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Update: 18.01.23

Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Img.336 from Landslips (#I1)

Img336 (#I1): Here is an illustration that tries to make the reader realize how many problems, sufferings, injustices, and premature deaths it costs the humanity the habit of politicians and Earth's elites to make everything they force on ordinary people be done along the so-called "line of the greatest error", and also how much work and sacrifices future generations of people will have to put in order with the use of the "universal fixer" which are the Magnocraft starships of my invention to repair the wrong moves and damages caused by the elites currently ruling the Earth. For example, the "tree exterminators" described in item #I1 above cut down volunteer trees that naturally wood the bare slopes of useless for agriculture mountains, allowing with this cutting the erosion of soil NOT bound by tree roots. As a result, the rains induced by the warming of climate gradually wash away and slide this soil exposing infertile bare rock and stony debris on which in the future, without intentional carrying away of soil, nothing will grow anymore. Simultaneously, in order to be able to make an impression on the rest of the world that a given country generates the so-called "carbon credits" after all, the same governments which send "exterminators of trees" to cut down self-sown trees, import workers to plant forests on areas effectively used by agriculture - thus decreasing the national production of food. No wonder that in the eyes of God such actions need to be drastically stopped, for example, with the "Holocaust of humanity 2030".

After all, the already irreversible climate destruction that our civilization has caused will now generate "cloud bursts" in winters, which in just a few hours will be capable of dropping the equivalent of the current year-round precipitation. In turn, these massive precipitation events will wash away the cultivated soil and repetitively degrade entire continents. In turn, summer's scorching sun and continental winds will dry out, while fires will periodically scorch, the central areas of virtually every continent, turning them into nearly complete deserts. Meanwhile, on the fringes of the continents and at the shores of the oceans, the near-constant rainfall and cloudbursts there will turn the current lands into swamps inaccessible to humans and agriculture. All this destruction will have to be repaired by future generations of humans. Fortunately, when mankind finally builds my Magnokraft starship, it will obtain both a powerful means of transportation allowing them to traverse the then wildernesses of our planet in safety and comfort, as well as this "universal repairer" enabling them to repair the climate and the destruction of the earth that the present generations of people have caused. Ways of such repairing will include, among others, illustrated in the above drawing, transplanting with the "lifting beam" of Magnocrafts entire selected trees, together with the soil on which these trees grow, from agricultural flat areas, into mountainous areas devoid of trees by the teams of "tree destroyers" discussed in #I1 above. In this way, along with other ways that are illustrated by the next of the drawings described below, using the power and diverse actions of the Magnocrafts, future generations of humanity will laboriously and gradually repair what the present people manipulated by irresponsible elites have so destructively, thoroughly and mindlessly spoiled.

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