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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Abb.112 (LA8) The telekinetic Immersion Heater invented during the World War Two by the New Zealand fighter pilot and musician named Peter Daysh Davey. This mechanically simple device generates many times more heat, than the amount of electrical energy that it consumes. Thus it has the energy efficiency of significantly exceeding 100%. It is probably one of the most simple free energy device in existence. It was proven in action and subjected to measurements by numerous scientists.
(a) The heater which Mr Davey show me in 1990 – unfortunately it just burned (+ 32 mm coin).
(b) Mr Peter Davey (this with the beard) and myself photographed in 1990.
(c) The design and main components of the heater of Mr Davey (descriptions in the text).
(d) The working heater which Mr Davey demonstrated to me in February 2008.
(e) Mr Davey holding his sonic heater while demonstrating it to me in February 2008. (f) A glass of water boiled instantly by the sonic heater of Mr Davey in February 2008.

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