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Update: 12.03.23

Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Img.172 (aus Interpretation UFO photographs (#C2a)

Img.151 from UFO-activities on the Earth (#B1b)

Sequence #C2ab): Img.172/151 Photo of a single UFO vehicle flying in the so-called "beating mode" photographed in the bottom with good lighting. This kind of photo reveals relatively clearly the appearance of the UFO's outer shell (although it does not eliminate the action of the so-called "magnetic lens"). Since a UFO's shell is a kind of mirror with an adjustable degree of reflectivity and light transmission, such photos clearly show only the silvery outer surface of that UFO, and hence the shape and external appearance of the UFO in question.

Img.172 (#C2a): Here is a typical appearance of a UFO type K3 wehikul viewed from the side at the "beating" mode of its propulsion system. Perfectly visible then becomes the silvery shiny like new tin coating of the crew cabin of this vehicle. This coating has the characteristic that it is a mirror with a smoothly controlled degree of reflection and transmission of light. Thus, in the daytime, the UFO crew can cause this coating to reflect light like a silvery mirror. However, at night or in poor visibility, the UFO crew can make this shell completely transparent like a pane of glass. In such a case, the crew can freely view the surroundings, while bystanders can see exactly what is inside this UFO. This photo was on display for viewing at free.eroskop.pl in 2001.

Img.151 (#B1b) In the "standing" position illustrated in this figure, this ship resembles an upside-down disc in the center of which is placed a single main (lifting) propulsor, while on the periphery are eight side (stabilizing) propulsors. The shape and dimensions of this vessel are strictly defined by a set of equations (see formulas (F2) to (F16) in subsections F2 to F5) /?/ derived also in [1a] and [1] and resulting from operational and structural conditions. The ring-shaped crew cabin (see "1" in part (a) of this figure), with the pilot's seat shown here, is sandwiched between the main and side thrusters. It should be noted that the side propulsors are embedded in a horizontal separation ring, made - like the crew cabin plating - of material impenetrable by the magnetic field. This ring separates the magnetic poles of each propulsor, forcing its field to circulate through the surroundings. Each side propulsor is also separated from neighboring propulsors by vertical separation baffles made of the same magneto-reflective material.

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