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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Img.030 (F12-uk) The curve of the "interactions in equilibrium" between the magnetic field produced by a twin-chamber capsule or a spider configuration and all the ferromagnetic objects found in the range of this field. As it is known, the constant magnetic fields attract ferromagnetic objects. Therefore all fields in which the constant (Fo) component dominates over their pulsating (∆F) component must attract ferromagnetic objects. The parameters of fields whose constant component dominates lie under the curve from this diagram. It is also known that pulsating magnetic fields repel all conductive (ferromagnetic) objects found in their range. So the fields which the pulsating component (∆F) dominates over the constant one (Fo) will cause the repulsion of all ferromagnetic objects. The fields with the dominating pulsating component (∆F) lie above the curve from this Figure. For the parameters of fields lying exactly at the curve, the attraction and repulsion components mutually neutralize each other. Thus such fields neither attract nor repel any ferromagnetic objects in their vicinity. These fields behave more like an "antigravity field" than a magnetic one. The frame contains the interpretation of all the involved parameters of the pulsating magnetic fields.

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