Here is my offer of free copies of treatise [7] by Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak, "Story of one pyramid" (copyright © 1995, ISBN 0-9597946-5-4) available for reading by interested investigators in 3languages, namely in English, Italian, and Polish


      (1) Until the end of June 2009 all monographs and treatises which I (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk) authorise, were translated into a safe and convenient PDF format (with illustrations included into their content). They are offered free of charge for reading by all interested people. Thus, I recommend to download these publications for yourself in such safe format PDF. After all, in PDF my publications are "ready to print", and additionally to the PDF format computer viruses cannot be attached. Unfortunately, because of the large size of documents caused by the inclusion of illustrations to content of these publications, NOT every free server with web sites of totalizm is able to accommodate these publications. Therefore, in order to download the selected publication in the PDF format, you firstly need to find the server (address) in the internet under which it is available free of charge. In order to find it, you need to check the availability of PDF format in addresses listed for a given publication (and web page) in "Menu 3" or in "Menu 4" from the left margin of this web page.
      (2) In order to download to your computer text of any of volumes listed below, or in order to see/download any illustration, just click on underlined (green) description chosen from the list below!
      (3) The "telepathic pyramid" - means the device described in this treatise [7], is also elaborated in chapters N and K from volumes 11 and 10 of monograph [1/4], and in the treatise [7/2]. Therefore chapters N and K from monograph [1/4], and also treatise [7/2], present a good extension for technical information provided in this treatise [7]. The "telepathic pyramid" is also briefly described in items #E1 to #E3 of the web page named telepathy.htm and in items #C1 to #C7 of the web page named free_energy.htm.
      (4) Illustrations used in this treatise [7] are also used in monographs [1/4] and [1e]. Thus, if here these come out unclear, they can also be seen in [1/4] or [1e].
      (5) For further instructions see the end of this web page.

Part #A: Free copies of treatise [7] in ADOBE.PDF format:

Treatise [7] discusses a device called the "telepathic pyramid". It represents a telepathic transmitter and receiver, with a build-in telekinetic battery, which supplies it into electricity. Thus, this apparatus is simultaneously a telepathic transmitter and a free energy device. The extraordinary attribute of this device is that it was given to humanity via Daniela Giordano (i.e. a known Italian miss of beauty and film actress), by an anonymous ally of humanity from space. Unfortunately, it appears that the construction of this device on the Earth is like hindered by UFOnauts.

The full version of treatise [7] "Story of one pyramid" (copyright © 1995, ISBN 0-9597946-5-4) consists of one volume downloadable from this section. Here it is (click on the green name to download it):

English treatise [7e], format PDF

Italian treatise [7i], format PDF

Polish treatise [7p], format PDF

Part #B: ZIP copies of treatise [7] compressed from the format of WORD.DOC:

The compressed (ZIP) format of treatise [7] has this advantage that it occupies a smallest amount of memory. Therefore it is suitable for situations when one wishes to store it in own computer. But because it is compressed from the WORD.DOC format, applies to it the problem of computer viruses described in item #C below. Here is [7] in that format:

English treatise [7e], ZIP from WORD.DOC

Italian treatise [7i], ZIP from WORD.DOC

Polish treatise [7p], ZIP from WORD.DOC

Part #C: Free copies of treatise [7] in the format of WORD.DOC:

The uncompressed version of treatise [7] in format WORD.DOC has this advantage that it is easy to use. After all, almost everyone these days knows how to use the word-processor named WORD. But the problem with the word-processor WORD is such, that it allows to form so-called "hidden macros" with the aid of which some immoral and mischievous people, amongst others, wrote several vicious computer viruses. These viruses still can be attached in the internet to texts that are posted in the WORD format. Therefore every text imported from the internet to our own computer in the WORD format can hide inside such a computer virus. So the caution advices that every document imported from the internet in the WORD format should firstly be scanned thoroughly for viruses, and later - if it is possible, opened and read with programs others than WORD, i.e. such which do NOT run any Word's "hidden macros" (e.g. read these with the program called "WordPad"). Here it is [7] in the WORD format (click on the selected green link to see whether it is available on this server):

English treatise [7e], WORD.DOC

Italian treatise [7i], WORD.DOC

Polish treatise [7p], WORD.DOC

Part #D: Content of treatise [7] "Story of one pyramid" (copyright © 1995, ISBN 0-9597946-5-4).

In English:

A1. Academic rationale of this treatise

B1. My search for reassurance
B2. Preliminary experiments
B3. Constructing the first prototype
B4. Experiments with the first prototype
B5. The second prototype
B6. Literature referred to in this chapter




Mrs Daniela Giordano
Dr Jan Pajak

Figure 1: The design of the pyramid.
Figure 2: Photographs of the second prototype of the pyramid.

Z. APPENDIXes (Recommended procedure to complete the pyramid described here, etc.)

Qui in italiano:

A1. Analisi logica di questo trattato

B1. La mia ricerca di conferme
B2. Esperimenti preliminari
B3. Costruzione del primo prototipo
B4. Esperimenti con il primo prototipo
B5. Il secondo prototipo
B6. Bibliografia riferita a questo capitolo




Daniela Giordano
Dr Jan Pająk

Figura 1: Il disegno della piramide
Figura 2: Fotografie del secondo prototipo della piramide

Z. APPENDICI (Procedura raccomandata per realizzare la piramide qui descritta, ecc.)

Po polsku:

A1. Aspekty akademickie tego traktatu

B1. Poszukiwanie upewnienia
B2. Eksperymenty wprowadzające
B3. Budowa pierwszego prototypu
B4. Eksperymenty z pierwszym prototypem
B5. Drugi prototyp
B6. Literatura powoływana w tym rozdziale




Mrs. Daniela Giordano
Prof. dr inż. Jan Pająk

Rysunek 1: Konstrukcja piramidy.
Rysunek 2: Fotografie drugiego prototypu piramidy.

Z. ZAŁĄCZNIKi (Rekomendowana procedura zapoczątkowania budowy opisanej tu piramidy, itp.)


If the reader downloaded for himself this publication in the PDF format, then it already contains all illustrations discussed in its content. However, some photographs and drawings included into its content, sometimes needed to be decreased in size, to fit into single pages of paper of the A4 format. Thus selected details on photographs and drawings already included into the PDF format may NOT be visible clearly enough. For this reason electronic version of all these photographs and drawings used in my publications are also made available in the internet - so that everyone could analyse them thoroughly in internet, or download to own computer. This in turn allows to enlarge these illustrations to any size required - allowing the detailed analysis and viewing. Furthermore, internet copies of all illustrations used in this publication can also be downloaded and included into copies of this publication disseminated in source formats such as DOC, WP5, or ZIP (i.e. formats other than PDF). After all, these other formats NOT always have illustrations included into them.
* * *
Please notice that NOT all servers (addresses) contain all illustrations displayed on this web page. Thus if under this address any illustration is NOT shown (i.e. if you can only see the frame of that illustration), then you need to jump at the same web page but available under a different address indicated in "Menu 3" or in "Menu 4", and see this illustration over there.

Part #E: Illustrations for both versions of treatise [7/2] (English and Polish), in formats *.gif or *.jpg:

Notice that you can see the enlargement of each illustration from this web site. For this, it suffices to click on this illustration. Furthermore, most of the internet browsers that you may use, including the popular "Internet Explorer", allow also to download each illustration to your own computer, where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the size that you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.

[7] Fig. 1

[7e] Figure 1: The design and components of the telepathic pyramid.

[7p] Rysunek 1: Rysunek budowy i podzespołów piramidy telepatycznej.
[7i] Figura 1: Schema della forma generale, disegno, e principali componenti della piramide. Questa illustrazione stata realizzata come se tutti gli elementi fossero trasparenti, cio sono visibili tutti i componenti, gli elementi, le forme, e i collegamenti posti uno dietro l'altro.
Questo apparecchio ha la forma di una piramide alta circa 27,5 cm. I suoi avvolgimenti ed i principali componenti sono ermeticamente racchiusi all'interno di un contenitore piramidale di perspex o vetro. Il contenitore ospita: una cornice di rame (F) strutturata a forma di piramide che allinea ad ogni angolo del contenitore un avvolgimento conico (C) anch'esso realizzato con filo di rame, quattro dischi di alluminio (D1), (D2), (D3), (D4) attaccati sulla superficie delle pareti del contenitore piramidale - uno di essi (D1) dovrebbe avere un piccolo buco al centro, un cristallo di quarzo (Q) collocato a dell'altezza, una fiala (T) posta al centro della base, due induttori (I1) e (I2), e quattro gruppi di specchi (M1), (M2), (M3), (M4) posti ai quattro angoli della base. Tutti questi componenti non dovrebbero toccarsi tra loro, sebbene secondo le istruzioni originali dovrebbero essere collegati elettricamente tra loro. Le loro propriet elettriche dovrebbero soddisfare la condizione di proporzione "armonica".
La fiala (T) dovrebbe essere riempita per met di normale sale grosso da cucina e per met di mercurio. Viene raccomandato che dovrebbe funzionare sotto vuoto. Entrambi gli induttori (I1) e (I2) sono composti da piccole barre di magneti con del filo di rame strettamente avvolto intorno a loro. Ciascun gruppo di specchi (M) composto da tre piccoli specchi di altezza decrescente. La cornice di rame (F) composta semplicemente da otto pezzi di filo di rame saldati tra loro in modo da formare una piramide. Viene raccomandato che anche l'interno della piramide sia posto sotto vuoto.

(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Figure N2, and in [7/2] as Figure C3.)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako rysunek N2, oraz w [7/2] jako rysunek C3.).
       The general shape, design, and main components of the pyramid. This illustration is prepared as if all the elements were transparent, i.e. through subsequent components the elements, shapes, and connections placed behind them are visible.
       This device is shaped as a pyramid of around 27.5 [cm] high. Its wiring and main components are hermetically enclosed inside a pyramidal casing made of perspex or glass. The casing hosts: a copper frame (F) shaped like a pyramid and aligning each corner of the casing, a conical coil (C) also made of a copper wire, four aluminium disks (D1), (D2), (D3), (D4) attached to the side walls of the pyramidal casing - one of them (D1) should have a small hole in the centre, quartz crystal (Q) placed at of the height, phial (T) placed in the centre of the base, two inductors (I1) and (I2), and four cascades of mirrors (M1), (M2), (M3), (M4) placed in four corners of the base. All these components should not touch each other, although they should be electrically connected together according to the original instruction. Their electrical properties should fulfil the condition of "harmonic" proportions.
       The phial (T) should be half filled with ordinary kitchen salt, half with mercury. It is recommended that it should work under a vacuum. Both inductors (I1) and (I2) are made of small bar magnets with copper wiring tightly winded around them. Each cascade of mirrors (M) is made of three small mirrors of descending heights. The copper frame (F) is simply eight pieces of copper wire joined together so that they form the shape of a pyramid. It is recommended that the whole pyramid should be under a vacuum.

[7] Fig. 2 - up

[7e] Figure C2-up: Appearance of a prototype of the telepathic pyramid.

[7p] Rys. C2 - góra: Wygląd prototypu piramidy telepatycznej sporządzonego przez Panią Danielę Giordano.
[7i] Figura 2-su: Aspetto della piramide vista dall'esterno. Questo il secondo prototipo dell'apparecchio costruito dal coautore, Daniela Giordano (I Cavalieri di Pegaso, Ricerche D'Avanguardia, Via Antonio Veneziano, 120, 90138 Palermo - Sicilia, ITALIA), la quale ha anche scattato queste fotografie. Maggiori dettagli sullo scopo, il funzionamento, e la teoria che sta dietro questo apparecchio vengono forniti nel trattato [7] e nel capitolo G della monografia [3].
Le ricerche su questo prototipo hanno indicato che dopo aver fornito corrente alternata ad alta frequenza da una sorgente esterna (cio da una radio) la piramide produce un qualche tipo di segnale telepatico. Comunque, il prototipo nasconde ancora alcuni errori di costruzione che rendono impossibile il suo funzionamento secondo le indicazioni originali. Per eliminare questi errori, sono necessarie ulteriori ricerche teoretiche e sviluppi tecnici.

(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. N1 "up", and in [7/2] as Figure C2-dół.)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. N1 "gora", oraz w [7/2] jako rysunek C2-góra.).
       The external appearance of the pyramid. Shown is the second prototype of this device built by the co-author, Mrs Daniela Giordano (I Cavalieri di Pegaso, Ricerche D'Avanguardia, Via Antonio Veneziano, 120, I-90138 Palermo - Sicily, ITALY), who also took these photographs. More details about the purpose, operation, and theory behind this device is provided in treatise [7] and in chapter G of monograph [3].
       The research of this prototype indicated that after an alternating current of high frequency is supplied to the device from an external source (e.g. from a radio) the pyramid produces some kind of telepathic signal. However, the prototype still hides some construction errors which make it impossible to operate according to the original specification of the giver. To eliminate these errors, further theoretical research and physical development needs to be carried out.

[7] Fig. 2 - low

[7e] Figure 2 - down: A photograph that illustrates the interior of the telepathic pyramid.

[7p] Rys. C2 - dół: Wygląd wnętrza prototypu piramidy telepatycznej sporządzonej przez Pania Danielę Giordano.
[7i] Figura 2-giu: I componenti all'interno della piramide. E' visibile il contenitore (cappello) a destra dopo che stato tolto.
(A similar illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. N1 "down", and in [7/2] as Figure C2-down.)
(Podobna ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. N1 "dół", oraz w [7/2] jako rysunek C2-dół.).
       The inner components of the pyramid. The casing (hat) is visible from underneath after being put aside on the right.

[7] Mrs Daniela Giordano

[7e] The first coauthor. Photograph of Mrs. Daniela Giordano - the first coauthor of this treatise [7e].

[7e] The first coauthor: [7p] Pani Daniela Giordano
- Współautorka niniejszego traktatu [7p].
[7i] Daniela Giordano: Daniela Giordano nata a Palermo (Sicilia), Italia, il 7 Novembre 1946. Ha frequentato le scuole inferiori a Milano, Italia, dove ha vissuto dieci anni insieme alla sua famiglia. All'et di quattordici anni i suoi genitori si trasferirono nuovamente nella loro citt natale, Palermo. L ella port avanti i suoi studi al Liceo Artistico, specializzato in materie artistiche. Poich la scuola non era una delle sue occupazioni favorite, decise di chiudere i suoi studi con un corso di un anno al "British College", una scuola privata dove impar la lingua Inglese e consegu il diploma finale.
       A diciannove anni vince il concorso di "Miss Italia". Subito dopo parte per gli Stati Uniti (New York, Boston, e Philadelphia) e poi per il Canada (Montreal), per adempiere ai suoi impegni contrattuali. Ha lavorato per la televisione americana in diversi spots pubblicitari, per alcune ditte internazionali che avevano sponsorizzato il concorso di bellezza.
       Per motivi professionali, ha incontrato ufficialmente l'allora Presidente Johnson, il Governatore Rockfeller, il Sindaco di New York Lindsay, e varie altre personalit politiche di quel tempo. Quando ritorn in Italia, inizi subito la sua carriera di attrice come protagonista in molti films, in teatro e in televisione. Ha vissuto a Roma, Italia, per quasi 20 anni, interpretando quasi 50 films, la maggior parte dei quali in co-produzione con altre societ straniere. Durante la sua carriera ha lavorato anche in Spagna, Francia, Germania, Austria, Ungheria, Iugoslavia, Egitto, Marocco, Tunisia e Turchia. In quel periodo divenne molto conosciuta in Italia ma non raggiunse l'apice della carriera.
       Pensando continuamente al suo futuro, tent di costruirsi una specie di curriculuum professionale nel tempo libero tra un film ed un altro. Cos , ha lavorato anche come organizzatrice di mostre e vendita nel campo dell'arte, come manager in un ufficio commerciale di import-export e come giornalista indipendente per un periodico immobiliare e per qualche altro mensile.
       Durante una pausa sul set di un film che stava interpretando, incontra un giornalista/reporter venuto ad intervistarla per conto di un noto periodico italiano. Entrambi scoprirono interessi comuni e fondarono l'associazione "I Cavalieri di Pegaso" (attualmente sono sposati). Lo scopo dell'associazione quella di fornire un servizio informazione che favorisca il fluire dell'informazione al pubblico sulle ricerche d'avanguardia effettuate su molte materie scottanti e scomode che al momento non sono ben accettate in Italia dalla scienza ufficiale.
       Grazie ad alcune conferenze tenute a Londra e a Parigi, alle quali stata invitata da una fondazione internazionale, stata in grado di introdurre un paio di queste materie in un ambiente medico.
       Ella inscritta nella Lista Speciale dell'Albo dei Giornalisti come direttore responsabile del bollettino mensile dell'associazione. Nel 1985 cessa definitivamente la sua attivit di attrice, si trsferisce nuovamente a Palermo e da allora lavora per una societ concessionaria di spazi pubblicitari negli aeroporti. Attualmente responsabile degli spazi pubblicitari di clienti italiani negli aeroporti internazionali.
       Ama dipingere ad olio quadri surrealisti, andare a cavallo, pattinare sul ghiaccio.

(A similar illustration is also used in [7/2]")
(Podobna ilustracja jest też użyta w [7/2]).
       Mrs Daniela Giordano was born in Palermo (Sicily), Italy, on 7 November 1946. She went to school in Milan, Italy. She lived there for ten years together with her family. At the age of fourteen she and her family came back to their home town, Palermo. There she carried on her studies at the high school "Art Lyc e" specializing in art subjects. Due to the fact that attending schools was not her most favourite occupation, she preferred to close her education with a one year course at the private school "British College", where she learned the English language. There she got her final diploma.
       At the age of nineteen she won the "Miss Italy" beauty contest. Afterwards she travelled to the United States (including New York, Boston, and Philadelphia) and to Canada (Montreal), to fulfil her engagements. She featured in American TV and in a few other advertising forms, working for some international firms which had sponsored the beauty contest.
       In the course of this work, she officially met the former President Johnson, the state Governor Mr Rockefeller, the New York Mayor Mr Lindsay, and various other political personages of that time. When she came back to Italy, she soon began her career as a leading actress in movie-business, in theatre, and in the Italian National television. She lived in Rome, Italy, for almost 20 years, featuring in about fifty films, most of them in co-production with other foreign companies. During the peak of her career she has also been working in Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey. In that period she became quite well known in Italy but she has not reached the top of this career.
       With her future in mind, she also tried to build a sort of professional curriculum in a sparse free time between one film and another. Thus, she additionally has been working as an organizer of exhibitions and sales in artfields (e.g. pictures, sculptures), as a manager in an import-export commercial office, and as a free-lance journalist for the periodical of a property company and for a few other magazines.
       During a pause on the set, a journalist/reporter arrived to interview her for a well-known Italian magazine. Both discovered common interests and they founded an association called "I Cavalieri di Pegaso" (presently they are married). The goal of the association is to convey the multi-level information service about avantgarde research on many "hot" matters which at the moment are not well accepted in Italy by official science.
       Due to various conferences in London and in Paris, which she attended by invitation from an international foundation, she has been able to introduce a couple of such matters into medical circles.
       She is enrolled on the Special List of Journalist as the Director of the association's monthly bulletin. In 1985 she definitely ceased her job as an actress, moved again to Palermo, and from then onwards she has worked in an office which deals with advertising sites in airports. She is now responsible for the advertising displays of Italian clients in the international airports.
       She likes to paint surrealist oil pictures, ride horses, and ice skating.

[7] Prof. Dr Jan Pajak

[7e] The second co-author: Photograph of Prof. Dr Jan Pajak - the second co-author of this treatise [7e].

[7p]: Jan Pajak - drugi ze wspólautorów tego traktatu [7p].
[7i] Jan Pajak: Il Dr Jan Pająk nato a Wszewilki, nei pressi di Milicz, Polonia, il 25 magggio 1946. La sua infanzia stata influenzata dall'origine tedesca della madre, dal background austriaco del padre e dall'ambiente polacco nel quale cresciuto. Ha trascorso i suoi primi 36 anni in Polonia dove ha ricevuto la sua educazione e maturato la sua esperienza scientifica. E' stato inoltre membro di Solidarnooa dal giorno in cui questa organizzazione stata fondata. Nel 1982 lascia la Polonia ed arriva in Nuova Zelanda. Il 28 agosto 1985 acquisisce la cittadinanza neozelandese.
       Il Dr Pająk ha iniziato la sua educazione a Milicz, dove ha frequentato il Gymnasium of General Education. Dopo essere diventato matricola nel 1964, si sposta a Wroc3aw dove prosegue gli studi al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica dell'Universit Tecnica di Wroc3aw. Studia in questo Dipartimento 6 anni prima di laurearsi. Prima di terminare l'universit , il Dr Pająk vince un premio speciale, lo "Scientific Scholarship", riservato a pochi studenti pi meritevoli, che gli assicura un impiego nella stessa Universit dopo aver completato gli studi. Si laurea nel 1970 e riceve il grado di "Master of Engineering and Engineer". Inizia cos a lavorare come Junior Lecturer nell'Institute of Machine Building Technology della stessa Universit . Nel 1971 viene promosso dalla qualifica di Junior Lecturer, e nel 1973 passa alla posizione di Senior Lecturer. La sua specializzazione scientifica quella di Computer Assisted Design (CAD). Nel 1974 dopo la sua dissertazione sull'argomento per il dottorato, consegue il grado di "Doctor of Technical Sciences", e per due mesi si ritrova ad essere il pi giovane dottore di questa Universit . Nello stesso anno viene nuovamente promosso da Senior Lecturer ad "Adiunkt" (cio l'equivalente polacco del "Reader" in uso nelle universit britanniche). Mentre svolge il suo compito all'Universit di Wroc3aw, lavora contemporaneamente part-time nell'industria polacca: dal 1975 come consigliere scientifico presso la MERA-ELWRO, un industria che produce computer, e dal 1978 come consulente scientifico della POLMO-JELCZ, che produce autobus e camion industriali.
       Nel 1982 afferra al volo la posizione di Post Doctoral Fellowship all'Universit di Canterbury a Christchurch, in Nuova Zelanda. Dopo aver completato il suo mandato, nel 1983 viene assegnato come assistente incaricato ad un Computer Programming al Southland Polytechnic (a quel tempo chiamato "Community College") ad Invercargill. Nel 1988 lascia il Politecnico in modo di poter prendere la posizione di Senior Lecturer nel Quantitative and Computer Studies (Team di Informazione Scientifica) alla School of Commerce, dell'Universit di Otago a Dunedin. Il 1 febbraio 1992 lascia la sua posizione in questa Universit . Nel settembre dello stesso anno accetta il contratto di un anno per la posizione di Professore Associato al Dipartimento di Matematica della Facolt di Arti e Scienze dell'Universit Mediterranea Orientale di Famagosta a Cipro. Alla fine del suo impegno, nel settembre del 1993, firma un contratto di 3 anni come Professore Associato (Profesor Madya) al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica della Facolt di Ingegneria all'Universit Malaya a Kuala Lumpur, in Malesia. Al tempo della stesura di questo trattato, al suo secondo anno di professorato di Ingegneria Meccanica.
       La specializzazione scientifica del Dr Pająk riguarda i "Sistemi Avanzati di Propulsione Magnetica", cio apparecchi che saranno realizzati nel futuro e che come propulsione utilizzano potenti campi magnetici. Il suo interesse in questo settore inizia nel 1972, mentre illustrava agli studenti dell'Universit di Wroc3aw gli Aspetti Selezionati dei Sistemi di Propulsione. Durante la preparazione di questa lezione, egli scopr che le invenzioni che si succedono nel tempo degli apparecchi di propulsione seguivano uno schema simmetrico che assomigliava leggermente a quello della Tavola di Mendeléev (denominata anche Tavola Periodica degli Elementi). Questo schema, pi tardi denominato "Principio Periodico", conduce alla scoperta che il comune motore elettrico costruito da Jacobie verso il 1836, deve essere seguito prima del 2036 da un veicolo spaziale (cio il Magnocraft) che utilizza per il volo gli stessi princ pi di repulsione ed attrazione magnetica. Tale Magnocraft sar propulso da un tipo di "magnete" (chiamato Camera Oscillatoria) tanto potente da essere in grado di sollevare s stesso (e la massa del veicolo spaziale che lo comprende) a seguito dell'interazione repulsiva con il campo magnetico della Terra, del Sole o della galassia. Il Dr Pająk ha poi elaborato e pubblicato i dettagli tecnici del Magnocraft e della Camera Oscillatoria.
       Le sue successive ricerche hanno provato, comunque, che il Magnocraft sar solamente il primo, ed il pi primitivo, dei veicoli che utilizzano i sistemi di propulsione magnetica. Devono sopraggiungere anche veicoli pi avanzati denominati Magnocraft della Seconda e Terza Generazione. I princ pi di questi veicoli vennero scoperti quando, inizialmente per controbattere le argomentazioni dirette contro il suo Magnocraft da fautori dell'antigravit , egli svilupp un concetto alternativo del campo gravitazionale (cio , alternativo al concetto attualmente sposato dagli scienziati) denominato "Concetto di Gravit Dipolare". In seguito il Concetto di Gravit Dipolare lo condusse alla scoperta dell'Effetto Telecinetico e al successivo sviluppo di teorie che stanno alla base degli apparecchi per la produzione di energia telecinetica (dispositivi a libera energia), del Magnocraft della Seconda e Terza Generazione, e dei trasmettitori telepatici. Il contenuto di questo trattato illustra una delle molte possibili applicazioni tecniche di queste teorie.

(This illustration is also used in treatise [4c])
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w traktacie [4c]).
       Dr Jan Pajak was born in Wszewilki, near Milicz, Poland, on 25 May 1946. His childhood was influenced by the German origin of his mother and the Austrian background of his father plus the Polish environment he grew up in. He spent his first 36 years in Poland where he gained his education and scientific experience. He was also a member of Solidarity from the days when this organization was first established. In 1982 he left Poland and arrived in New Zealand. On 28 August 1985 he was granted New Zealand citizenship.
       Dr Pajak began his education in Milicz, where he attended the Gymnasium of General Education. After matriculation in 1964 he shifted to Wroclaw, where he studied at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Technical University of Wroclaw. To graduate in this Department required 6 years of study. Before finishing university, Dr Pajak was awarded a special "Scientific Scholarship" reserved for a few outstanding students, entitling him to employment at the University after the completion of his studies. He graduated in 1970, receiving the degree of "Master of Engineering and Engineer" and commenced work as a Junior Lecturer in the Institute of Machine Building Technology at the same University. In 1971 he was promoted to the position of Lecturer, and in 1973 to the position of Senior Lecturer. His scientific specialization was Computer Assisted Design (CAD). In 1974 he defended his doctoral dissertation on this subject to obtain the degree of "Doctor of Technical Sciences", and for two months following this he was the youngest doctor at this University. In the same year he was promoted from the position of Senior Lecturer to that of "Adiunkt" (i.e. Polish equivalent to a Reader at English Universities). While holding his lecturing position at the Wroclaw University, he also worked part time in Polish industry: since 1975 serving as scientific adviser in a computer producing factory called MERA ELWRO, and from 1978 as scientific consultant in a bus and truck producing factory called POLMO JELCZ.
       In 1982 he took up a one year Post Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. After completing this Fellowship, in 1983 he was appointed as a tutor in Computer Programming at Southland Polytechnic (at that time called "Community College") in Invercargill. In 1988 he resigned from the Polytechnic in order to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Quantitative and Computer Studies (Information Science team), School of Commerce, at the University of Otago in Dunedin. Effective from 1 February 1992 he relinquished his position at this University. In September 1992 he signed a one-year contract to the post of Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, at the Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta, Northern Cyprus. When this contract expired in September 1993, he took three-year contract of Associate Professor (Profesor Madya) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the time of finishing this treatise he was in his second year of holding this professorship in Mechanical Engineering.
       The scientific specialization of Dr Pajak concerns "Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems", i.e. devices to be completed in the future which are to utilize powerful magnetic fields for the propelling purposes. His interest in this field was initiated in 1972, when he lectured on Selected Aspects of Propulsion Systems to students at the Technical University of Wroclaw. During the preparation for these lectures he discovered that the inventions of subsequent propelling devices followed a symmetrical pattern which slightly resembles that from the Mendeléev's Table (also called the Periodic Table of the Elements). This pattern, later named the "Periodic Principle", in turn led to the discovery that the common electric motor built by Jacobie around the year 1836, must be followed before 2036 by a space vehicle (i.e. the "Magnocraft") also utilizing for flight the same principles of magnetic repulsion and attraction. This Magnocraft will be propelled by a type of "magnet" (called the "Oscillatory Chamber") so powerful that it will be able to lift itself (and the mass of the spacecraft attached to it) as the result of repulsive interaction with the magnetic field of the Earth, Sun or Galaxy. Dr Pajak then worked out and published the technical details of the Magnocraft and the Oscillatory Chamber.
       His further research proved, however, that the Magnocraft will be only the first and the most primitive vehicle utilizing the magnetic propulsion systems. Even more advanced vehicles, called the Magnocraft of the Second and Third Generation, are also to come. The principles of these were discovered, when, initially in order to examine argumentations directed against his Magnocraft by antigravity adherents, he developed an alternative concept of the gravitational field (i.e. alternative to the concept presently adhered to by scientists) called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity". In turn, the Concept of Dipolar Gravity led him to the discovery of the Telekinetic Effect and the subsequent development of theories behind devices for telekinetic energy production (free energy devices), the Magnocraft of the Second and Third Generations, and the telepathic transmitters. The content of this treatise illustrates one of many possible technical applications of these theories.

[7] Small being

[7e] The small being - the giver of the "telepathic pyramid" described here
(notice the expression of happiness on his face caused by the fact that he lives in a state of continuous nirvana which us, people, could also earn for ourselves).
[7p]: Maleńki ludzik - darowiciel opisywanej tu "piramidy telepatycznej" (odnotuj wyraz szczęśliwości na jego twarzy spowodowany faktem że żyje on w stanie nieustającej nirwany którą my ludzie też moglibyśmy dla siebie wypracować).
[7i] - La rivelazione e i prototipi: Su questo schermo nero apparve un 'essere' di probabili origini maschili. Effettivamente era un p strano. Aveva la testa un po' grossa e rotonda come una palla da biliardo. Non aveva capelli, sopracciglia o altri peli. La pelle era bianco latte e s'intravedevano sulle cute del capo sottili capillari venosi. Mi ricordava la delicatezza della testa di un neonato, nato un poco prematuro. Il naso era appena accennato, la bocca era solo un breve taglio orizzontale sul mento piccolo. Ma gli occhi erano grandi, azzurri e molto dolci sopra gli alti zigomi. La pelle delle guance non sembrava avesse mai conosciuto la barba. Il collo sottile ma non molto lungo. Le spalle, il torace, le braccia e le mani erano bianco grigio, forse appena mezzo tono pi scuro della testa come se indossasse una tuta molto sottile ed aderente. Non ricordo di aver visto unghie o orecchie. Tra le mani aveva una piramide ...
(This illustration is used in treatise [7/2] and monograph [1/4])
(Ta ilustracja jest użyta w traktacie [7/2] i w monografii [1/4]).
       Quotation from [7]: On this black screen a "Being" appeared, possibly of male gender. Actually "He" was a little bit strange. He had a head quite big and round like a billiard ball. His skin was milky-white and it was possible to see thin, clearly blue and pink capillary vessels on His cutis. The pattern of these vessels reminded me of delicate wrinkles on the facial skin of a prematurely-born baby. The nose was just outlined, the mouth was only a short, horizontal cut on a little chin. But the eyes were big, clear blue in colour, sweet in glance, placed on very high cheekbones. It didn't appear that the skin of His face had ever known a beard. He had no hair at all. The neck was thin but not very long. The thorax, the arms and the hands were white-grey, maybe only a half-tone darker than His head - as if He wore a very thin and tight suit. I don't remember having seen nails or ears. Between His hands He held a pyramid ...

Part #F: Instructions:

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Part #G: Links to second edition [7/2] of this treatise [7]:

       This treatise [7] has also a second edition marked [7/2]. It is slightly larger than the fist edition disseminated via this web page - thus reading it takes a bit more time. But simultaneously it describes the same gift for the humanity of a telepathic device called here the "telepathic pyramid". Just in case that the reader wishes also have a look at this second edition [7/2], I am providing below links to web pages which disseminate it:

Here are links to web pages with second edition [7/2] of this treatise [7] - also available in the illustrated and safe format PDF and in two different languages (English and Polish):

English version [7/2e]

Polish version [7/2p]

Part #H: Emails and contact details to the author of this web page:

       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak, at which readers can post possible comments, inquiries, or replies to questions which I ask on my web pages, are provided on the web page about me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak). That page also provides other commonly used contact details to the author.
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching. Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me, I suggest to let me know somehow that he or she actually went through the trouble of reading my web pages and learning what these pages try to say.

Part #I: Copyrights © 2013 by Dr Jan Pajak:

       Copyrights © 2013 by Dr Jan Pajak. All rights reserved. The author of this web page, i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk, reserves for himself all rights to internet web pages, illustrations, and monographs which he authorises, and also reserves for himself the intellectual property of ideas of his authorship which are presented in these publications.
       Owners of copyrights for the content of treatises [7] and [7/2] are jointly Daniela Giordano and Jan Pająk.

Have the interesting reading about this interstellar gift for humanity from a friendly totaliztic civilisation that lives on a distant star. Note that if this device is actually build on Earth (in spite of efforts of UFOnauts to prevent its building), the extend of improvements to our lives that this device is to introduce, is so enormous that it is impossible to even imagine.
* * *
Year of starting this web page: 2001
Date of the most recent update of this web page: 5 February 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)