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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan PajÄ…k

LC5.1. Telekinetic four-propulsor vehicle

Similarly as this is the case with Magnocraft of the first generation, which work exclusively in the magnetic convention, also Magnocraft of the second generation can be constructed in several different designs. And so, independently from discoidal vehicles described in subsection LC2., also telekinetic four-propulsor vehicles, and telekinetic personal propulsion systems are going to be build.

Telekinetic four-propulsor vehicles are shown in Img. (LC2) /?/. They look similarly to the four-propulsor vehicles of the first generation shown in Img.005/ Img.006 (D1). and described in Table D1. But there are various vital details which allow to distinguish between these two generation of vehicles. Let describe here these details briefly.

The most easy to see out of these details, is the square doorway or a porthole that exists in the floor of four-propulsor vehicles of the first generation, but do NOT exist in floors of such vehicles of the second and third generations. This doorway or porthole is visible in part (1) of Img. (LC2) /?/, and also in Img.152 (Q1). The existence of it in four-propulsor vehicles of the second and third generation becomes obsolete, because during coupling several such vehicles into flying cigars, their pyramidal roofs simply penetrate telekinetically through floors of vehicles with which they are coupled. So the porthole in the floor, which in vehicles of the first generation after being opened allows to insert into itself the tip of this pyramidal roof of another such vehicle, in the vehicles of the second and third generation becomes obsolete.

Another detail which allows to differentiate between the first and the second generation, are doors in the side wall. These doors are present in vehicles of the first generation, but are absent in vehicles of the second and third generations. After all, the telekinetic entering of decks of these vehicles, is carried out in them directly through their walls.
Another, and probably the most distinct detail, that allows the conclusive identification of vehicles of subsequent generations, are their propulsors. Although the dimensional proportions of propulsors are similar in vehicles of all three generations, their shapes, and also the appearance of their outlets, are significantly different. Four-propulsor vehicles of the second generation have propulsors, the aerodynamical casings of which take the shape similar to a flattened sphere or a "pumpkin" - see descriptions in subsection F7.2. In this sphere or "pumpkin" the height is slightly less than the width - see Img.026 (F11(2s)). Sometimes they may also be shaped like a kind of gearwheel placed on an axle - as this is shown in part (2) of Img. (LC2) /?/. These propulsors clearly differ from the barrel-shaped or amphora-shaped propulsors used in vehicles of the first generation, in which the height is about 1/4 larger than the width - for details see Img. C9 /?/ and Img.005/ Img.006 (D1). Furthermore, such propulsors contain spider configurations of the second generation in themselves, which are based on the octagonal oscillatory chambers. Thus the octagonal shape of their outlets, and also the number 8+1 of these outlets, are clearly different than the square outlets from propulsors in vehicles of the first generation.

A further attribute allowing for distinguishing between both generations of vehicles discussed here, are phenomena that they induce. Vehicles of the first generation induce only magnetic phenomena. Examples of these phenomena include black bars of magnetic field that leave the propulsors, or blue or red ionisation of the air that surrounds the vehicle. In turn vehicles of the second generation induce additionally telekinetic phenomena. These include the white and ghostly extraction glow, the telekinetic flickering, ability to penetrate through solid objects, etc. The attributes of the four-propulsor telekinetic vehicles are almost identical to attributes of the discoidal telekinetic vehicles. In turn these are summarized at the end of subsection LC2.

LC5.2. Telekinetic personal propulsion

Telekinetic propulsion systems may also be constructed as personal propulsion systems. Then, the vital consequence of the use of telekinetic field in them is, that this field is non-detrimental for health of people and living organism that happen to be in the range of it. Rather opposite, since the telekinetic field is biologically active, it is stimulating the increase of health and vitality of all living organisms - for details see the final part of subsection LB2. This happens because of both, the small intensity, and also because of the high biological activity of telekinetic field produced by propulsors of telekinetic vehicles.

Because of this harmlessness, miniaturized propulsors together with control computers of such telekinetic personal propulsion systems can be surgically inserted in the future directly to bodies of users of these systems. In the effect, people who have installed such propulsors, are capable to fly in the air without using any vehicles visible for human eyes. During these flights, such people simultaneously produce the ghostly "extraction glow" discussed earlier. Also they are able to walk through walls and iron plates, walk on ceilings and on water, disappear from the view at any wish, and do a lot of other actions that we now would consider to be "supernatural". Because of the placement of these propulsors in the body of users, these unique capabilities are maintained even if a given user of telekinetic personal propulsion system for some reasons would be stripped of his/her suit or/and equipment. Thus, for such devices the method of incapacitating of the users described in subsection R4, would not work.

The ability to gradually fade away and to transform from material form into a form of energy pattern, becomes especially vital if it is applied to telekinetic personal propulsion systems. This is because it transforms material users of such propulsion systems into non- material form. In turn, this their non-material form may cause, that by uneducated people such users may be taken for spirits, demons, witches or wizards, various supernatural beings (e.g. devils, angels, or vampires), and in some cases even for gods - as an example see subsections P6.1. and P5.. So we can easily imagine a huge surprise and confusion experienced by someone, who does not know anything about the vehicles described in this chapter and subsection, but who is rapidly confronted by an intruder who uses telekinetic personal propulsion system. Such an intruder would be able to hover in mid-air, walk through walls and furniture, while his/her body would appear to be transparent making an impression of being made of mist. The deadly objects (bullets, knifes, swords, axes, etc.) thrown or shot into such an intruder would penetrate through his/her body without doing any harm.

The attributes that telekinetic personal propulsion system is to give to the users, are almost similar to attributes given by telekinetic vehicles. In turn these are summarized at the end of subsection LC2..

LC5.3. Telekinetic tractor beam

Telekinetic propulsion systems may also be constructed as personal propulsion systems. Then, the vital consequence of the use of telekinetic field in them is, that this field is non-detrimental for health of people and living organism that happen to be in the range of it. Rather opposite, since the telekinetic field is biologically active, it is stimulating the increase of health and vitality of all living organisms - for details see the final part of subsection LB2.. This happens because of both, the small intensity, and also because of the high biological activity of telekinetic field produced by propulsors of Telekinetic tractor beam originates from the possibility of the exact directing of telekinetic impulses. This directing is accomplished by passing impulses of magnetic field along a beam of powerful light. (E.g. by passing them along a laser beam.) In such a case beams of light perform the function of "magneto-ducts" for telekinetic impulses. Simultaneously these beams by themselves are also directed by the magnetic field that they carry inside. Thus force lines of this field are going to bend slightly this beam, forming it into a shape of an arch and deviating it from a straight line that normally characterizes beams of light. The Telekinetic Effect directed in this way is to make possible in the future a fast and efficient transportation (i.e. "beaming up") of people and loads between distances, through a telekinetic channel formed from light. Future utilization of this transportation method already is illustrated on various futuristic films, where such "beaming up" is frequently used. According to the action of the telekinetic effect, there will be no reaction forces released during such transportation, that interact with the device which produces the Telekinetic Effect. This in turn enables a device of the size of a pocket torch to be held by a child and to lift huge machines, buildings, or rocks. As distance does not make any significant difference for this form of transportation, the telekinetic beam sent from satellite stations will allow us to transport into orbit any objects or people present on Earth. The telekinetic tractor beam is described also in subsection H6.2.1..

=> Img.115 (LC1)

The appearance of the telekinetic four-propulsor vehicle of the second generation (show is the type T3). This illustration is oriented towards allowing to distinguish this vehicle from similar vehicles of the first and third generation. Such vehicle most frequently takes a shape of a cubicle, on the top of which a pyramidal roof is placed. But notice that such vehicles can also be build in shapes different from cubicles, e.g. looking like rectangular huts. The mutual ratio of subsequent dimensions, e.g. the height of the entire vehicle to the height of its pyramidal roof, is defining the type of this vehicle - in this case T3. (This ratio is also illustrated in Img.005/ Img.006 (D1) and Img.118 (N1). The span of magnetic axis of four propulsors mounted in the mid-height of four corners of this vehicle must be identical to the span of side propulsors in the equivalent type of discoidal Magnocraft (in this case - in the type K3).
Shown are:
(1) Four-propulsor vehicle of the first generation (magnetic). Propulsors of this vehicle take the shape of vertically prolonged barrel or amphora, in which the ratio of height "h" to width "g" is equal to h/g=4/3 (see also Img.005/ Img.006 (D1) and C9 /?/). Also this is the only four-propulsor vehicle, which has square doors in the floor.
(2) Telekinetic four-propulsor vehicle of the second generation. It can be distinguished relatively easy from similar vehicles of other generations by the "pumpkin" shape of the four propulsors. In vehicles of the second generation these propulsors take very characteristic shape of the sphere flattened vertically (or a "pumpkin") with the mutual ratio of the height "h" to width "g" equal to h/g=2/3 (see subsection C7.2.2 /?/ and part 2s from Img. (C11) /?/). This shape results from the design conditions prevailing for spider configurations constructed from octagonal oscillatory chambers of the second generation described in subsection C7.2.2 /?/. In addition to the difference in the general appearance, the vehicle of the second generation is also going to have absolutely smooth hulk, deprived of any portholes or doors. So it is NOT going to have neither a doorway shown in part (1) and in Img.005/ Img.006 (D1), nor the floor doors visible in part (1) and on
Img.152 (Q1). The entering of crew, passengers, and visitors on the board of vehicle of the second generation is going to be carried out in a telekinetic manner, through the material of the walls and floors. So no doors or portholes will be needed neither in walls nor in the floor.

(3) Four-propulsor vehicle of the third generation, called also "four-propulsor time vehicle". It also does not have doors nor portholes. The propulsors of it take the striking appearance of a vertical cylinder with the ring of 16 holes around peripherals of it, looking like a "round launcher of rocket missiles" - see also Img.118 (N1) and C11 /?/ (3s).

=> LC6.
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