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Copyright Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk

A. Introduction

A19. How started discoveries and inventions which changed my life and fate

My search for truth, which eventuated in this monograph, started over 30 years ago. It was in early 1972, when I discovered of what was later named the "Cyclic Table". In turn this table indicated for me the existence of the "Magnocraft", i.e. a space vehicle the design and operation of which I am going to briefly describe in next subsection (to a detailed description of Magnocraft an entire chapter G is devoted). In turn this Magnocraft proved itself to be a kind of mythological "Ariadna thread", which in the final effect led me to the level of awareness that is described in the content of this monograph. ("Ariadna thread", according to Greek mythology, led an ancient hero to his goal, destiny, and to safety.)

At the time when all this has started, I was a senior lecturer at the Technical University of Wroclaw in Poland. I fell sick with a terrible flu, and for several days I was tied up to my bed. In turn immediately after my sick leave was to finish, I had a lecture regarding "selected aspects of propulsion systems", the content of which still needed to be prepared. I had no textbooks at home to prepare my lecture, so while lying sick in bed I was trying to work out what I was going to say to my students, so that it is on the topic of propulsion systems, that it would be sufficiently interesting, and at the same time that I could prepare it at home from memory and without the use of academic textbooks. I decided that it should be a classification of propulsion systems. In order to make it more interesting, I tried to arrange this classification into the shape of the Periodic Table of the Elements. In this way, my flu caused the birth of so-called "Cyclic Table" (i.e. I discovered this table because of that particular flu). Examples of the cyclic table are presented as tables B1 and L1 of this monograph. My flu also proved again that "there is no such bad that would not turn later into a good".

The "Cyclic Table" takes a form very similar to the Periodic Table of the Elements (sometimes also called the Mendeléev Table). Only that instead of chemical elements, it combines together propelling devices. What my "cyclic table" basically says, is that there is a repetitive pattern, or key, which is cyclically repeated in all human inventions. If we learn this cyclic pattern, or key, than on the basis of what was already invented, we can very accurately predict what still awaits to be invented. In a manner almost identical as it was done by the Periodic Table of the Elements, my first "Cyclic Table" combined together all the basic propulsion systems that humanity completed so far. Then, on the basis of these devices already invented, the table predicted which are the next propelling devices that are soon going to be completed on Earth.

The most promising of these next propulsion systems still awaiting completion, turned out to be the "Magnocraft". Magnocraft it is a space vehicle that moves silently because it is propelled with a pulsating magnetic field. In the light of the "cyclic table", Magnocraft is a "brother", or a mirror reflection, or a symmetrical analogy, to electric motors. Actually the cyclic table indicated exactly, how the Magnocraft is going to look like, and how it is going to operate. As it turns out, the design and principles of operation of the Magnocraft are symmetrical analogy to the design and to principles of operation of asynchronic electric motors. Only that instead of a stator, that is used by asynchronic electric motors, the Magnocraft uses a natural magnetic field of Earth, Sun, or Galaxy, for the same purpose. The design and operation of the Magnocraft is presented briefly in next subsection A2, while it is explained in details in chapter F devoted entirely to the description of this space vehicle. According to my "Cyclic Table", Magnocraft should be completed on Earth by the year 2036 - see Table B1 and Img.002 (C1).

When my lecture explaining the "cyclic table" the idea of Magnocraft was presented to my students, it induced enthusiasm and loud applause. (The content of this lecture corresponded approximately to the initial part of chapter B and to subsection C1. of this monograph.) One of these students make everyone laugh hilariously, when in the front of the whole class he said something along the line: "Sir, if each your flu is going to result in the formation of revolutionary theory like that one that you just presented to us, then we wish you that you have flu all the time". As it turned out later, in a metaphoric manner his wish actually come true with a small reversal of causes and effects: my numerous revolutionary theories and their recoils, were those ones which kept bringing me troubles and headaches all the time. In this way everything that is presented in this monograph, from the very beginning required putting into it significant pain, effort, perseverance, sacrifice, etc.

The "Cyclic Table" was firstly published in 1976 in the article [1A19] "Teoria rozwoju napedow" (i.e. "The theory of propulsion development") from a Polish magazine Astronautyka, number 5/1976, pages 16-21. Current examples of the English version of "Cyclic Tables", apart from this monograph, are also published in [1E], [2E], [5E], [5/2E], [5/3E], [6E], and [6/2E] - the complete editorial data of which are listed in chapter Y of this monograph.

=> A20.
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