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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

A. Introduction

A3. The hunger for knowledge as the propelling force of creation

Motto of this subsection: "Knowledge induces hunger of even greater knowledge."

After the thinking component of God came to existence, He learned how to control the behaviours of this liquid and constantly moving counter-matter in the memory of which He resided. Because He was a "Word", means an "algorithm" or a "program" - i.e. the pure form of knowledge, a hunger in Him emerged to gather even a greater knowledge. Unfortunately, until that time He already learned everything that on His own subject was to be learned at that time. In turn, apart from Himself, there was nothing else to learn in the entire universe. Furthermore, the lone existence induced in Him the longing for creating from the same counter-matter in memory of which He resided, some other creatures which would be similar to Him and had an intelligence, but which would be inferior in comparison to Him - so that He would NOT need to compete with them and fight with them. In this way an idea was born in God, to create a highly imperfect man, which would commit sufficiently many mistakes to allow both God and himself to learn continually. Thus, the major goal of creating such a man was to increase the knowledge of God. But in order to be able to place this man somewhere, and also in order to develop additional knowledge that was necessary to create humans, God needed to initiate His act of creation from establishing the physical world first, and only then He could create the first man.

From our religions originates the belief, that God knows everything and that He is so perfect that He does NOT need to learn anything. But this belief is true only partially. Namely, God is almost perfect, only when He is compared with humans. He also knows almost everything only if his knowledge is compared to the knowledge of imperfect humans that He created. But His knowledge also has limits, and thus God chose and decided that He still needs to learn continually. God does NOT keep secret this fact and actually He is admitting it in the Bible which He inspired (and thus which He indirectly authorizes). Namely, in the Biblical Genesis, verses 18:20-21, God admits openly that He does NOT know everything (this verse is discussed, amongst others, in item #M1. from the totaliztic web page named Evolution, and in item #B4. from the web page Free will). This verse states, quote: 'Then the LORD said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know".' (NIV). From these verses it clearly emerges, that God did not know the full scope of the "goings on" in Sodom and Gomorrah at that time, except what He had heard. So He was going to "go down" and find out the facts for Himself, then, He said, "I will know". The first information for us that the above verses clearly indicate, is that "God increases His knowledge continually".

After all, as those verses above state it, if God initially doesn't know something, then God knows something - this is an "increase of knowledge". The second information for us that the above verses also clearly reveal, is that God does NOT "know everything". Again, as those verses above from the book of Genesis show to us, God at times chooses NOT to know certain things. Thus "God choose not know all things all the time", thereby having the potential to increase His knowledge at times. In other words, "God does NOT know everything" and thus He decided or choose that He needs to continually increase His knowledge.

If we attempt to define what God knows and what still does not know, then it would turn out that God can learn only what he is aware that it can be learned. In turn the knowledge about the existence of which God is still unaware, remains hidden from Him. So the major obstacle in the God thirst for knowledge, is the lack of awareness what else can be identified and learned. Thus God needs continuous inspiration - means someone like people, who is to continually make Him aware what else He could learn. In turn for such inspiration be possible, God needs helpers. His helpers in the increase of His knowledge are people whom He created especially for this purpose.

There is an illustrative comparison which reflects this need of God to continually be inspired of what else can be learned. Namely, the still unexplored by God area of unknown resembles a "black mass" inside of which hides a complicated "white skeleton of knowledge". So in order this "white skeleton of knowledge" is revealed to eyes of God, there is a need for a sworn of laborious ants, which are to pounce onto this "black mass of unknown" and gradually "eat" all shadows which hide the knowledge. People are performing for God just such a role of "sworn of laborious ants" which gradually reveal a complicated skeleton of knowledge hidden inside of the black mass of unknown.

Explaining the above on an example of history of humanity, then e.g. ancient people did not build a gun or a glider simply because they had no awareness yet, that such a gun or a glider can exist. In other words, in order to increase one's knowledge in any area, one firstly needs to be aware that such an area of knowledge does exist at all. So if this finding we extrapolate to the situation in which is God, then in order God is able to continually increase His knowledge, firstly people must exist whom are able to realise to God that such new areas of knowledge do exist at all - so that God then can increase His knowledge in these areas.

A3.1. Definition of the major goal of creating humans (i.e. "the pursue of knowledge")

When God realized that He is subjected to the phenomenon which we could call the "hunger for knowledge", then He simultaneously was able to selectively define the major goal which is to rule over His work on the creation of man. Namely, this major goal of God must be the increase (pursue) of knowledge. After a clear crystallising this goal, God reached the stadium in which He could unambiguously define for Himself the requirements which must fulfil the man that He intended to create.

Starting from the realizing, that for God the major and most important goal of creation of the physical world and man must be the increase of knowledge, God developed an array of requirements which these human beings needed to fulfil. For example, people needed to be highly imperfect, as from imperfect creatures one can learn incomparably more than from perfect ones. After all, knowledge and learning depends on accumulation of experiences, while imperfect people commit more errors and mistakes - means they allow to accumulate a bigger number of experiences and thus allow the faster gathering of knowledge. People and physical world must also be prone to infinitive improvements. Furthermore, their fates God needed to be able to control in any way He wishes.

After developing requirements which humans must meet, God could start the experimental development of the manner how to implement His creation so that all these requirements could be fulfilled.

A3.2. The body of evidence and proofs which confirm that the major goal of God’s creation of the physical world and man is the continuous "pursue of knowledge" by God

A significant body of evidence does exist which proves that the "pursue of knowledge" is the major goal for which God created the physical world and mankind. Let us list here at least most important example of this evidence.

1. The totaliztic extension and extrapolation of the "Theory of Superior Beings" by the Polish writer named Adam Wiśniewski (pseudo-name "Snerg").

Almost everything that is slightly more complex, God arranged into kinds of pyramidal structures and organisations. Examples of these include the so-called "periodic table of the elements" (also named the "Mendeleyev Table") - and the composition of subsequent chemical elements illustrated by it, or the so-called "Cyclic Table" described in chapter B from volume 2 of my newest monograph [1/5] while briefly discussed in items #B1 to #B4. of the web page named Propulsion - and regularities in the development of propulsion systems that are illustrated by this Cyclic Table. Various regularities which are embedded into such pyramidal structures already were noticed, and utilised, by numerous researchers - including into this number also a researcher of the Polish origin, named Adam Wiśniewski (which in his writings used the pseudo-name "Snerg"). Mr Adam Wiśniewski (1/1/1937 - 23/8/1995) noticed that there is a high regularity into which are arranged subsequent levels of God's creatures. This regularity which he discovered is now called the "Theory of Superior Beings" (the Polish name "Teoria Nadistot").

Statements of this theory are already published in a number of Polish publications - although (similarly as almost everything that because of the Polish origin is NOT appreciated by Poles themselves and thus is NOT promoted in the rest of the world - for details see also items #I1. to #I5. of the separate web page named Możajski), in the western countries this extremely vital theory still remains largely unknown or ignored. This theory reveals e.g. that every higher level of existence "nourishes itself" with products earned by a lower than itself level of existence. For example, us people have the opportunity to watch in action on everyday basis as many as several different levels of existence that surrounds us. These include: (1) minerals and chemical elements from which our planet is composed, (2) vegetation, (3) animals, and (4) intelligent being - means people. As we also know, each lower of these levels of existence is unable to notice with its senses the existence of the level that is higher than itself.

Therefore, for example, minerals and chemical elements from the level (1) are unaware of the existence of vegetation from the level (2), in turn vegetation from the level (2) is unaware of the existence of animals from the level (3), etc. But chemical elements from the level (1) form various compounds and substances which later are "eaten" by vegetation from the level (2). In turn this vegetation from the level (2) forms various complex organic compounds which subsequently are "eaten" by animals from the level (3) etc. So if the above regularity discovered by the Polish writer Wiśniewski is to be extrapolated further - as this was done by the totaliztic science, then it stems from it that also people from the level (4) earn something as well - and that this something is later "eaten" by some even higher level of existence (which people are unable to notice with their senses). Of course, this higher level of existence is God. In turn the only product which God is able to allegorically "eat", is the "knowledge" which people generate during their lives. Everything else, apart from the "knowledge", God is able to generate by Himself - so in order to acquire it He has NOT needed to create neither people nor the physical world. In other words, the totaliztic extension of the "Theory of Superior Beings" by Polish writer Adam Wiśniewski, in the understanding of logics represents the so-called "theorem" which states that "if God does exist, then allegorically He nourishes Himself with the knowledge generated by people". Thus, in combination with the formal proofs that "God does exist", which already were developed and published by the totaliztic science, the "Theory of Superior Beings" by Wiśniewski transforms itself into a formal proving procedure, that "God created people in order to pursue knowledge more effectively".

Although this procedure was explained here with the use of rather simplistic terminology and logical deductions, still it unambiguously proves the findings of the philosophy of totalizm and the totaliztic science discussed here, that the "pursue of knowledge" was just this major goal for the accomplishing of which God originally created people, while currently he continually teaches and protects them, and also supports, supervises and controls their fates - for more details see also the web page named Antichrist.

Because of the immense philosophical importance of the "Theory of Superior Beings by Wiśniewski" - as presented above, this theory, together with findings of the new "totaliztic science" which it proves and which states that "God created people in order to pursue knowledge more effectively", are also discussed on a number of totaliztic publications, e.g. in item #B4. of the web page Free will, in item #B1 of the web page Antichrist, in item #F1. of the web page Wrocław, in item #C2. of the web page Humanity, or in subsection NF5 from volume 12 of this monograph.

2. The creation of parasitic creatures which persuade people towards creative searches, such as mosquitoes, flies, mice, fleas, bed bugs, locusts, rats, lice, etc. The only justification for the creation by God such numerous parasitic pathogenic creatures, is to encourage people to creative searches and to development of knowledge – which would allow the mankind to get rid of the troublesome consequences of their existence. After all, without mosquitoes, tapeworms, bacteria, viruses, etc., people would not be forced to search for solutions that would release them (or at least give a relief) from painful outcomes that these creatures bring to the human lives.

3. The inspiration of the development of computer viruses, spying devices, etc. All products of the type of computer viruses, spying equipment, listening devices, etc., which in spite of being generated by people actually are inspired and controlled by God, also perform the function of forcing people to the continual efforts of finding methods of defence and protection, and thus forcing people to constantly increase their knowledge and carry out the creative searches.

4. Such a formulation of the sacred books authorized by God Himself (e.g. the Bible) that these books provide confirmation of "what" for whatever people have already discovered or researched by themselves, but they do NOT provide ready- made solutions for the lazy and ignorant people - i.e. the holy books do NOT provide ready-made answers to the questions "how", "when", "why", "what confirms it", etc. Means, the sacred books of all religions, the personal authorization of which God openly admits, are also formulated in a manner that inspires and encourages people to creative searches for knowledge, but simultaneously it does not provide ready-made answers for the lazy and ignorant people. Namely, these books openly reveal only very general guidelines for human conduct. However, the highly detailed knowledge they have perfectly encrypted - so what this knowledge states becomes obvious to the people only after the discovery of the details of whatever it refers to. An excellent example of just such an encryption of detailed knowledge is contained in subsections M1.5. to M1.5.3. from volume 11 of this monograph. These subsections reveal how in the Bible is encrypted the principle of shifting time back (which principle I discovered only during the formulation of the invention of my "time vehicles"). In other words, the formulation of holy books was so worked out by God, that these books inspired and persuaded the people to creative searches for knowledge.

5. The supernatural formation by God of various structures such as the Egyptian pyramids, Sphinx, Machu Picchu, Great Wall of China, etc. To these structures God gave various characteristics which inspire people to creative searches for knowledge. More information about these structures is provided in subsection A10.1 of this volume of the monograph.

6. The emphasising by God of the importance of the pursue of knowledge in almost every documented meeting of God with men, e.g. during the so-called. "Near- Death Experience", or NDE. During such meetings God always emphasizes, that the accumulation of knowledge is the most important task for humans. Examples of reports from which emanate such emphasis of God on expanding the knowledge, can be found, among others, in the book [1#5I5.4] by R. A. Moody, "Life After Life", Stackpole Books, 1976, ISBN 0-8117-0946-9.

These (and also other) examples of evidence which confirms the fact that the main goal of the creation of man by God is the "pursue of knowledge", are also presented and discussed (but from a slightly different point of view) in items #B1 to #B3 from the web page named "antichrist.htm" (the content of which can be viewed e.g. through the web page Text 11).

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