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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

Chapter F: The Oscillatory Chamber

F4. The future appearance of the Oscillatory Chamber

It is not difficult to satisfy the requirements of the Oscillatory Chamber for construction materials. This device can be made of practically anything, provided that its housing is a good electric insulator and its electrodes made of good electric conductors. Moreover, all parts should be magnetically neutral, as in the case of using for example steel it would be destroyed with the magnetic field produced by this device. So even ancient materials available thousands of years ago, such as wood and gold, can be used. If made out of these ancient materials, the Oscillatory Chamber would look like an ordinary wooden box or cube. Its appearance would not indicate its hidden power.

At our present level of technological development there are available transparent nonconductors, which are also excellent robust construction materials and are magnetically neutral. One of the most frequently used examples of them is an ordinary glass or plexiglass. If the housing of the chamber (i.e. all six walls) were made of glass, it would reveal to the observer the processes occurring in the interior of this device, e.g. the jumps of electric sparks, the density of energy, the operation of control devices, etc. Contemporary electronics has also created a high demand for transparent conductors, which can already be found in some watches and calculators. The quality of these conductors will gradually improve and we may soon expect their properties to be comparable to those of metals. Let us assume that the Oscillatory Chamber will be made wholly of such transparent materials (i.e. both conductors and nonconductors). Therefore the casual observer of the chamber in operation will notice a typical "crystal" lying in front of him/her. It will take the form of a shiny transparent cube nicely cut from a glassy material - see Img.014 (F3). Along the inner surfaces of the plain side walls of this crystal cube, bright gold shimmering sparks will flash. Although these sparks will flicker, they will appear to be frozen in the same positions. From time to time they will make rapid movements like tumbleweed of sleeping fiery snakes. Their paths will closely follow the inner surface of the side walls, because of the electromagnetic containment forces pushing the sparks against the sides of the chamber. The inside of the cube will be filled with a dielectric gas and an extremely concentrated magnetic field. This field, when observed from the direction perpendicular to its force lines, will be impenetrable to light, looking like dense black smoke which fills the interior of this transparent crystal.

It is very noticeable in any scientific exhibition or "open day" in a laboratory, that when a demonstrator starts up an apparatus producing sparks, for example a Tesla coil, an Induction coil or a Van de Graaff machine, spectators irresistibly gravitate towards the display. Claps of thunder and lightning flashes have always possessed a kind of mysterious, hypnotic power which acts on everyone and which provides memorable experiences. The power emanating from inside the Oscillatory Chamber will similarly capture the attention and imagination of people witnessing it. Future observers of the operation of this device will have the impression that they are facing an unknown living creature, absorbed in the fulfilment of its own fascinating and mysterious physiological functions, rather than seeing a piece of machinery engaged in its ordinary process of operation. The wealth of energy, trapped, curbed and waiting within the walls of the chamber will fascinate witnesses, leaving them with a multitude of vivid impressions, indelibly etched on their memories.

Observing this transparent cube, one will find it difficult to imagine that to reach the point of its creation, this device, so simple in structure, required the accumulation of over 2000 years of human knowledge and experience.

F4.1. Three generations of the Oscillatory Chambers

The analysis of the principles of the Oscillatory Chamber reveals that the operation of this device does not require the implementation of a strictly cubical shape. For example, the principle of operation of chambers of the first generation can also be implemented in an elongated square box, which only in the plane of sparks’ rotation must have a square cross- section. However, because a cubical shape is the most typical for the first generation of these devices – see subsection F7.1.2., for simplicity of deductions in this publication only the cubical shape is considered. But in a similar way as in a cube, this operation can also be executed in a number of other shapes. Thus approximately at the same time as the cubical chamber, a rectangular chamber in the shape of a square bar will probably be completed on Earth as well. It will consist of four rectangular side walls of identical dimensions and two square front walls (top and bottom) of identical dimensions. The best example of application of such a chamber is the main chamber (M) in the spider configuration shown in Img.023 (F9). Because the cubical and rectangular chambers will be firstly build on our planet, they will be called here the "chambers of the first generation". The main design condition for all chambers of the first generation is that their cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic axis "m" must be a square. Thus we can call them also the "square chambers".

The appearance of all chambers of the first generation will be similar. As this has already been described in the previous subsection, they will all make an impression of transparent crystals, square in the cross-section along the plane of their sparks’ rotation. The interior of these crystals is to be filled with gold sparks looking like if they are frozen in their flickering, as well as with dense magnetic field resembling a black smoke.

Oscillatory chambers of the first generation are capable of fulfilling an enormous number of different functions. The brief discussion of these functions is presented in a separate subsection F9.. In order to give here some idea about their diversity, for example such chambers are capable to accumulate and store unlimited amounts of energy. Thus, on our planet they will completely eliminate present power-lines and electricity transformers. If they are used for propelling Magnocraft, these chambers will produce lifting, thrusting, and manoeuvring forces. They will lift selected objects to the Magnocraft’s deck (i.e. they will act as effective magnetic cranes, or as devices for remote lifting – see also subsection G7.3.). They will accumulate Magnocraft’s entire energy resources (i.e. work in the Magnocraft as a kind of huge “fuel tanks”). They will emit beams of light, that are to light up selected areas under the flying Magnocraft (like huge torches – see also subsection G1.3.). They will maintain required temperatures in Magnocraft’s cabins (i.e. act as air-conditioners – see subsection H6.1.3., F6.3. and G1.4.). In more advanced versions these chambers will be used for maintaining telepathic communication (see subsection G1.5.). Of course, they will also be used for to a huge number of further functions, the explanations of which would require much longer descriptions.

Unfortunately, at a certain level of development of our civilization, the chambers of the first generation will become insufficient to fulfil all the requirements imposed on them. Especially two factors become decisive, namely (1) the need to effectively fill up these chambers with energy, and (2) building of telekinetic vehicles which will impose totally new requirements concerning the much more strict control over the "variation in time" of the field pulsations produced by them. (By the "variation in time" one should understand the mathematical function "F = f(t)" which expresses the changes of magnetic flux "F" as depending on the elapse of time "t" - e.g. see Img.018 (F7). In order to satisfy these further requirements the building of a new, second generation of the Oscillatory Chambers must be initiated.

Oscillatory chambers of the second generation are these ones which are capable of generating the Telekinetic Effect inside of themselves. This effect is going to furnish them with attributes that previously were not available in chambers of the first generation, namely with (1) ability to self-initiate their oscillations thus working as effective telekinetic batteries that fill up themselves with magnetic energy – for details see descriptions from subsections K2.4. and L1., and (2) ability to produce telekinetic motion thus working e.g. as telekinetic propulsors in Magnocraft of the second generation – for details see subsections B1., L1., and M6. The first of these attributes can already be introduced into Oscillatory Chambers with a square cross- section – see stage 10 of the developmental procedure described in subsection F8.2.. But it can already be foreseen that the formation of telekinetic motion introduces special control requirements, the fulfilment of which is to force that chambers of the second generation must implement their principles of operation in an octagonal shape. Such octagonal chambers will consist of eight rectangular side walls of identical dimensions and two identical front walls (top and bottom) shaped into equilateral octagons. Unfortunately the control over these chambers and the technical problems with their construction will be many time more complex than those involved into the development of chambers of the first generation. Therefore their development will be possible only when we reach much higher level of our development, long after the construction and control of ordinary chambers of the first generation is mastered. However, the octagonal chambers will produce the magnetic field the characteristics of which will be much more precise from the field produced by the square chambers. For example, the constant magnetic field produced by the twin chamber capsule formed from two such octagonal chambers will be much more "constant" than the constant field produced by an ordinary capsule formed from two square chambers (for the justification see the impact the increased number of segments in a Fourier equation has on the resultant value from such an equation).

Oscillatory chambers of the second generation will form the Telekinetic Effect, will produce telekinetic tractor beams (see description from subsection H6.2.1.), and also will work as telekinetic batteries that fill up themselves with magnetic energy. They will also be capable of generation of another advanced phenomena. Namely, they will be able to work as highly efficient telepathic transmitters and receivers, capable of providing their users with instant telepathic communication to even the most distant corners of the universe. Principles of such their operation can be worked out after analyses of subsections H7.1. and N2. of this monograph.

The Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation will have a similar appearance to chambers of the first generation, only that their geometry will be slightly different. They will look like transparent crystals shaped into octagonal bars, with all eight side walls of equal sizes and dimensions. Their appearance is shown in part (b) of Img.014 (F3b). Similarly to the chambers of the first generation they will be filled with golden sparks rotating around their inner peripherals (i.e. around the octagonal frontal walls) and with powerful magnetic field which will look like a black smoke.

After chambers of the second generation the turn in completion will come into chambers of the third generation. These will also look similarly to the previous ones. At the moment it is possible to deduce that their operation will be implemented in the "sixteen-sided chambers. These chambers will take the shape of bars containing sixteen identical rectangular side walls, plus two identical frontal walls shaped into equilateral "sixteen-sided" figures. Their development should be started when our civilization initiates the building of time vehicles.

Oscillatory chambers of the third generation will be able to form a complete range of phenomena presented in this monograph. Apart from the capability to change the natural elapse of time, they will be able to form the Telekinetic Effect, to work as devices for remote telekinetic “beaming up”, to work as telekinetic batteries, and also to provide telepathic communication with any corner of the universe. In addition to all these, they will be capable of formation of all effects generated by Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation (e.g. forces of magnetic repulsion and attraction, lighting up like huge torches, thermal air-conditioning of crew cabins, etc.).

Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation will be slightly similar in appearance to chambers of the first and second generation. But their geometry will be different. Namely they will assume the form of a transparent crystal shaped into a regular sixteen-sided figure, instead – as in case of Oscillatory Chambers of the first and second generation – cubical or octagonal crystals. After not-too-thorough examination they will make an impression of almost a round cylinder, the diameter of which is equal to its height, i.e. D = H (see Img.014 (F3), Img.019 (F8), and Img.026 (F11). Again, because of the design and use conditions described in subsection F7.1.2., the proportions of dimensions D/H in typical such chambers will be strictly defined and equal to D/H = 1 (see part (3s) in Img.019 (F8). Similarly like chambers of the first and second generation, also Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation will be filled up with electric sparks that rotate around magnetic axis of these chambers (i.e. around peripherals of their sixteen-sided frontal walls). Only that electric sparks which rotate around peripherals of chambers of the third generation will be even more uniform, delicate, and equally spaced as sparks in chambers of the second and first generations.

From the deductions provided above it should be obvious that the external shape a given Oscillatory Chamber takes is the direct indicator of the level of advancement reached by the civilization which has completed it. Thus it is vital for us to know about these shapes, as they allow us to identify the level of technological advancement that a given civilization represents, and also the principles utilized for flights in the vehicles build by this civilization (i.e. if these vehicles operate in the magnetic, telekinetic, or time travel convention - see subsections M6, and T1. to T4.).


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