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Update: 15.01.23

Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Img.170 (aus Evolution (#F1a)

Img.171 (aus Evolution (#F1b)

Sequence (#F1ab): Abb.170/ Abb.171 The skeleton of a fin whale on display for visitors to a museum in Dunedin, New Zealand. The evidence and logical deductions presented on this page document that of all the creatures that inhabit our planet, it is whales and dolphins, not apes, that, after careful study, will one day prove to be man's closest relatives. (Probably it is for this reason that in recent times countries such as Japan, Norway, and Iceland have spared neither effort nor resources to be allowed to officially hunt and eat the still surviving of these animal relatives of humans).

Img.170 Photo of the entire skeleton captured from the side of the head. In this skeleton, it is interesting to look at the bones of the left front flipper visible in the above skeleton just behind the end of the whale's head, where it stands off to the side of the nearly human shoulder blade. A lateral view of this fin is shown in Img.171 (#F1b).

Img.171 Photo of the bones of the left front flipper. In whales, these front flippers are sort of their equivalent to human hands, palms and fingers. In fact, if someone had the opportunity to look closely at the bones from the front flippers of some whales and dolphins, as shown in the above photo, then they probably noted that they show a surprising similarity to the bones in the hands and in the five fingers from human hands.

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