561 from Solar Energy (#N1c)

Sequence (#N1cd): Img.560/ Abb.561 Here are photos of the ways to install the rest of these four solar "motion-sensitive security lamps" that are to illuminate the entrances and walkways of my apartment. Notice that the manner in which I installed the first of these four lamps is already shown above in the photo from "Photo #B1b".

Img.560 (#N1c) A photograph illustrating the installation of two security lights over the garden (west) wall of our apartment. It was snapped in a west-to-east direction from a point under the garden fence, where a rectangular flower pot is visible in "Photo #G1" from the beginning of this page (at the left edge of this photo you can even see the branches of a small nut tree I planted near that pot). The photograph shows a long board, to the left (north) end of which are attached two solar panels that supply electricity to two security lamps. (The panel for the lamp illuminating the garden exit door is the one furthest to the left (i.e., toward the north) of the two panels visible in the photo). The panel itself is bolted to the supports of the flat tin roof structure. On the right (south) end of this board is attached one of the lamps casting light on the exit door to the garden. This lamp can be clearly seen against the bricks of the doorway wall. The other lamp hovers under the eaves of the roof not far from the two solar panels and just behind the corner of the apartment wall. It illuminates the cohabitation portion of the sidewalk, also visible in this photo, which leads from the street to the garden and on to the garden door. At the right edge of the photo there is a vertical (unpainted) board, at the top of which is fixed a solar lamp of a different design - also equipped with a motion sensor. At night it illuminates the lawn of the garden if anything moves on that lawn. It is described in more detail in item #N2. of this web page Solar Energy. In addition, on the photo you can also see my large 120 Watt solar panel described on this page, for easier access, cleaning and observation temporarily placed on a garden table, and you can also see the red container covering the battery and inverter of this panel. In the upper right corner of the photo you can see the kitchen window from our (south) neighbor's apartment, as well as a section of the hollow block wall that separates our apartment from that neighbor's apartment on the south side, plus you can also see the kitchen window of our apartment.

Img.561 (#N1d) A photograph of the same pine board as shown in Img.559 (#N1b), but this time with yet another motion-sensitive solar security light mounted to its northern end, and a solar panel on the opposite side. This photo also shows the front door to the apartment of our neighbors living on the east side. The door to our apartment is identical to that of these neighbors. Together we also share the "shed" pictured in this photo.

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