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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan PajÄ…k

Img.101 (K3) The electrical diagram which illustrates the basic circuits and connections existing in the pyramid. It is reproduced from Figure N3 of monograph [1/4]. The continuous lines indicate the connections that were described to Mrs Daniela Giordano in the original disclosure. The broken lines indicate electrical connections which were not included in the original disclosure, but the existence of which is explained by theories described in chapter L of this monograph (chapter L explains the phenomena, principles, and basic circuits involved in the pyramid's operation). The above diagram illustrates my knowledge about the operation of this device at the time of writing this monograph (the further theoretical research which I continually carry out, combined with experiments which hopefully will be inspired by this monograph and may be completed by readers, in future may introduce some improvements to this diagram). Names of subsequent components of this pyramid are reflecting the use of this device as a telepathyser. The corresponding names of the same components for the operation of the pyramid as a telekinetic battery are explained in subsection K2.4. The pyramid is composed of the following main circuits and individual components: (1) receiving antenna for telepathic waves. It is composed of the quartz crystal (Q) placed in the focal point of the telepathic resonance cavity that is formed from four aluminium disks (D1, D2, ... D4). (2) The modulating and demodulating circuit (resonator - R). It is composed of such components as inductors (I1) and (I2), a glowing tube (T), and a vacuum capacitor. The capacitor is formed out of two types of "plates" (which differ in shapes), separated from each other with a layer of vacuum (or air). The first of these "plates" is formed from four aluminium disks (D1, D2, ... D4) connected together. The second "plate" of the capacitor is formed from a conical coil (C) and a frame (F) connected to it. In order to increase the communicativeness of this diagram, the resonator circuit is marked with a dotted line (R). (3) The optical interference chamber/cavity which functions as an "inouter" for thoughts. It is composed of: a glowing tube (T) and not shown here four cascades of mirrors (M) which cooperate with this tube. (4) Emitting antenna which forms the telepathic waves and sends them throughout counter-world. It has a shape of a conical coil (C).

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