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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Chapter G: The discoidal Magnocraft

G11. Landing sites of the Magnocraft

When propelling devices of a vehicle contact the solid ground, they must leave recognizable marks. For example, the wheels of a car leave rather characteristic tracks, whereas a hovercraft produces a band of swirled and flattened vegetation. The Magnocraft's propulsion utilizes a very powerful magnetic field which is capable of cooking the soil in a manner similar to that utilized in microwave ovens. Therefore when the Magnocraft lands, its propulsors, which still arte working, must also scorch on the ground a number of distinctive marks. These marks can provide vital information about the vehicle which produced them. This is because they reflect the type of vehicle, its orientation, configuration in which it arrived, mode of operation, etc. To enable the correct interpretation of such marks, subsections that follow are devoted to the description of the main attributes of the Magnocraft's landing sites.

At this point it is worth to explain more exactly what we understand in this monograph by the term Magnocraft’s "landing". This is because our present popular understanding of the term "landing" is inspired by the operation of helicopters and passenger aeroplanes. These machines lead us to believe, that if a flying vehicle lands, the burning of its fuel must be shut down and its propulsion system must go into a dead, passive state. However the principles of the Magnocraft's flight are completely different from the operation of present helicopters or passenger jets. Out of all flying machines constructed on Earth so-far, only balloons or airships have the principle of flight slightly similar to those of Magnocraft. Therefore, when applying the term "landing" to the Magnocraft, consideration must be given to the fact that this vehicle does not dissipate its energy resources during motionless hovering. Therefore, the Magnocraft's landing more involves hovering close to the ground (with its propulsion still remaining operational) so that its crew and passengers are able to leave or enter the deck, rather than an actual "sitting" on the ground and extinguishing of its propelling field. During such a "landing" Magnocraft’s propulsors are going to remain operational all the time and are still going to produce appropriate lifting force. Thus by the term "Magnocraft’s landing" we should understand a temporary approach of this vehicle to surface of the ground, combined with the motionless hovering, while the propulsion system of the vehicle remains active and generates the destructive magnetic field. Only in extremely rare situations (e.g. when damaged propelling devices are being repaired) a Magnocraft’s landing is to involve actual “sitting” of this vehicle on surface of the ground combined with the complete extinguishing magnetic field that it generates.
From the point of view of principles used for controlling the vehicle during a given hovering close to the ground, Magnocraft’s landings can be subdivided into two basic classes, namely "parking" and "manual hovering". Let us now discuss characteristic attributes each one of these.

- During parking, Magnocraft is maintained on a constant height above the ground by the automatic pilot. So it can be left in a given hovering position for any length of time, while theoretically speaking the entire crew could leave the deck (but because of the requirements of safety, usually inside of the vehicle at least one crew member must remain). The automatic pilot controls the height above surface of the ground through the analysis of the resistance that the environment poses to the flow of magnetic field within vehicle’s magnetic circuits. Thus parking always is going to take place for the height of hovering above the surface of the ground at which one of vehicle’s magnetic circuits touches surface of the ground with returning part of the loop – as shown in part (a) of Img.085 (G35). The automatic pilot keeps checking the fact of touching the ground by this returning part of the circuit by small waving, means by regular lifting up and lowering down the vehicle. In the effect of this waving, the magnetic circuit controlled by the automatic pilot is going to display changes in flow of magnetic energy that are proportional to the changes of magnetic resistance of the environment. This means that the resistance to the flow of magnetic energy is going to increase when the looping part of a given magnetic circuit is going to penetrate under the ground, and is going to decrease when the looping part of the magnetic circuit is lifted up and emerges from the underground. The automatic pilot is going to maintain the vehicle within two border heights, the waving of the Magnocraft between which is going to change the resistance of the flow of field in a given (controlled) magnetic circuit of the vehicle. When only this resistance stops to change, the automatic pilot reverses the direction of the wavy motion of the vehicle into an opposite one. In this manner the vehicle is going to behave as if it is "parked" through making it sit on an invisible loop of its magnetic circuit.

In some circumstances, e.g. when the vehicle hovers above an uneven ground, such a dynamic checking of the resistance of magnetic flow can be carried out within several such magnetic circuits at the same time. This reassures that none side of the vehicle accidentally hits the ground.

Because of the fact of this dynamic checking of the flow of magnetic field within a selected magnetic circuit, for an outside observer the fact of parking of a Magnocraft is going to be easily noticeable from this small wavy motion that the vehicle is going to display - as if it waves on an invisible water waves. Because for checking the distance from the ground a sensor of the flow of magnetic field placed in any propulsor of the Magnocraft can be used, such parking is possible on practically every magnetic circuit that this vehicle has. This in turn means that the Magnocraft can be parked either on (1) the central magnetic circuit, or (2) any of the main magnetic circuits, or (3) any of the side magnetic circuits. The result is that the Magnocraft can be parked on one out of three different heights above the ground, which corresponds to the distance from a returning point in a given magnetic circuit that was chosen for measurements of the magnetic resistance.

- During “manual hovering” the Magnocraft approaches surface of the ground at the distance controlled by the pilot, and than stays there hovering motionlessly in the effect of continuous observation and control carried out personally by the pilot. Thus such “manual hovering” from the point of view of principle of controlling it, is similar to the low hovering of present helicopters, i.e. the pilot must control the vehicle all the time and is not allowed to leave the deck. During such manual hovering the Magnocraft is to stand almost still, i.e. is NOT going to display this characteristic waving which is so unique for the parking. But because of the potential for something to absorb the attention of the pilot , and also because of the availability of the easier and less laborious version of landing which depends on the parking of this vehicle, such manual hovering is going to be used only in rare and justified cases (e.g. when the crew of this vehicle wishes to have a closer look at a selected object that is located at a given height above the ground, or when one of crew members wishes to jump directly from the deck of this vehicle onto a window of someone’s flat).

For the outside observer at first glance both above manners of landing may look very similar. This is because in both cases the vehicle is to stop in mid-air and remain hovering for the duration of a given landing. However, there is several details which differentiate these two manners of landing. The first of these is this small wavy motion which is only displayed during the parking, and which is replaced by almost still standing during the manual hovering. The second detail is the height at which the vehicle hovers. During the parking it may hover only at one amongst three strictly defined heights which correspond to the location of returning part in one of vehicle’s magnetic circuits. In turn during manual hovering the height above the ground can be any possible that the pilot chooses. The third detail is slightly different shape of marks burned in the soil by magnetic circuits of the landed vehicle.

There are three different manners of parking a landed Magnocraft. For each of these manners, at least one selected magnetic circuit of the vehicle must have the returning path running along the surface of the ground. An example of one of such positions of the magnetic circuit along surface of the ground is illustrated in part (a) of Img.085 (G35). Such a returning magnetic circuit can be either the central circuit “C”, or a selected main circuit “M”, or one out of side circuits “S” – for details see Img.074 (G24). Here are these three manners of parking:
br> #1. Parking on the central circuit “C”. This manner of parking of a landed Magnocraft keeps the vehicle on the highest possible height above the ground. It depends on controlling the height of the vehicle by measurement of the resistance of magnetic field circulation in the central magnetic circuit “C”. Thus during the implementation of such a landing the Magnocraft approaches the ground at the height so selected, that the central circuit is touching surface of the ground by the back of the returning loop.

#2. Parking on the main circuit “M”. This is the most frequently used manner of parking at a medium height above the ground. It could be called “anchored”. It depends on positioning either one, or several (chosen by the pilot), main circuits “M” of the vehicle, in such a manner that the returning paths of their looping magnetic circuits are tangential to surface of the ground. Through subsequent measurement of the resistance of flow of magnetic energy in this circuit, the log computer is able to determine precisely and keep on the constant value the mutual distance between the vehicle and soil. Such “anchoring” is shown in Figure G35. It can be understand better from analyses of part “a” in Img.083 (G33), only that the Magnocraft is going to hover slightly higher than it is shown on this Figure. In the case of such anchoring, the Magnocraft hovers above the ground on the height "hm" which is equal to the span of main magnetic circuits “M”. Just in order to give the reader an idea as to how much it is, I estimate that for this manner of parking of the Magnocraft type K3, the height of hovering of the vehicle above the ground is going to be around 12 meters. For Magnocraft of bigger types this height is going to increase appropriately.

#3. Parking with the side circuit “S”. This is the lowest to the ground manner of parking of a landed Magnocraft. It could be called squatting. It depends on checking the height of the vehicle through measurement of the resistance of the flow of magnetic energy in one (or several) side magnetic circuits “S”. Thus, during this landing the Magnocraft approaches the ground at height "hs" (see part “b” in Img.083 (G33), so that its side magnetic circuit checked by the log-computer is touching the ground with the edge of the returning loop. In spite that this is the closest to the ground manner of parking, still the Magnocraft of K3 type is distant in it from the ground by around 2 meters, while Magnocraft of greater types are distant by even higher values.

Because both manners of landing (means parking and manual hovering) are going to produce slightly different marks left on the surface of the ground, thus from the appearance of these marks it is possible to recognize which of these manners of landing just took place. Such distinctive landing marks are going to be discussed in next subsections.

G11.1. Environmental damage caused by the landed Magnocraft of the first generation

Five major categories of environmental damage could be distinguished in landing sites of Magnocraft of the first generation. These categories can be classified as: (1) magnetic scorching, (2) biological destabilization, (3) changes in level of energy, (4) chemical changes, and (5) mechanical destruction. The primary cause for all of them is the action of a highly concentrated magnetic field that is yielded from the propulsors of a landed vehicle. But some types of damage appear as the effect of an indirect action of this field, e.g. its ability to produce highly aggressive ozone that attacks chemical components of the soil and air. Although real landing sites must incorporate a simultaneous action of a number of effects discussed below, for the clarity of analysis this subsection describes separately each major category of damage.

#1. Magnetic scorching. This is the most dominant type of damage caused by the magnetic circuits of a landed Magnocraft of the first generation. It is caused by magnetic circuits of the landed vehicle. A highly concentrated magnetic field passes under the ground scorching the organic matter that is contained both on the surface as well as underground. The result is similar to that caused by an over-active microwave oven. In the effect, all organic matter (e.g. plants, animals, insects) in the range of the vehicle's magnetic field is cooked (e.g. wood is completely bleached), incinerated, or turned into brown-grey ash. The non-organic matter (e.g. soil) is parched, demineralised and emaciated.

One of the unusual attributes of such magnetic scorching, is that it differs in principle from scorching by a fire or by oxidation. Therefore ashes of the organic matter produced during such magnetic scorching can be burned later with a high intensity (unlike the ashes from a fire). On the other hand, highly flammable materials that display signs of such scorching do not ignite a fire when the scorching occurs.

#2. Biological destabilization. It is one of the most noticeable and long-lasting type of environmental damage resulting from the landing of the Magnocraft. It is caused by the extermination of all micro-organisms from the soil found in the range of the vehicle's magnetic circuits. Thus, within the former Magnocraft's landing sites, all the parasitic micro-organisms that normally would keep the population of mushrooms under control are killed. The biological effect of such extermination is an exact equivalent to that of a thermal sterilization of the compost utilized by mushroom growers. Of course after a vehicle ascends, the mushroom spores present in free air instantly take advantage of such ideal growth conditions and take over the sterilized soil. The biological balance, once so disturbed, is then extremely difficult to restore. Therefore, within the former Magnocraft's landing sites, an explosive growth of mushrooms is observed. In suitable circumstances this growth may last for many decades in the same place. (I estimate that in the case of non-cultivated soil of a low vitality - e.g. such as this existing in the South Island of New Zealand, the natural restoration of a biological balance at the former Magnocraft's landing sites may take even up to 100 years. In more dynamic soils like these from tropical countries, or from cultivated part of Europe, the restoration time will of course be much shorter, and may even decrease to a half of year.) Because such a technologically induced growth of mushrooms must outline the circular pattern of the vehicle's propulsors - see Img.083 (G33), Img.084 (G34) and Img.002 (C1), such rings of mushroom growths usually are known under a folk name of "fairy rings". It is worth to notice that a kind of mushrooms that grow on a given landing can be an indicator of the season in which landing took place. After all, every kind of mushrooms produces spores (seeds) in slightly a different part of year.

It should be stressed here, that in order to biologically destabilize the soil, the Magnocraft must hover in the same place over a period of time that exceeds the so-called "critical time". This critical time is the duration required for the vehicle's magnetic field to completely cook all micro-organisms from the soil. It can be compared to the minimal time needed to cook a particular product in a microwave oven. For the K3 type of Magnocraft I estimate this critical time to exceed at least ten minutes. If a vehicle hovers above a particular landing site shorter than this critical time, then the soil is not destabilized and a long-lasting “fairy ring” is not established in it. Thus all marks left on such a short-duration landing would disappear after only a couple of months.

"Fairy rings" produced by the effect of the Magnocraft's long-duration landings must display a number of unique attributes which are absent in natural mushroom growths. The most important of these attributes, which can be used as identification characteristics of the Magnocraft's landing sites, are listed below:

#2a. Shape. The shape of these landings corresponds exactly to the curve of mutual intersecting between the configuration of vehicle’s magnetic field and surface of the ground. For most typical landings of single vehicles this shape is illustrated in Img.083 (G33) and Img.084 (G34).

#2b. Dimensions. These exactly correspond to the "d" diameters (nominal) of the vehicles that made them. These "d" diameters are the Magnocraft's equivalent to the widths of wheel tracks made by motor cars - see Img.067 (G18) and Img.069 (G20). Thus the nominal diameters "d" of fairy rings, when determined according to the rules described in subsection G11.2.1.1. below, and then adjusted with appropriate corrective equations, must fulfil the equation (G34) d = D/√2 = (0.5486*2K)/√2 [meters] and must correspond to the data from column "d" of Table G1. (Corrective equation for the measured diameter "d" takes the form (G36): d = do+di for the case shown in Img.083 (G33a) and the form (G37): d = do-da for the case from Img.083 (G33b). Practically this means that the sizes of subsequent fairy rings after being corrected according to equations from subsection G11.2.1.1 below must comprise to the terms of a geometric progression with ratio two, and that these rings repeat the binary progression of the "d" diameters from K3 to K10 types of the Magnocraft. (I.e. every subsequent ring is twice as big as the previous one.) Note that the nominal diameters of the fairy rings depend only on the type of vehicles that produced them, and for the same type they must remain exactly the same independently of: soil conditions; species of mushrooms that populate the landing site; area, country or continent where the sites are found; etc.

#2c. Symmetry towards magnetic meridians. For example, a part of such landings takes shape of ellipses, the long axis of which is directed towards magnetic S-N – see Img.084 (G34).

#2d. The repetitive growth in precisely the same locations year after year for many decades. No slow drifting away, or shape transformations, so typical of natural growths, will be observed.

#2e. Permanency of dimensions. Magnocraft’s landing sites are to remain in exactly the same sizes from year to year. Note that if the rings were to grow naturally they would increase their diameter by not less than about 2 metres each year. However, if one marks diameters of such “fairy rings” through e.g. inserting wooden pegs into the soil, these rings maintain unchanged diameter for many subsequent years.

#2f. Permanency of shape. These landings remain in a perfect circular or elliptical shape, independently of soil, topographic conditions, growth on a slope of hill, or any other conditions that may stimulate a monotropic growth.

#2g. Monopoly of growth. A mushroom spawn in such landings completely takes over of the entire sterilized soil. This is because the natural self-defence mechanisms of this soil are totally destroyed by the magnetic circuits of a landed vehicle. Thus, mushroom spawn completely chokes up every pore of the soil, leaving no air or space for parasites and other micro-organisms that normally would live in this soil. Also, if a surface layer of the affected soil is replaced, the spore will take it over again by attacking from below. Thus such fairy the rings are extremely difficult to remove.

#2h. Reflection of magnetic circuits of the vehicle. The underground distribution of mushroom spawn is such, that it reflects the course of the magnetic circuits of a landed vehicle. This means that inside the soil the pattern formed by spawn must exhibit all the elements characteristic of the Magnocraft's landing site. I.e. it must consist of a central patch formed by the main propulsor, which is surrounded by a ring formed by the side propulsors - see Img.084 (G34).

Moreover such "fairy rings" may sometimes be accompanied by other marks formed during Magnocraft’s landings and described in this subsection, such as: changes in physical or chemical properties of the soil, mechanical destruction – e.g. imprints of the vehicle's legs lying within the circle (if the Magnocraft did not hover just above the ground, but used its legs while landing), and many more.

It should also be noticed, that the biological consequences of fairy rings involve a variety of effects which are strongly dependable on the season of the year. For example in some seasons (e.g. spring) the mushrooms may stimulate a faster growth of grass, in other seasons (e.g. autumn) they may tend to kill the grass. In some conditions mushroom spawn may have the ability to heat the soil (this in turn may cause that such mushroom rings also encourage animals and birds to gather, rest, and warm up on their surfaces).

#3. The increase in energy level. This one causes the damage to all substances affected by the Magnocraft's magnetic field. It is already established that solid matter exposed to the action of an extremely strong magnetic field changes its energy-related properties and begins to behave in a completely different manner. For example such magnetic impact is already utilized commercially for making a concrete stronger than steel, for producing a non-destructible rubber, for growing monocrystals, etc. A saturation of soil with magnetic energy in former Magnocraft's landing sites, must similarly affect the environment, changing the properties of the soil in a way that may last for many years.

The changes in energy level of the soil affected by a landed Magnocraft should be detectable by a number of instruments and techniques. The most simple of these techniques involves the measurement of the electric resistance of the affected soil with an ordinary "ohmmeter" (e.g. through inserting in soil two electrodes/nails in mutual and constant distance of around 0.25 to 1 meter, and subsequent measuring with an ohmmeter the resistance of flow of electric current between these two electrodes). In case of soil on a former Magnocraft’s landing, this resistance should be several times (e.g. 5 to 2 times – depending on the age and the duration of the landing) higher than the resistance of the non-affected identical soil from the close vicinity of this landing site. (Note that ordinary soil that is only naturally overgrown by mushroom spore, while its energy level remains unchanged, must have the electric resistance much smaller than from the same soil which is free of mushrooms.) Similarly, X-ray diffraction techniques should produce results that differ from those for non-affected soil. The increased energy level of the soil must also be manifested through the changes to its inter-particle (surface) tension. This means that the soil from a landing affected by the Magnocraft's field refuses to absorb water. Thus the ordinary measurements of the water absorption capability (or humidity) of such soil must provide results that differ from those of unaffected soil. The action of a turbulent magnetic field on the soil should also alter its magnetic properties (e.g. polarity and the level of magnetization). Thus sensitive magnetometers should indicate anomalies in readings at the Magnocraft's landing sites. Finally, the exposure to a highly concentrated magnetic energy together with the bombardment by air ions may also cause short-term radioactivity of the landing site. This radioactivity should be registrable by various radiometers and radiation detectors.

#4. Chemical changes. These are the next type of damage appearing at the Magnocraft's landing sites. They involve highly complex phenomena occurring in two steps. In the first step, circuits of the vehicle's magnetic field act on the particles of oxygen found in the field's range and transform this oxygen into a highly active ozone. In the second step, the ozone so obtained attacks all substances in the vicinity, producing a mixture of unusual chemical products (usually various salts). Then these chemical products either fill up pores existing within the soil (if the ozone was formed within the soil), or fall down covering the surface of the scorched marks (if the ozone was formed in free air above the ground). Therefore former landing sites of long durations, especially in areas positioned on paths of magnetic circuits, may be covered with various unusual chemical substances, such as salts and various salt solutions. In some cases these substances may also display a high chemical activity (e.g. burn skin of someone is not careful and touches them).

#5. Mechanical destruction. This is the last category of damage caused by a landed Magnocraft. Three forms of destruction originating from the vehicle's magnetic field can be classified into this category, i.e. (a) flattening of plants, (b) soil compression, and (c) soil extraction. In addition to these, mechanical damage can also be caused by various parts of the vehicle which touch the ground (e.g. legs, landing pods, ladders, devices for sampling soil, etc.). But because the damage from such mechanical parts is rather obvious for an outside observer, the elaboration of it here would be unnecessary and so is omitted. Our attention is rather to be concentrated on less understandable mechanical damages that originate from magnetic field, such as:

#5a. Flattening of plants. It can be caused by two different mechanisms. The first and the most characteristic out of these involves the spinning magnetic circuits of a vehicle. Strands of force lines of these spinning circuits are combing vegetation and bending it to the ground like huge spinning brushes. This type of damage appears at sites where the Magnocraft working in the magnetic whirl mode of operation hovered for a very short duration (i.e. shorter than the "critical time") at the height that was lower than the span of the magnetic circuits. In such cases the vehicle's field had insufficient time to scorch the vegetation, but spinning magnetic circuits have exerted enough force to push down every single blade of grass. The strands of force lines of these circuits act like huge combs which brush down thoroughly all vegetation within the circuits' path.

A characteristic attribute of sites formed in such a manner is that all the blades of grass (or crops) are flattened with astonishing precision. They all lie down parallel to each other, perfectly straight and evenly distributed, forming a kind of mirror which reflects the light. If looked at (or photographed) from a distance the site looks as if it is flooded with water. In folklore, such nests of flattened vegetation displaying the above attributes are called "devil circles". In such a manner were formed landings shown in part (b) of Img.061 (G13) and Img.088 (G38), and also on Img.155 (V3).

When magnetic whirls are more intense, vegetation is not only flattened down, but also scorched onto a reddish colour by a plasma whirl that follows the magnetic whirl. In special cases this plasma whirl may even cut down and scorch thick trees that grow on former forestry landings.

The second mechanism of the flattening of the plants is caused solely by the pillar of air that spins around the Magnocraft during the magnetic whirl mode of operation, or by the plasma whirl that surrounds a landed vehicle. This type of damage frequently appears at the sites where a vehicle hovered at a significant height so that its magnetic circuits looped entirely in the air (see Img.086 (G36) and description from subsection G11.2.3. below). Most frequently it takes the form of a swirling and flattening of chaotic circular nests of grass or crops. In some instances trees can be cut down by a plasma whirl.

#5b. Compression of soil. When a heavy Magnocraft hovers suspended near the ground, the magnetic circuits of this vehicle transmit its weight onto the soil. This in turn must cause the detectable compression of soil within the Magnocraft’s former landing site. Because in addition to such a compression, the soil is scorched, magnetically energetized, and its pores are choked with the mushroom spawn, the soil thus forms a kind of compressed ceramics that becomes almost totally impervious to water, air, micro-organisms, etc.

#5c. Soil extraction. It occurs when the vehicle's magnetic circuits rapidly pull up the material enveloped by them. Because these circuits simultaneously magnetize and ionise the material they act upon, they are able to extract it from the surrounding soil and lift it into the air. A perfect example of such a mechanical extraction of soil would be the case where a Magnocraft, hovering motionless with its magnetic circuits looped under the ground (see part “c” in Img.083 (G33), rapidly initiates a very fast ascent. In the throbbing mode of operation, such a rapid ascent would cause lumps of soil contained within the magnetic circuits to be extracted, pulled away and dropped in other areas. In the magnetic whirl mode of operation, the entire cylinder-shaped volume of ground placed within the spinning magnetic circuits may be cut out from its surroundings and transported to another place. Notice that during slow ascents of the Magnocraft this kind of damage will not occur.

Quite a unique type of cutting soil on areas of Magnocraft’s landings are “rotations”. These are formed most frequently on slopes of hills. They depend mainly on angular rotating of a circular disk of soil that is cut off from the rest of the ground by spinning circuits of the Magnocraft. But the disk of this oil is NOT displaced physically into another location (i.e. only rotated/slanted while remaining in the original location). The result looks quite similar to angular rotation of soil that surrounds roots of a tree which collapsed. The only difference is that no tree is going to be present in such soil rotated by the Magnocraft, and also that the rotated soil has a very regular shape (i.e. the shape of almost perfect circle or ellipsis). Although this type of carving through the soil is to appear relatively frequent, people who encounter it are not going to notice it, because they will believe that it is caused by some “natural” phenomena – e.g. by angular slip of the soil that lies on slope of a hill.

It is worth mentioning that the rapid ascent of a Magnocraft that hovered just above a water reservoir would cause the extraction of water as well. The principles involved here are similar to those for the extraction of soil. Therefore eye-witnesses may sometimes see this vehicle departing into space with huge balloons of water attached to the underneath of it (one can imagine what kind of speculations this would induce in witnesses who are unaware of the principles explained here).

Independently from extracting water, Magnocraft that leave Earth’s atmosphere in a magnetic whirl mode of operation are going to ionise and thus also “glue” to their casings huge air bubbles. These bubbles will be then carried out far into the space, where they gradually disperse. Until the time of such dispersion that will be the source of the same ionic pictures of a whirl, as these that Magnocraft create during flights in the Earth’s atmosphere. It is because of the existence of such bubbles of air that are glued to the surface of all vehicles that fly on Magnocraft’s principles, that the photograph shown in Figure P29 could be taken.

It is worth to notice that during slow ascends of Magnocraft, the extraction of soil, water, or air, described here, is not going to appear.

G11.2. Main ways a single Magnocraft can land

There are numerous factors which define the attributes of the marks left on the ground by a landed Magnocraft. To a group of factors that depend on the landed vehicle itself, belong: (1) the mutual distance of the Magnocraft and surface of the ground level at the moment of producing a particular landing site (this distance is named a “depth of landing” in subsections G3.1.6. and G11.3.2. below), (2) mutual orientation of the Magnocraft and surface of the ground on a given landing (i.e. whether the floor of the vehicle is parallel to surface of the ground, or rather is positioned under an angle), (3) a dynamic state of the vehicle's magnetic field (i.e. whether this field is stationary or whirling), (4) positioning of the vehicle during a flight (i.e. whether it flies in standing or hanging position), (5) configuration of the vehicle (i.e. whether it is a single Magnocraft or one of countless couplings of several such vehicles). Of course, independently from factors depending on the vehicle itself, the current attributes of the landing are also shaped by the time of landing, age of the landing, geographic latitude of the landing area, a kind of environment in which the landing took place, the slanting of the ground, and many other factors. This subsection reviews the main classes of landing sites of the Magnocraft, formed as a result of variations on the most vital amongst above factors.

Img.083 (G33) illustrates the impact that the height at which a single Magnocraft hovers has on the type of marks that this vehicle leaves on the ground. (In subsections G3.1.6. and G11.3.2. below this dependency of shape of a landing site from the height on which the vehicle hovers is called a “depth of landing”).

Depending on the total distance "ht" from the vehicle's base to the end of the Magnocraft's magnetic circuits (i.e. "span" of the vehicle's circuits), there are only three possible positions of a single Magnocraft flying in a standing position in relation to the ground level. In these positions the vehicle's magnetic circuits in relation to the ground level can be such that:

#1. The Magnocraft hovers at the height smaller than the span "hm" of its magnetic circuits. In such a case force lines of magnetic circuits of this Magnocraft are entering underground, forming circuits looped under the surface of the ground. (The term "are looped" means that the circuits first enter underground and then turn back to the surface.) In this case, depending on the relation of the height "hx", "hy", or "hz" at which the vehicle hovers to the total span "hm" of the vehicle's main magnetic circuits, three further specific cases can be distinguished. The discussion of these cases is provided in subsection G11.2.1. below - see Img.083 (G33) and Img.084 (G34).

#2. The Magnocraft hovers at the height exactly equal to span "hm", i.e. the main magnetic circuits of it are turning back exactly along surface of the ground – see Img.085 (G35). In other words, the looping of these circuits occurs along lines exactly level with the surface of the ground. This takes place when the Magnocraft hovers exactly at the height "hm" (see Img.085 (G35).

#3. Main magnetic circuits of the Magnocraft are contained totally in the air and so do not touch the surface of the ground. This occurs when the Magnocraft hovers at a height that is much greater than the total span "hm" of the vehicle's main magnetic circuits - see Img.086 (G36). Since the marks left in each of the above cases must differ, they are discussed separately in several subsections that follow.

Where the dynamic states of the vehicle's magnetic field are concerned, two of these can be distinguished, i.e. (1) a stationary (non-whirling) field - which prevails in the throbbing and the magnetic lens mode of the Magnocraft's operation, and (2) a field whose force lines are spinning around the spacecraft - this prevails when the vehicle operates in the magnetic whirl mode. The impact that these two modes have on the marks left on the ground mainly concerns the mutual connection between subsequent marks scorched by side propulsors. In general, a non-whirling magnetic field produces a series of mutually separated marks (see part "b" of Img.084 (G34), each of which is left by a different side propulsor. In turn a whirling field joins all the marks from the side propulsors into one continuous ring or ellipsis (see part "c" of Img.084 (G34).

G11.2.1. Landing sites in which magnetic circuits looped under the ground

In Img.083 (G33) is shown an example of the Magnocraft hovering so close to the surface of the ground that its magnetic circuits are looping (turning back) under the surface. Let us now discuss separately each one out of three cases of the height of hovering illustrated in Img.083 (G33), starting from the most frequent case “b”.

#1. A case shown in part “b” of Img.083 (G33). This is the most typical, and thus the most frequent in practice, case of Magnocraft’s landing. In this case columns of a strong, pulsating magnetic field produced by the particular propulsors have no opportunity to spread out before they enter the ground. Therefore their action upon plants and soil is very concentrated, and affects only the small areas located exactly opposite the outlets from the propulsors - see part (b) in Img.084 (G34). Moreover, there is an area of unaffected vegetation contained between the place where the column of field from the main propulsor (1) enters underground, and places where the columns from side propulsors (2) enter underground. So in spite that spinning field from Magnocraft’s propulsors is very destructive, and in spite that this non-affected area is contained within the reversible parts of the magnetic circuits, the highly concentrated magnetic field does not act upon it directly and does not damage it noticeably.

As an effect of the Magnocraft's field acting upon plants and soil located at the outlets from the propulsors, a very characteristic pattern of marks is formed by a non-spinning magnetic field. This pattern consists of a central mark (1) surrounded by a ring of side marks (2). The side marks (2) are located almost exactly under the outlets from the side propulsors (with the correction for the curvature of magnetic circuits), as during landing the magnetic axes of these propulsors are kept perpendicular to the Magnocraft's base. The nominal diameter "d" of the circle on which these marks are located is dependent on the type of landed vehicle, and corresponds to the data collected in Table G1. Also the number of marks is equal to the number "n" of side propulsors in this type of Magnocraft, or is equal to four - if the vehicle is landing with only the "four-circuits" mode of operation (see subsection G8). On flat ground, the location of the central mark (1) must be shifted from the geometrical centre of the landing site. This shifting is caused by the slanting of the magnetic axis of the main propulsor to a position tangential to the local course of the force lines of the Earth's magnetic field. Therefore for a single vehicle landing in a standing position, the central mark (1) is displaced in the direction of magnetic north in the Northern hemisphere and in the direction of magnetic south in the Southern hemisphere - see Img.084 (G34b). In turn during landings of a single Magnocraft oriented in a hanging position (see Figure G35), or landings of configurations of many Magnocraft in which the polarisation of propulsors is identical as that in a single Magnocraft flying in a hanging position, the slanting of a scorched mark from the main propulsor is in the direction opposite that the one described above – i.e. towards south in the Northern Hemisphere and towards north in the Southern Hemisphere. In turn the degree of this displacement from the central location on the site, depends on the inclination angle (I) of the Earth's magnetic field, and on the height of the suspension of the main propulsor above the level of the ground.

In this point it is worth to remind, that the Magnocraft's log computer is able to utilize this displacement of the central mark for the detection and maintenance of the vehicle's distance from the ground (similarly as boats do with their "acoustic depth sounder"). When this "sounder" is switched on, all types of landed Magnocraft produce similarly-shaped landings in which the central mark touches the ring of marks from the side propulsors (in such a location the main magnetic circuits respond the most to even a small change in the vehicle's height).

Let us now discuss the dimensional parameters of Magnocraft landings. The outer diameter “do” of a ring scorched by side propulsors (or more strictly by main magnetic circuits “M” that leave these propulsors) depends on four factors, namely on (1) type of the Magnocraft, (2) height on which the landed Magnocraft hovers, (3) position in which the Magnocraft hovers (standing or hanging), and (4) mutual slanting of the floor of the vehicle and surface of the ground on which it lands. In case of a physical touching the ground by a floor of the Magnocraft oriented in a standing position, this diameter “do” is going to be very close to the nominal diameter “d” on which axes of all side propulsors are positioned, and which is listed in Table G1. An exact equation binding these two diameters in such case is going to take the form: do = d + a, where “a” is a side dimension of the Oscillatory Chamber that provides the magnetic output which produced given marks. In turn the number “n” of separate scorching marks produced in the soil by subsequent side propulsors during landings in a throbbing or magnetic lens mode of operation, is either equal to the number “n” of side propulsors (see Table G1), or equal to 3 or 4 – if a given Magnocraft landed in a three or four circuit mode of operation – for details see descriptions from subsection G8.

For the throbbing mode of the Magnocraft's operation, the above marks are the only ones left at the landing site. But if the vehicle's propulsion during landing remains in a magnetic whirl mode of operation, then the circulation of the magnetic field causes additional scorching of the circular trail (see (3) in Img.084 (G34c) joining together the individual marks from the side propulsors. This trail is formed by the force lines of the main magnetic circuits jumping from each side propulsor to the other during the formation of a magnetic whirl.

#2. A case shown in part “a” of Img.083 (G33). Of course, the manner of landing explained in the previous item is not the only possible way that Magnocraft may land in a standing position. In situations illustrated in parts “a” and “c” of Img.083 (G33) still possible are two other characteristic manners of a “manual hovering”, which could be called (a) scouting, and (c) sitting.

The scouting shown in part “a” of Img.083 (G33) is a manner of Magnocraft’s landing during which the vehicle hovers above the ground at a height "hx" which is slightly more than the so-called "critical height - hc", but still less than the span "hm" of the vehicle's main magnetic circuits “M” (see part "a" of Img.083 (G33). In such a case the curvature of the vehicle's magnetic circuits causes a patch of the central mark (1) to expand into an inner circle located within the outer circle (2) scorched by the side propulsors. The illustration of this curvature and the effect that it has on the shape of the landing marks is shown in part "a" of Img.083 (G33).

#3. A case shown in part “c” of Img.083 (G33). It can be called “sitting”. The sitting shown in part “c” of Img.083 (G33) is a manner of Magnocraft’s landing during which the vehicle hovers above the ground at a height "hz" which is less than the span "hs" of the vehicle's side circuits “S” (see part "c" of Img.083 (G33). Thus, independently from marks discussed previously, namely from the central mark (1) and to the outer circle (2), an additional ring appears scorched by the side circuit “S” outside of the outer circle (2). The illustration of this ring and the effect that it has on the shape of the landing marks is shown in part "c" of Img.083 (G33).

G11.2.1.1. Determination of the Magnocraft's dimensions from the scorch marks left at landing sites

It was proven in subsection G4. that the shape and dimensions of the Magnocraft must follow strictly a set of equations listed in Img.067 (G18). Thus a knowledgeable observer who applies these equations should be able to determine every detail of the Magnocraft's structure if only he or she knows the diameter "d" on which the vehicle's side propulsors are located. In turn descriptions from subsection G11.2.1. above have shown, that the diameter "d" is precisely reflected by the dimensions of a scorched circle left at the landing site by a vehicle whose magnetic circuits looped under the ground - see Img.083 (G33). Both above findings put together justify the search for a simple technique which would allow the exact diameter "d" of a Magnocraft to be determined by the measurement of marks that this spacecraft leaves after landing. Such a technique is described below.

The equation for the theoretical value of the diameter "d" can be obtained by combining two equations (G12) and (G16) already derived in subsection G4.. The final equation that expresses this diameter was already discussed in subsection G4 (see equation (G12) over there) and it takes the following form:

d = ─── · 2K {where Cc=0.5486 [metres]}       (G34)

Notice, that after expressing the above in notation of computer languages, in which the symbol "*" means multiplication, the symbol "/" means division, the symbol "+" means addition, the symbol "-" means subtraction, the symbol "sqrt(2)" means square root from "2", while the symbol "2**K" means "2" to power "K", the equation (G34) takes the following form:

d = (Cc/sqrt(2))*(2**K).
(So it states that “d” is equal to the constant Cc=0.5486 multiplied by “2” to power “K” and divided by the square root of “2”.)

The constant "Cc" from the equation (G34) is called a "cosmic cubit". It represents the unit of length used by builders of the Magnocraft for defining all its dimensions. Thus "Cc" represents a kind of "Cosmic Meter". There is a strong justification for believing that all civilizations that are mature enough to build the Magnocraft, standardize their units of length, using the same cubit. Therefore, in all instances of a landed Magnocraft, probably the unit "Cc" must take exactly the same value. In the calculations from this monograph this value is always equal to Cc=0.5486 [metres].

If it is assumed that the builders of a particular Magnocraft use the above specified cubit (Cc=0.5486 [metres]), then determining the type of Magnocraft that has landed becomes quite an easy task. It involves only the following steps: (1) measurement of the geometrical dimensions (e.g. diameters "do", "di", or "da" – see Img.083 (G33) of the circle scorched on the ground by a landed vehicle, (2) calculation of the nominal diameter "d" of a given vehicle (for this purpose appropriate corrective equations provided in this subsection must be used), and (3) determining from the equation (G34) or from column "d" of Table G1 the type of vehicle which made the circle.

The problem becomes more complex, although still resolvable, if we do not know the length of the cubit used by the builders of a particular Magnocraft, or if we wish to verify the cubit that was determined by someone else (e.g. determined by myself). In such cases the examination of scorch marks left by a landed vehicle must establish two different values, i.e. the number of side propulsors "n" and the diameter "d". Knowing these two values, the type "K" of the landed vehicle can be established from the equation (G9), and then the value of the cubit "Cc" used by builders of this vehicle can be calculated from equation (G34).

The determination of the number "n" of side propulsors in a particular landed vehicle is quite an easy task, as each one of these propulsors should scorch a clearly visible mark on the ground opposite its own outlet - see (2) from Figure G34. These marks scorched by individual side propulsors are usually more extensively damaged than the circular trail that joins them together, as the scorching occurring just under the outlets from the propulsors is the most intensive (e.g. the grass below usually is so burned that it exposes bare soil). Therefore, in most cases the determining of "n" depends on the simple counting of the number of extensively scorched patches appearing on the complete circumference of the landing site under examination.

A more difficult task is the precise measurement of the diameter "d", especially as the accuracy of determining the value of cubit "Cc" depends on the precision of this measurement. The complication of this measurement comes from the unknown height at which a particular vehicle hovered, and in some cases also from an unknown position of a landed vehicle (standing or hanging position). As can be seen from Figure G34, the magnetic circuits that scorch the landing site are curved inwards. Therefore the higher a vehicle hovers, the smaller is the outer diameter "do" of the scorched site, and the greater the difference between this diameter "do" and the nominal diameter "d" that we intend to determine. Only a Magnocraft whose base touches the ground would produce scorch marks with dimensions that would almost exactly correspond to the dimensions of the vehicle.

Fortunately for us, there is a distinctive regularity in the curvature of the Magnocraft's magnetic circuits. This regularity allows us to develop a correction technique for an "under" error, to be applied in determining the exact value of "d" diameter (an "under" error appears when: do<d). This regularity is illustrated in Img.083 (G33a). A Magnocraft shown in Img.083 (G33a) hovers at an unknown height "hx" which is greater than the critical height "hc". For such a height two circles (not one) must be scorched on the ground, the inner one of which is an equivalent of the central mark (1) shown in Img.084 (G34b). The regularity discussed here depends on such curving of the vehicle's magnetic circuits, so that we are able to take a following assumption: “the changes in the inner "di" and outer "do" diameters of these two scorched circles are symmetrical for a particular height”. This assumption means, that the distance between the outer diameter "do" of the outer scorched circle and the diameter "d" of the vehicle, is equal to the distance between the inner diameter "di" of the inner circle and the site's central point (see part (a) in Img.083 (G33). This can be expressed mathematically by the following equation:

d-do =di -zero       (G35)

Note that "zero" in this equation represents the diameter of the site's central point. If this equation (G35) is changed so as to define the value of the "d" diameter, it will take the following final form:

d=do +di       (G36)
(i.e. for an “under” error, the nominal diameter "d" is equal to the sum of diameters: "do" plus "di").

The above equation (G36) expresses the essence of the correction technique described here for an "under" error (i.e. the error distinctive for the sites which contain two concentric rings). It states that if we measure precisely the outer diameter "do" of the outer ring scorched by a landed Magnocraft (or a UFO – see also subsection O5.1.), and also the inner diameter "di" of the inner ring scorched on the same site, the algebraic sum of these two diameters must yield the exact value for the nominal diameter "d" that we are searching for.

In all cases where a Magnocraft hovers at a height "hy" smaller than the critical height "hc", so that its central mark is not shaped into a circle, the measured value of "do" must lie between "d" and "(d+a)" - see part "b" of Img.083 (G33). In these cases the measurement of "do" diameter involves an "over" error (i.e. an "over" error appears when: do > d). For such landing sites the appropriate correction technique can be developed as well. The principle of this technique for an "over" error is shown in part "b" of Img.083 (G33). It depends on the precise measurement of the diameter "da" of the most intensively scorched patch in the single central mark left below the main propulsor. Knowing this diameter "da" and the outer diameter "do" of the outer ring, the exact value for "d" can be determined from the following equation:

d=do - da (G37)
(i.e. for an “over” error, the nominal diameter "d" is equal to the difference of diameters: "do" minus "da").

The manner of deriving the equation (G37) is similar to that already described for the equation (G36).

At this point it should be mentioned that in various parts of the world (especially in New Zealand and England) mysterious circles of scorched vegetation keep appearing. All the attributes of these circles correspond to those from the Magnocraft's landing sites - see the description from subsection G11.1. above I have conducted field measurements for a large number of such circles, using the correction techniques described in this subsection. As a result I have established that the diameters of these circles exactly fulfil the equation (G34), and that the cubit used for their formation corresponds to the one applied in this monograph (i.e. Cc = 0.5486 [metres]). The summary of results obtained during these measurements, together with photographs of the circles, are presented in subsection O5.1. and in separate monograph [5/3].

G11.2.2. Landing sites in which magnetic circuits looped along the surface of the ground

Img.085 (G35) presents a Magnocraft which hovers in the inverted position. The height of it is such, that main magnetic circuits (M) are looping back just as they touch the surface of the ground. Just such touching of surface of the ground with main magnetic circuits (M) allows for an automatic detection of changes in magnetic energy flow through these circuits in moments when the vehicle either slightly lowers the height thus submerging its circuits underground or slightly lifts up thus shifting these circuits above the ground level. Therefore, it is this unique kind of the landing that is going to be frequently used by the Magnocraft crew for automatic “parking” of this vehicle – see descriptions of “anchoring” of Magnocraft provided in the final part of this subsection G11.

In the case of parking of Magnocraft discussed here, the pattern of marks formed in the throbbing mode of operation takes the form illustrated in part (b) of Img.085 (G35) and composed of one central spot "C" and a number of concentric trails "M". The spot "C" is formed by the pillar of the central magnetic circuit. In turn each separate trail "M" is scorched by one of the main circuits (as this is explained in subsection G7.1. - such main circuits (M) join the main propulsor of the vehicle with every operative side propulsor).

In the magnetic whirl mode of operation, the Magnocraft which hovers in a hanging position causes a slightly different pattern - see part (c) of Img.085 (G35). In this case, one circular, wide strip of damaged soil replaces the previous concentric trails. In this strip not only damage originating from a magnetic field is to occur (described in detail in subsection G11.1. above), but also mechanical destruction is to appear caused by a spinning of ionized air that follows the magnetic whirl.

It should be noted, that the width of a scorched trail for the landing in an inverted position described in this subsection (i.e. when the main magnetic circuit (M) just touch the soil with their returning loops) is much narrower than the one produced by a Magnocraft landed in an upright position. After appropriate simplifying assumptions are taken, it can be shown, that for these cases of landing Magnocraft the following corrective equations are in force:
(a) For landings in a standing position: d = 2di – (do – di)       (G38)
(b) For landings in a hanging position: d = 2do + (do – di)       (G39)

in which “do” and “di” represent outer and inner diameter of the scorched ring “M” of grass visible in part “c” of Img.085 (G35). Equation (G38) realises, that during landings in a standing position, the inner diameter “di” of the ring of vegetation scorched on these landing sites, minus the thickness of this ring “(1/2)(do-di)”, is usually equal of a half of nominal diameter “(1/2)d” of the Magnocraft which landed in a given positioning of its magnetic circuits. In turn equation (G39) realises, that during landings of the Magnocraft in a hanging position, the outer diameter “do” of the ring of vegetation scorched on these landing sites, plus the thickness of this ring “(1/2)(do-di)”, are usually equal together to a half of nominal diameter “(1/2)d” of the Magnocraft that landed with such orientation of its magnetic circuits. The above can be expressed in another form, namely that the diameter of the landing site scorched during anchoring the Magnocraft will be close to a half of the nominal diameter “d” of the landed vehicle, while depending on whether it is smaller or greater than that “(1/2)d” it can be determined whether a given vehicle parked in a hanging or standing position.

Img.085 (G35) presents the situation where the inclination angle (I) of the Earth's magnetic field is equal to 90 degrees. (I.e. the situation when this environmental magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface of the soil – as it happens only on magnetic poles of Earth and on selected slopes of some hills.) Therefore all marks illustrated there are located symmetrically in relationship to the central point of the landing. But in reality the value of this angle changes with the geographic latitude at which the Magnocraft lands, and sometimes also with an angle of a slope of hill. Therefore the pattern of marks presented in Img.085 (G35) in real cases must also be appropriately altered (deformed).

G11.2.3. Landing sites in which magnetic circuits looped in the air

If magnetic circuits of the vehicle do not touch the ground, then scorch marks are not formed. However, during the magnetic whirl mode of operation, the rotation of magnetic circuits produces a whirl of air which may hit the ground this flattening vegetation that grows on it. (This spinning pillar of air in old Polish folklore is frequently called a "devil’s dance". English call it “dust devil”. In turn Chinese that use Cantonese dialect call it “chie fung” which can be translated as “devil’s wind”.) This whirl of air is usually reaching quite far, thus is able to flatten plants located even a long distance under the base of the Magnocraft. If it is formed by a huge magnetic vehicle, then the power of it can be so enormous, that it is able to suck in and throw at the ground even the largest present airliners.

After the vegetation of laid down in a manner described here, an investigator of such a landing site may find on it a complete circle (not just a ring) of plants aerodynamically laid flat and swirled chaotically in the direction of the magnetic whirl rotation - see Img.086 (G36). Usually the grass is significantly chaotic, so it does not display the precision so characteristic for landing sites formed by combed action of magnetic force lines. The destruction of these plants is caused mainly by a mechanical breaking. Although when acted on for a long time by a magnetic field of the vehicle's central circuit, plants can also be slightly scorched magnetically (onto a dark-red colour).

It should be mentioned here that there is a difference in appearance between the vegetation swirled aerodynamically by whirling air (as described in this subsection), and the vegetation swirled magnetically by spinning magnetic circuits (as described in subsections G11.1. above, G3.1.6. below, and V5.1.). In case of aerodynamic swirling, vegetation lies chaotically, pointing in various directions, while stems are broken mechanically. In turn during magnetic flattening down with strands of magnetic force lines, individual grass blades are perfectly aligned with one another and spread horizontally, like after being brushed thoroughly with a huge rotating comb. So when looked at or photographed from a distance, such a magnetically brushed site looks shiny, as though covered with water. In turn their stems may be magnetically bend, but remain unbroken (i.e. juices still are to flow through their bend parts, making impossible drying out of such flattened vegetations).

G11.3. Landing sites formed by arrangements of the Magnocraft

All classes of the Magnocraft's landing sites discussed above are made by a single vehicle. But, as this is explained in subsection G3., Magnocraft may fly and land while coupled into various flying arrangements. Also in such cases Magnocraft can produce appropriate landing sites whose properties can differ from those left by solo flying vehicles. This subsection discusses the properties of the landing sites produced by such flying arrangements of Magnocraft.

In general, the landing sites produced by various arrangements of the Magnocraft can be subdivided into two groups: (1) those which look very similar to the landing sites left by single vehicles, and (2) those whose appearance is unique to a given arrangement.

To the first group of landing sites, which look similar to those made by single vehicles, belong sites produced by all physical complexes, e.g. spherical and cigar-shaped complexes, as well as sites of semi-attached and detached configurations. Most of the information from the previous subsections on landing sites of individual vehicles applies to their cases as well. Only some details may differ for them from those provided so far. For example, the magnetic field produced by flying arrangements is much more powerful than that produced by single vehicles. Therefore in the sites where such arrangements have landed, damage to the soil must also be much more extensive. In turn the so-called “critical time” of landing required to sterilise completely the soil is much shorter. Furthermore, the central scorch mark on such sites is displaced from the centre of the site into the opposite direction from what it would be in at the site when produced by a single vehicle (i.e. in the Southern hemisphere, single vehicles displace this central mark towards a south direction, whereas arrangements of the Magnocraft displace the same central mark towards a north direction). Such an opposite displacement of the central mark results from the use by flying arrangements of a different principles for balancing their motionless weight during hovering.

To the second group of landing sites, which look much different from those produced by individual vehicles, belong mainly landing sites produced by flying systems and by flying clusters. Let us now discuss the most characteristic attributes of their landing sites.

G11.3.1. Landing sites of flying systems

The arrangements of the Magnocraft which produce the most distinct landing sites are flying systems. Figure G37 shows three examples of such landings. The most characteristic pattern left on the ground by a flying system is the one produced by a single cell, illustrated in Img.057 (G12). Such a cell scorches a unique pattern that resembles a "four-leaf clover" - see Img.087 (G37) (A).

An analysis of the landing produced by such a single cell shows that it is characterized by two different dimensions, on Img.087 (G37) marked as:

du = D+d = 2D-2L       (G40)

di = 2d       (G41)

Values of these dimensions can easily be determined if the diameters "D" and "d" (plus a length "L") of subsequent types of Magnocraft listed in Table G1. For Magnocraft type K3 these dimensions are equal to: du = 7.5 meters, and di = 6.2 meters – for details see also Img.172 (V2a).

As this is explained in subsection G3.1.5. and illustrated in Img.057 (G12), Img.040 (G6), Img.065 (G16), and Img.087 (G37), an almost unlimited number of various shapes can be achieved by joining Magnocraft into multitude of flying systems that are possible to be formed. For this reason, apart from the "four-leaf clover" pattern described above and illustrated in Img.087 (G37a), there is almost no chance that two landing sites produced by such systems can have an identical shape. Amongst almost unlimited number of possible shapes, these discoidal vehicles may even form such untypical shapes as a triangle or a square (see part (b) in Img.087 (G37). Thus also an analysis of the landing sites left by such systems can not relate to their shapes, but must concern general regularities existing in them. Every such an analysis should begin with establishing what configuration landed in a given site and from what types of vehicles it was coupled. Only then a researcher may establish: (1) dimensions "du" and "di" of a given landing site, (2) a number of vehicles that took part in a given configuration, (3) the probable geometrical shape and characteristic configuration of curvatures that is repeated along their edges, etc. General principles that apply to this kind of research can be deduced from Img.087 (G37), and from Figures that support it (e.g. from Img.057 (G12) or Img.065 (G16).

G11.3.2. Landing sites of flying clusters

The arrangements of the Magnocraft whose landing sites differ most significantly from those for single vehicles, are flying clusters. Landings of such flying clusters were already discussed in subsection G3.1.6. above, while one of many possible examples of their landings is presented in Img.061 (G13). As that Figure illustrated, such a landing must take the shape of a chain of scorched or flattened down circles, joined together with a single central line that runs along the axis of motion of these vehicles. Every second circle of this chain takes the distinctive shape of a concentric ring (or rings) surrounding a central flattened or burned circle. This distinctive shape is caused by the unique field distribution under each unstable unit of the cluster. Note that for linear clusters all circles of the chain are placed along a straight line extending towards the direction of flight (e.g. for meridional flights approximately along magnetic south-north direction – the pattern produced is shown in Img.175 (V3c). In turn for two-dimensional clusters, subsequent scorched rings may form a net (or mesh) that extends along two sets of mutually perpendicular lines.

Similarly as this is the case for single vehicles - see Img.083 (G33), also for flying clusters subsequent components of their landing sites are bind together with mathematical equations. An example of such equations is illustrated in Figure G38. But these equations become evident to only a researcher with mathematical inclinations, technical understanding, and appropriate experience. Furthermore, because of a huge number of combinations into which subsequent units of flying clusters may couple together, interpretation of these equation depends on the specific configurations of vehicles that produced a given site. Therefore, before a specific set of equations is used, a researcher of Magnocraft’s landings must initially recognise a type of the cluster that left a given landing site. Only then he/she can select or deduce mathematical equations that are appropriate for a given landing site. During developing these equations it is necessary to know coefficient of the type “K” of vehicles that formed a given cluster, and also to know most important equations (G9) to (G16) that describe Magnocraft - see Img.67 (G18), e.g.

D = 0.5486x2K meters, d=D/√2, H=D/K, L=0.5(D-d), n=4(K- 1).

Of course, a significant part of equations is valid for the majority of landing sites from flying clusters, e.g.: the gap “G” between vehicles, G=g (Db+Du)/2 (where „g” is a safety coefficient programmed in a control computer of a given Magnocraft and usually is equal to g=0.5), distance “P” between axes of both circles P=(1+g) (Db+Du)/2, nominal diameter of the first ring from an unstable unit du=d, angle of suspension of the tuning magnetic circuit "=2π/n, etc.

One of interesting aspects of flying clusters is, that their central axes always coincides with the current direction of flight of a given cluster of vehicles. This results from the functional similarity of such clusters to “flying trains” in which one unit performs a function of a locomotive that pulls along the remaining units with forces of magnetic coupling. Because the flight of so aligned vehicles is controlled with a computer through an autopilot, it mainly follows straight lines. In turn axis of the cluster indicates this direction of flight, while the location of vegetation flattened down under active units of such clusters indicates whether the flight was towards the east or towards the west (according to the so-called “rolling sphere rule” described in subsection G6.3.3. of this monograph and illustrated in Img.071 (G22b). For this reason next landings of the same cluster are going to be in a straight line at the extension of the main axis of a given landing. So in order to find any of such next landings, it is enough to search the ground in both directions indicated by this main axis of a given landing site (means that one which is already found). Notice, that according to mechanisms of varying appearance of Magnocraft landing sites described in this monograph (e.g. resulting from the so-called “depth of landing”), further landings of the same cluster may look slightly different, although all dimensions of marks left by subsequent magnetic circuits are to obey the same set of mathematical equations illustrated in Img.088 (G38).

A huge fluency with which magnetic circuits of flying clusters may be controlled, combined with the complexity of these flying arrangements, cause that pilots of flying clusters at any their wish are able to flatten down in crops practically any geometrical shape or picture that they only may imagine. With just such a phenomenon we deal for some time now in crops of England, where pilots of Magnocraft-like vehicles (i.e. UFOs) practically “paint” in crops over there pictures that take any possible picturesque shapes. The motivation of this painting is, however, far from artistic.

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